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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. 30% of British children live in poverty so I guess they spend more money at the bookies and cigarettes than on their kids.
  2. I would be ok with London getting a special deal tbh. The EU and London are the only good bits about the UK. Might as well keep some semblance of normalcy. Let places like Slough be all Brexity and racist.
  3. I thought it was something hiding from Godzirra.
  4. This seems a reasonable response. No sensationalism there at all. It's aggressive posturing. Like the rest of Trump's appointees he'll last about 3-4 months.
  5. He sounds like a perfect candidate for Labour.
  6. I see big B Alves has started for Portugal today. Hopefully he has a majestic game and then comes back to Scotland and keeps getting rag dolled in the SPFL.
  7. http://www.businessinsider.com/jeremy-corbyn-sacks-owen-smith-second-brexit-referendum-2018-3?r=UK&IR=T Sacked for using common sense and daring to speak out against the party line. The 2 main parties are absolutely toxic and utterly dreadful.
  8. Inverness is north and east of Glasgow so they would be correct.
  9. That’s not a wall, that’s a fence.
  10. Cerberus

    The Terror

    Ridley Scott's Adaptation of the book starts on 03.26 on AMC.
  11. I like reading the Daily Express to see what they say on Brexit. They still expect the EU to fall apart without England's money. I also like that they consider the latest episode of Coronation Street as news. A real one stop shop for everything your average middle England racist.
  12. Some more good news on the Brexit front. The much cherished blue passports will be made in France.
  13. I am but I don't talk like a Broons character and say things like haud yer wheesht and braw.
  14. Brexit has been a classic bait and switch. Only morons fell for it and utter morons still support it.
  15. Calling it corporate is corporate speak. At best it should be head office.
  16. Someone has spilled their bowl of cornflakes on that haddock.
  17. If we can point the finger at Farage and Aaron Banks for the Russian bots meddling during Brexit who do we blame for the Russian bots used during the ScotRef?
  18. Regard Frankie Boyle as funny. Think New Years Eve is better than Christmas.
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