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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 37 minutes ago, Ayr23 said:

    Do we reckon we’ll get some sort of video/statement released from Mathie explaining the situation? The silence from the higher-ups about our winless streak is deafening. 

    Bullen would need to reform the Beatles if he wanted another singsong and survive. 
    Mathies public addresses are becoming more like Prince Andrew’s every time. 

    Maybe a signing or a window update would be nice though, not one that has been forced out because everyone is moaning about there not being one. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    This is genuinely what it’s like working in Kilmarnock. They’re just different up there. 

    A lassie I know went out with a Northern Irish guy who was a policeman in Kilmarnock. I asked him how he was enjoying it. He said they on a Friday night, it just seems like guys go out in groups looking for a fight and if they can’t get one, they just fight with each other. 

    And he was from Northern Ireland 

  3. Just now, Rudolph Hucker said:


    You really ought to change your profile pic, you’re a disgrace to the sacred memory of All Bundy.


    I worked with a lot of people from Greenock and Inverclyde and I have never met a bigger bunch of thin skinned, relentlessly obsessive weirdos in my life. It was genuinely exhausting to have a conversation with them. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    I don’t think anyone looked disinterested though. Clueless as to what the plan was might be more apt. I’ve said that since the Falkirk game earlier in the season that no one looks like they have any idea what the tactics are besides get the ball to Chalmers or Murphy and pray. I don’t think either player is being utilised properly nor is Dowds. Dowds is exactly the type of striker that can chase down long balls but we’re not giving him that. 

    The players are still playing for Bullen in terms of effort but what is definitely lacking is an actual game plan that everyone knows their part in. That is a clear sign that we need a new manager in but the positive thing is that we have a group of players here that can stay up with a few tweaks and a couple of solid additions. 

    At one point yesterday, there was a stramash midway towards the Somerset road end and the half way line on the wing, Dempsey went in half hearted, Ahui tried to shield the ball and failed, Chalmers then tried to tackle the player and missed, they all kind of just stood as the Inverness player took a touch. Someone at the back of the terrace shouted "just fuckin do something" which was probably on everyone's mind for most of the game. 

  5. 32 minutes ago, stevep56 said:

    Find it strange that Jack Young does not know whether he will be with us this time next week. Not good for the club or the lad.  You would think Wycombe would either be happy that he is getting first team experience or tell us they want him back.  


    He'll know and the club will know, they just won't be telling us. 

  6. The first goal is inexplicable

    The second goal is purely down to set-up, Chalmers is already on his bike when Inverness get the ball back and it leaves Ahui with his man plus the man extra. There are 4 inverness players in the box unmarked while the whole Ayr midfield are outside it. 

    The third goal, there was no centre halfs near the player who scored, two midfielders and a full back. 

  7. 7 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    I found it hard to warm to Foda. I remember him coming across as a bit of a neat freak, maybe a bit OCD. He was the man in charge of Austria's implosion when Scotland finished ahead of them in World Cup qualification. 😁 - although admittedly did quite well before that at Euro 2020. He did quite poorly at FC Zurich, although not sure if there is mitigation around that. I believe he was in charge when Hearts played them in the Europa League. 

    I've enjoyed keeping an eye out for Slavia in Europe under Trpisovski. I'd have thought maybe he would go to the Bundesliga and maybe take up the Czech National job afterwards. I don't know too much about him so I can't say if he would've been a good fit or if he was even interested in the job.

    He never played football and worked in a bar while coaching kids and made his way through coaching setups at a couple of Prague teams and becoming manager of Viktoria Zizkov, the 5th team in Prague. He then moved to Bohemians and then across the road to Slavia. 

    He has had his hands tied with the club continually selling the best players every year but still manages to turn players in to gems every season. This season as been difficult due to the heath issues Number one keeper Ondrej Kolar has had since he was booted in the face against Rangers, Hes made brief comebacks over the last two years but his deputy, Mandous just isn't up to it. They have just signed Stanek from Plzen, the former Everton youth is now the Czech national team goalkeeper. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    I don't do the whole "woke/gammon" thing. I really don't care if folk want to spend their time being offended at things comedians say - the clue is in the title. It's different if they're going full Joey Barton. Similarly I don't watch one of these comedians and say shite like "they're just saying what everyone thinks" as it would suggest they mean what they're saying. I reckon 99% of these comedians audiences know it's an act. Only the folk who don't like them seem to think it's real. 

    I've had this discussion on here before and I really can't be bothered doing it again. You like certain comedy or you don't. 

    I will say one thing though, go and watch the last story on Dave Chappelle's last Netflix special. He tells us a story about a friend of his (a transgender lady - shock horror!) and what happened to her as a result of her being pals with Chappelle. Pretty sad tale. 

    I have been to see Jerry Sadowitz a few times, you can see what he is trying to do. Other comedians use offensive language as a tool to get to a punchline where as base level "shock comics" the offensive language is the punchline. Like Roy "Chubby" Brown, I had the misfortune of going to see him as part of a stag weekend, one of his punchlines was "she had a right hairy John McVeigh is a tit" 

    I wasn't offended by anything Gervais said in his special, it was just spectacularly plagiarised and unfunny

  9. There are a few comedians who are like the Beatles, they are top tier, undisputed greats that even if you don't personally get, you respect them

    Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Billy Connolly, Then pre podcast huge comedians that could sell out arenas like Chappelle & Chris Rock. They are all undeniably huge comedians. 

    The rest are pretty much objective. 

