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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 5 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    The weird thing is with Bullen. I don't hate him.

    I have a visceral hatred for Hopkin and Roberts.

    With Bullen, I think he's a good guy, talks a good game, he has embraced the club and the town but he's hopeless at his job. 

    I can even forgive Mathie and Smith for being ponderous to sack him for that very reason. However, we're long past the grace period for Bullen being a good guy.


    I hated Hopkin, I don’t hate Bullen. Roberts was hopeless and wouldn’t quit, even after the owner came out and basically said he would if he could. 
    Bullen is part of a project that Mathie has bought in to. Queens Park have done similar and they appear to be ripping it up now. 
    It all comes down to how much patience Smith has as a fan or putting money in to it. Or if Mathie is willing to do a 180 and admit he has wasted two years on it and money on some of the most forgettable players ever to play for the club in the full or part time era. 

  2. I kind of wish the Arbroath game was on Tuesday rather than a week on Tuesday. Folk may well still be angry on Tuesday 

    Kelty won’t be on the season ticket and we’ll no doubt go in to it without the loan players, Bullen will play fringe players like he always does in the cups and we won’t have any new players in to bump the crowd. 

    I doubt if the crowd will break 1000

  3. Mathie said at the Q&A that he was following Brightons lead on developing the club and we may have to get relegated as part of that journey. I assumed that would mean getting to the premier and not staying there on the first attempt, not be shat out the arse end of the Championship after getting the money for second place. 

    Even writing that down it looks like a massive failure that needs to be addressed, that is serious mismanagement if it is allowed to happen. 

    Graeme Mathie, the Dido Harding of Scottish football. 

  4. Hs post match comments sound like we are in week three of the season and just lost the first thee opening games. 

    We are twenty games in to the season and are currently second bottom. On a run of form that has seen us win just a quarter of them. two of them against the same team. 

    He is fully aware he isn't under pressure and clearly doesn't think things are that bad. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Oceanlineayr said:

    It's possible that my memory is clouded by the fact a significant part of Kerr's tenure was during the covid era, but at least Kerr seemed to be trying for a certain style.

    2 years on and I don't have a clue how Bullen sets up his tactics or how he wants his team to play.

    Kerr built a team based on the same science as Glendinning and it was so unbalanced there wasn't a bit of it worked. He tried to play a certain way and we were overran in every area. We were beginning to slide and it needed stopped and he wasn't capable. David fucking Hopkin though

    We are in a worse state now

  6. Bullen readying his turd polishing kit for the post match press conference. 

    The only daft c***s buying it now are Smith and Mathie. 

    A rub of the green, a bit of effort, keep concentration levels up. None of his usual platitudes contain the words be better. None of it is down to the team he built and trained being absolutely shite. Not one good area, Keepers making mistakes, a defence that gifts goals, a midfield that escorts the opposition to our goal mouth and a forward line that scores a goal a game, a stat polished by the fact 9 came in two games. 

    Chalmers and Murphy have talent but the rest are a rudderless shambles in a line up and formation that isn't just changing week to week but sometimes 2-3 times a half and none of them make us better. 


  7. He’s talking like a man who is under zero pressure. Like a run of winless games has popped out the blue and are totally out of character of this squad. 

    The home form could be better, there is no denying that……is the most played down, under inflated comment to make about the situation. 

    Maybe he can take the squad to the pictures to get the moral up, or have a baking competition, something like that. There is no point in actually trying to improve any part of the squad, the obvious quality is there. 

    Hopefully this shambles ends before we hit the lowland league. 

  8. 43 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

    @diegomarahenry, you are coming out with some amount of nonsense on this thread today. Firstly suggesting we can hold players registrations for an indefinite amount of time. This is not the case. We were due a development fee for Shankland which was only valid while he was u23. 

    Also suggesting we may be topping up Ecrepont wages. A player we released. We aren’t going to be paying a players wages who is no longer our player. We may have paid him money to get him off the books but I doubt this even happened. It was probably a mutual consention to allow him to sign for Stranraer. 

