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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Everyone knows that, champ. The Tories are in complete disarray yet still throw you around like a empty trackie. Give up.
  2. You get meat delivered to your house through Grindr.
  3. You can opt out of the 48 hours maximum but you can't opt of the other parts like guaranteed breaks and 4 weeks paid holiday per year. Above that thought it show what kind of Brexit that the Tories want.
  4. What do you get when you cross Mexican alcohol with American literature? Tequila mocking bird.
  5. Apparently the Tories want to scrap the Working Time Directive meaning companies can force you to work over 48 hours a week. Taking back control init?
  6. He’s not unsackable but it will need to get a lot worse before that happens. Besides making utterly shite last minute summer signings the players don’t even look fit or interested.
  7. I took this driving home tonight. Trying not to crash...
  8. Imagine being so racist that you get into a seething mess at someone for exercising their democratic right and not wanting to hand a few Tories the total authority to stamp all over Britain to deport out a few Europeans. Part of me wants a 'kick your back doors in' Brexit where the places like Yorkshire go into a 20 year recession.
  9. If we stay up then we should try and re-sign the majority of those out of contract to keep some squad consistency. A massive clear out in the hope we can bring in better players in each position a bad idea. Move players like Devine on once we have found a better replacement. Although I would bin on Dumbuya and Fraser as they are always injured, and Nitransky and Scully as they are terrible. If we go down then they are all arseholes and can gtf.
  10. If you needed or wanted more proof that Yorkshire is full of vicious racists then he's another 'your da' type from Barnsley.
  11. Wasn't there something that fans were so upset that Ted didn't end up with Robin that they had to quickly add in the 3 years in the future part? It's utterly shite even without that. Ted was a whiny p***k, Marshall was a cock and the Suit-up stuff from Barney got boring after Season 1. Anyone that stuck with this shite for 9 years is a c**t.
  12. The arsey shipping/receiving department guy. Me - I ordered a ______________ 4 weeks ago, did it come in yet? Him - (without looking up) No. Me - Can you check the status? Him - Do you have a FedEx tracking number? Me - No. I wasn't sent one or I would have looked myself. Him - Have you looked in the ordering system? Me - No. I would have looked myself if I could. Him - Do you have a PO number? Me - Yes! _________ Him - (Looks at computer) it says it was a missed delivery. Me - When did they attempt delivery? Him - Yesterday at 3:45pm. Me - Was no one here? Him - No. We were closed. Me - At 3:45pm? Can we rearrange delivery? Him - You'll need to call FedEx. Me - Can you call them with a good time for them to arrive? Him - No. I need to watch the dock in case we miss a delivery. Me - C'mon to f**k. What's the FedEx tracking number? Him - (sighs) here. Me - (Calls FedEx) Can we reschedule delivery please? FedEx - OK. Here's the date. Me - (to him) They are going to come tomorrow at 1:30pm. Him - I'll be on lunch. Me - OK. Will anyone else be here? Him - No. Me - Fine. I'll let him in. Him - You're not allowed to. Call FedEx back and rearrange for 1pm instead.
  13. Commando is brilliant. It's a cliche but they really don't make movies like that anymore.
  14. Head's gone from some rancid, middle England Tory. Her dream of rolling back the clock to the glory days of Victorian England and when Britain ruled the waves is slowly edging away.
  15. Despite being utterly shite for weeks we're only 1 point worse off now than we were at this point last season, and with the same goal difference. #math #top6
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