  10. 44 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Kind of the clue m8. That he spends time explaining in his shows* that he is telling a joke is a sign of the times really. If you think Gervais is an outright horrible c**t like Jim Davidson then you clearly don't get his schtick. 

    * As do other edgy comedians unfortunately. 

    >Its racist/homophobic/anti-trans

    >You are just woke and cant see the humour

    >No, it is fundamentally racist/homophobic/anti-trans, using tropes and untrue statements about minorities in order to get a cheap laugh

    >You just cant say anything these days without it being offensive. These are jokes

    >But it is offensive and not funny 

    He seems to see other comedians say things that get a backlash and then copies them and says them in a slightly different way just to sound edgy and makes himself out as the comedian who dares to say the things others wouldn't say. 

    The whole routine about make a wish kids is just around pretending to say horrible things to dying children. The humour there is if it is inappropriate and done by accident. Not a millionaire comedian insulting a dying child just to be a c**t.  

  11. Since Richard Gordon left, they stopped giving score updates live on the show or on twitter. You only get a roundup every so often. It's no longer a national football show. Gordon would chip in with information about goals scored for teams around the leagues and was very knowledgeable. It's now all about hearing opinions and trying to create talking points about Rangers and Celtic, or how shite the rest of the teams are. It's not enjoyable. 

    Todays focus on the championship meant I listened to the first 15 minutes in the car on the way to the game and actually went in 25 min early because I wasn't listening to the VAR chat. Crighton and English actually sounded like they couldn't be arsed. 


  12. I'll bypass the obvious Manning/Davidson. McIntyre isn't for me so I just don't watch him. Same with Russell Brand. 

    There is a stream of middle class toss that ended any interest in Mock the week about 10 years ago. People that just aren't funny and will eke out a living doing pre-scripted panel shows and concept shows at the fringe without saying anything funny or relevant. 

    Of the mainstream acts, Kevin Bridges last show was pretty poor by his standards but some of his previous work is good. Jim Jeffries realised he could make money being a right on, liberal tv presenter despite doing some horrifically graphic jokes in the past which just made me think he was a bit of a fraud.
    I've never really been a fan of Dave Chappelle but like a lot of American comedians. I can't stand Andrew Schultz or Stavros Halkias who are two large, emerging acts from US comedy. 

    But right now, my number one least favourite is Ricky Gervais. I have watched all his output over the years, Derek and Afterlife are horrific and feel like these fake videos online of people doing nice things for folk that just happen to be filmed. 

    His last two specials, he's stolen stuff off Bill Burr, Tim Dillon and a few other comedians. Comedians with an edgy act are either steeped in irony or have a method of providing punchlines that are clever and don't punch down. Gervais is basically Jim Davidson now. 
    He did a lot of lazy stereotypes and made jokes about stuff that just isn't true, Like his joke about asylum seekers only being 20 year old men. 

    The fact Netflix gave him the GDP of an island nation for it is an absolute nonsense.  

  13. Just now, mathematics said:

    Why the f**k have I been summoned to this mockit thread? What no-mark is currently managing you trophy-less gimps? Oh, that’s right, no one cares apart from a couple of virgin Morton fans and a twelve-year old thistle “boi”. What the f**k is a Mathie anyway? Some no-mark, third class “footballer” most likely. 

      Hide contents

    P.s. kudos for supporting your local team, you twats.


    It’s Mathie alright, exactly what he’d say to try and throw folk off the scent 

  14. 6 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    Perception is a funny thing. I remember Silhavy from Euro 2020 and had him marked down as arrogant after a fairly blunt dismissal of Scotland until his more recent decision and explanation around standing down. I can see that approximately 50% of the Czech squad is currently home based so Kostl could be important.

    Did the association go into any detail as to why they chose Hasek and who were the other candidates? He has huge experience, but hasn't been working for a wee while (since April-2022 apparently). 🤔

    There was rumours of Franco Foda who was the Austrian coach.

    But domestically, the young coaches like Trpisovski and maybe even Vesely of  Bohemians are still early enough in their careers that they could work in bigger gigs than the Czech national team. The other domestic managers capable have already been the national team manager more recently. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

    I would be trying Syla next to Young at this point tbh. He builds the play better than Dempsey does and he did have a good run of games up until the first half of the Queens Park game where he was very good in the first half before getting injured. 

    Dempsey incredibly poor two games in a row now. 

    I was overly harsh on Syla in my post, Senga and him haven’t had much of a  run and to be fair to Syla, we have been worse since he was dropped. Young is the best of the three and if we could keep one, it would be him. He has the ability to be a top Championship midfielder at least in the coming 1-2 years and beyond. 

  16. 26 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    It's genuinely scunnering how bad we are. Surely Mathie and Smith can see that? The fans and the club deserve better. The players deserve a manager who knows how to utilise their strengths and help them develop. 

    This isn't it. Changes are needed urgently. 

    Mathie made a point at the Q&A night that the club may have to take steps backwards, and yes, that means maybe relegation, to make the steps forward we need to. 

    Which sounded like, I am guessing but I have managed to sell this toss to the owner. 
    Smith is a fan first and foremost and it just depends how deep in to Mathies corporate talk he is. 

  17. Just now, GuyIncognito said:

    Ahui was a bit shaky as usual but largely fine. Young was very good again and I'd consider extending his loan as with a more attacking midfielder in front of him I think he'd do well. That's about it for pass marks though, everyone else was below average or poor.

    It’s a shame we can’t keep young and send Syla back

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