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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. It's all fake news m8. JRM, Tory lords, Rupert Murdoch, various multi-millionaires and some called Crispin will make sure Brexit is good for the every-man.
  2. Meghan is better looking than Kate and she's a lot sluttier. Harry wins this round.
  3. He should be the poster boy for cultural diversity. Breed these scum bags out.
  4. It literally looks like a plate of shite that fell out someone's prolapsed arse.
  5. Trump has cancelled the TPS scheme which means 200,000 El Salvadorans are to leave the US. I worked with a guy from El Salvador. He says El Salvador is a pee soaked heck hole.
  6. That’s cause you’re a jake.
  7. It is. Unforgiving though. You are a bawhair off touching the right part and your pass goes anywhere.
  8. G_Man after seeing people taking his Bru-
  9. You can buy it. I believe at one point there was an FDA restriction on one of the colourings in Irn Bru so they had to remove that to sell it.
  10. It'll be good if we can get Osman and Dumbuya back soon but we're still dangerously low on black guys in the squad at the moment. We need at least 3, preferably 4.
  11. Jimmy Nicholl seems to be a popular appointment due to his massive levels of staunchness.
  12. This sounds like my chat up lines. Can I chat ye up hen? Also that painting the 2 woman wanted taken down is nonce material.
  13. Tizer, munchy box, buckfast. Sounds about right for you classic Ayeern Brooo drinkers.
  14. Michael Wolff is about to become a best selling author thanks to Trump’s lawsuit.
  15. Any more episodes and it will be into the 'milking it stage if we're not there already.
  16. 'The whole point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds and die of a heart attack at 43, you can! You are free to do so. To me, that's beautiful.'
  17. Milana Vayntrub should be in more stuff. Underrated actress.
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