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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. I had an interview today. Interviewer - What is one of your weaknesses? Me - Honesty. Interviewer - I don't think that is a weakness. Me - I don't give a f**k what you think.
  2. Let's see. 1/σ (350000000 * 52) / f3 + ▽ 2 = 0 The answer is zero. There is no Brexit dividend.
  3. The first episode was good on the building site but it's almost turned into Homeland.
  4. I assume there's not much more to do in Elgin than heroin and draw mazes on your face.
  5. Anyone watched The Punisher on Netflix? Is it worth sticking with?
  6. We have Elon Musk's branded flamethrowers so we're all set.
  7. Welcome. Lower league English players are Archie's bread and butter. Next up is some random black striker.
  8. I remember when there used to be decent UK political satire. They would have a field day with the current UK politics. The media is so heavily controlled that it looks like it's all been shut down. It's a shame.
  9. Ibiza. Netflix. 3 30 something year olds from New York go to Ibiza to get Gillian Jacobs’ gaping gash filled by GOT’s Rob Stark. Some funny moments. Not terrible. Not amazing. Not filmed in Ibiza.
  10. Beautifully put. Sums you up perfectly. The famous Scottish cringe- These cultural commentators claim that a sense of cultural inferiority is felt by many Scots, particularly in relation to a perceived dominance of English or anglocentric British culture, partly due to the importance of London, within the United Kingdom, and consequently a sense of Scottish resentment and underachievement. The cringe is said to manifest as feelings of low self-worth and embarrassment felt by Scottish people in response to overt expressions of Scottish cultural identity and heritage such as the Lowland Scots and Scottish Gaelic languages, and the kilt. I am proud to be Scottish because Scotland is a great place. You travel outside of Scotland to see how highly it's though of. I wish my fellow countrymen could see it rather than look to the English for their value and place in life, which is nothing.
  11. It's very satisfying seeing politicians and people in high places going to jail. They are all corrupt b*****ds. It should happen more often.
  12. Soon please. Nothing would please me more to see bitter wee Brexit areas like Shropshire and Yorkshire in utter ruination caused by its own Englishness.
  13. I've not been keeping up with my Sevcorrespondence and I noticed that Rangers' £12 million striker Giuseppe (?) Morelos is not in the Colombia WC squad. Are they still desperate to get rid of him?
  14. People have fonder memories of Frans than I do. More than few times he got utterly bollocked by anyone with a bit of strength and pace. That Juanma chap at Hearts made him look quite foolish. Anyway, when are we making a signing?
  15. Calling them unScottish is uncool. It has undertones of elitism. I just call them pathetic, sellout, spineless, English-wannabe cowards.
  16. 200F is hot. I’m picturing they dudes from Indiana Jones who opened the Ark.
  17. This should be renamed the obesity thread.
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