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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 5 minutes ago, THEHonestman1910 said:

    The guy is a very successful manager, one of the most prepared in the business. It’s bizarre that he’s never made it to the seniors.

    Talbot have been bang average for a couple of years now. 

    I’d be amazed if they even got passed his name on the CV if he submitted one. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Rb123 said:

    This will no doubt be controversial but I think we need to be realistic in terms of who we can appoint. 

    Bowyer or Courts aren't going to come to us with the current league position and playing squad unless David Smith is going to write a blank cheque for recruitment and cover the inevitable losses from that recruitment process with his own cash.

    Both have been out of work for a while and need to get back in quickly. Ayr are 9th with a full time squad and 18 games left to turn things around. If any potential manager doesn't think things can be salvaged, they are a shitebag and we don't want them anyway. 


  3. 5 minutes ago, bazka6 said:

    Genuinely can’t even believe we’re having the conversation, to have a semi-credible coach and bin him with no clue who you’re replacing him with is tin pot indeed. We’re no Roma but FFS it is possible.

    They may well have had an idea. From the statement they released, they said that they had already started the recruitment process but would take CVs. To me, that would mean they had already spoken to someone or some people. Like a house for sale, subject to a signing of missives. You can submit a CV, if we fail to secure a deal, we’ll open it up to more folk.

    If they called, say Boyer, on the Sunday and he said he was interested, I’d guess they would have communicated the salary band to his agent, then he comes up and doesn’t like what he hears. They are back to square one. 


  4. 8 minutes ago, bazka6 said:

    Thought it was interesting in the announcement of McCall at Clyde there’s no mention of the length of or any contract…..

    He shouldn’t be at Clyde but I’m sure he’s getting a decent wage to be there and it is a challenge that suits him, back against the wall, no cash, club in crisis. 
     I’m sure his time there will be on the agreement that he can leave for a team further up should they come knocking. 

  5. Just now, UpInTheAyr said:

    Since we're all speculating allow me to stoke that fire a bit more. Has the fact Mathie's been radio silent since Bullen's sacking, considering literally everyone else has not been, point to a bit of turmoil in the group? As in perhaps he's not happy that Bullen was sacked and Smith went over his head? We know he was Mathie's man and he's talked in the past about how managers are never given enough time in football.


    He said he was angry after the play-offs but took the emotion out it after taking time to reflect. 
    In Bullens singsong, he doesn’t look happy.

    His man got us to second and we probably had our best season financially since the three trips to Hampden. Regardless of the reality, on paper he has cause for saying he has been a success. 
    6 months down the line, without Akinyemi, his man was struggling and a trigger was pulled. There is nothing to indicate that Mathie wasn’t the one loading the gun or firing it. 

  6. I am pretty sure none of us are in the know about the signing policy or the expectations of the coach/manager in terms of community engagement. 

    So speculation about Boyer or anyone else rejecting us is just speculation and Mathie is the root of all evil. 

    This is a result of the lack of information and updates. We have been in these situations before and the result is, it builds up until the club have to do a Q&A in the hub or a video is released where the mood is pretty poor. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

    What does this even mean?

    What are people expecting them to say right now that would satisfy everyone? If it had been weeks then yes you’d expect some sort of update but it’s been 4 days. Clubs don’t tend to keep supporters updated with every step of appointing a a manager. Putting loads of info in the public domain while the process is still ongoing generally isn’t a good idea.

    It’s also not their responsibility to release a denial statement in response to some rumours floating about on Pie and Bovril. We’re not Rangers.

    I’ve said it already but I don’t understand the clamour for statements/updates every 5 minutes that goes on in this thread sometimes.

    If a player is injured, just drops out the squad, it’s a fallout within days, the manager is a p***k, McGeady instigated it, he’s poison. There is a rift in the dressing room

    Its the same here, Bullen gets punted, a brief statement gets put out saying he’s gone, wish him well, we have started a recruitment process but feel free to apply. Condemn the support for awful abuse. 
    Then a quick, David Whyte will be in charge on Saturday. 
    No interview in the local press, nothing from The club further. No timeline, no brief on what we are looking for. 

    If they come out and say, we hope to have someone in place for the visit of Queens Park next Saturday, folk calm down a bit, the only question people have is who. 

    They don’t have to give daily updates. They key to good updates when you don’t want to give too much away is to give enough information that it doesn’t ask more questions, to not look like you are hiding something and to give you enough time to make headway before more questions start. 
    Saying next to f**k all rarely works and it just makes people nervous. 

  8. We are probably 48 hours away from a full meltdown of the support as time passes on without an update and rumours of another rejection come out. 
    Be even worse if Clyde get a result tonight. 
    Monday will be the last full week of the active window to get folk in or out the club. 

    This is were the club needed to have a hand on the collective shoulder of the support from the start, which has been a problem for the last couple of years. 

  9. If we are going through the same effort as last time, having 4-5 rejections before getting someone in that fits the profile. The same issue we seem to have with signing players….then maybe we should look at how we (Mathie) are conducting business. Because no other club appears to make such heavy weather of these things on a regular basis. 

  10. Just now, UpInTheAyr said:

    I would be very interested to know how the process played out and the criteria that led to his sacking, apart from the obvious, given the platitudes that have been laid out since.

    For how much he was admired it was a bit baffling they chose to do it after a draw and with Kelty this week.

    I would think that they would have had discussions well before this week. He looked furious after the Inverness game and that game may have been the result that made him aware he was due to be sacked. His last 2 games, he didn’t look that bothered. It was noted that he looked like he wasn’t under any pressure, I think he’d given up by that point.
    They noted a sustained run of poor results in the statement that they released which was maybe in his contract, meaning the club could terminate rather than pay off. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, UpInTheAyr said:

    The Panda seems to be in a state of mourning too going by his twitter.

    "I can be sad about it. The players hadn't chucked it. You could see that on Saturday. One goes in on Saturday and Lee is still here. Fine margins. Could have turned it around. But it's happened so here we are. But we may regret it. You never know"


    We will 100% regret not getting to visit Broomhill, East Kilbride and Caledonian Braves in 3 seasons time.

    If we beat Arbroath on Saturday, he’d have lost against Kelty or Arbroath on the Tuesday anyway, that was the point in sacking him, 11 games to turn it round and we had got worse every game.  

  12. 49 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    The two previous managers were utter charlatans.

    I do believe this is the first time I have ever heard someone suggesting that giving up one's weekends is not the sort of thing you'd expect from the manager of a football team. Congratulations.

    Most of your weekends was what I said, You can be as obtuse as you like but there is a difference between getting home at 11pm after an Inverness game and not being back in until the Tuesday and getting up to watch an age group play in Cumnock on a Sunday. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Presumably seasoned managers are going to be abundantly aware of what the job entails at a professional football club.

    Previous managers spent no time with the Academy, in some of the tributes to Bullen, they said he was the first. It the club is looking for someone to give up most of their days, evenings and weekends then that is different to "what the job entails at a professional football club" 

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