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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Steve > Jonathan Jonathan is a wee dick. He doesn’t deserve Nancy.
  2. Disgusting fat pig Chris Christie gone as well.
  3. Robert G. Marshall losing his seat to a tranny is funny as f**k.
  4. We need to see if he shat it or not first.
  5. Season 2 was nowhere near as good as season 1. It felt like it was too dragged out. The part with Kali in Chicago was just downright terrible.
  6. Isn't KJ something like 12 or 13? There's some borderline Tedi chat going on here.
  7. If you get a date then don't be sleazy but flattery will get you everywhere. Woman spend LOADS of money and time in trying to look good. Take the amount of time and money that you spent getting ready and triple it. Her hair products alone are probably worth 20 quid. She's doing that for you. And I can't stress this enough, when you look down her top be subtle about it.
  8. Woman want confidence and masculinity in men. Don't be coy and mess around with hints. Be a man and ask her straight. If you've missed your chance and she knocks you back then mark it down to experience and move on. Rejection is part of life.
  9. Who comes up with these things that Germans are efficient and good engineers? I had a Volkswagen once. Uttershitewagen more like.
  10. Socialism would be great if humans were full of peace, love and kindness. We're not. We're a bunch of greedy arseholes. This is also the reason that humanism is utter dog shite.
  11. You would rather have this mess and Brexit than Ed Milliband? I thought you were a Labour fan?
  12. This is it. It's an acceptable expense for their freedom to own guns. You might as well try and take their car/house/kids. I can guarantee you that people directly affected by shootings still won't want gun control.
  13. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41887613 Ofcom have said that Fox News has broken rules of impartially. I take it Ofcom didn't watch the BBC during the Scottish referendum. Or are they exempt because it's widely known that the BBC is a Government mouthpiece?
  14. It's always a white male and he always has an English-y surname. I'm all for white genocide. White guys are the worst.
  15. Over 250 million views on YouTube. That presenter is raking it in on the back of Arsenal's misery.
  16. The House. Will Ferrell builds a casino in his pal’s house. Total shite. The girl in it has an Adam’s apple.
  17. There’s no way that guy is 82. He would have received a decent education back then.
  18. I see Aiden Nesbitt plays for MK Dons. That should put to bed the discussion of the EFL1 being anywhere near the quality of the Scottish Premiership.
  19. You should walk around with a print out of Ainsley Harriot's You Seen Upset face for just these occasions.
  20. Lock them up! Lock them up!
  21. That sounds like total shite ya wee fanny. You got proof?
  22. What percentage of the army are TA guys? They deserve no support. Financial or gaudy.
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