    First point, I said he held on to his registration that stopped him signing for another club, I provided a link to the newspaper article. I then said, maybe we still do. The key word in that sentence is the word - maybe because I don’t fucking know. 

    The word - might is the key word in the second point. It common in football for people to move to other clubs for less money that they are currently on to get them off the books, stop paying HR and insurance costs and paying the lesser amount to top up the wage for the remainder of the contract. Contracts are legally binding and a club can’t just essentially sack a player in the middle of it without ending up in court. 
    Unless Ecripont agreed to a complete parting of the ways and took a financial hit because he thinks he will be better off playing for Stranraer. 
    I don’t know this either, which is why I used the word - might. 

    Maybe and might are not the same as definitely is and definitely has. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Akinyemi was more of a freak than anything else. We aren’t likely to get that lucky again in any market. 

    I think Albinson is roughly the standard you’re looking for. Fairly consistent with the odd standout moment. I think Dempsey is underrated by the majority and was a huge player for us last season, goals aside. Jack Young looks good and if we were able to get him permanently I would be all over that. Adeloye was Adeloye and in terms of a striker is probably the standard you’re aiming for. It’s pretty much what we’ve got in Dowds right now. Amartey should be playing far more often imo. 

    I think the issue we’re getting in recruiting from that market is the unknowns. We look to be signing purely off of stats with no one having any deeper knowledge of these players. If Mathie is determined to go down that route then you’re probably better trying to get a manager who already has that knowledge. Dundee did it with Bowyer and whilst I’m not certain on the success rate of his signings from down South, they basically exclusively recruited from there last season and won the league. 

    You also can’t build a whole squad on calculated risks. You need a core of players who know the level. Thats where we’re struggling right now. It’s either down to money or we aren’t selling the club well enough. It’s probably a mix of both and again, a better manager makes a difference to the latter one. Whilst Lee Bullen might have garnered some respect in the game up here, I doubt many players are falling over themselves to come and play for him. 

    Dipo was a perfect storm, a guy who was at a crossroads, wanted full time football, a new father and was in last chance saloon. Perhaps like Shankland in some respect. 
    I am sure that when we signed Rose, they thought, he’ll at least get double figures and that’s something. 

    Raith and Thistle have both made signings we could have made, had the other two not been interested, two proven Championship players that make supporters feel comfortable that they are building a competent squad. 

    I really don’t see us doing that just now. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, AUFC 1910 said:

    To this day I’m still taken aback that we’ve had no one from Sheffield Wednesday where he was so highly respected!

    Chris McGuire and some boy who agreed to sign and then didn’t travel up to put pen to paper. One of his contacts from there recommended David Bangala So I’m not overly bothered if he doesn’t get any more. 

  11. Mathie and Bullen have both said nothing will happen unless players leave. So we can try and convince them to go on loan or they can want to go out on loan, or they might want to leave altogether. 

    Ecripont has gone but it’s probably not going to cover a full, experienced pro’s wages. We may even be topping up his wage until the end of the season.
    I would expect that Young and Senga will depart next week, but we may not have been picking up a full wage from them. So we’ll maybe have the wage for one player by next weekend.
    The money from the player fund will cover a signing on fee. 

    The club has been far from engaging to the fans to try to get them to buy in to what they are doing. Putting out hashtags and saying at every opportunity that they are close to the community doesn’t mean they actually are. Getting fans buy in and making them feel like they are part of the journey helped us pay to keep Shankland & Moore. 

    The engagement is shocking, it builds up to a point the club has to do a Q&A or Mathie does a recorded interview. Player availability is non-existent week to week. Everything feels scripted when we get the weekly soundbites in the Post and Advertiser. Since Robbo took a vow of secrecy, we get nothing out the club that reassures people. They bring it on themselves. 


  12. 22 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

    Why would we still hold his registration or even want to?


    I don’t know if we still do but we did, for a long time after he left the club. 

    Clubs invest fortunes in players and can make money years after. Dundee United made over £2 million last year because Harry Souter moved. 

    without it, big clubs could wave cash in players faces and they would just bugger off. 


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