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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. Apart from the oddball behaviour exhibited and the apparent ease in getting in to a hospital and finding scrubs in a cupboard, the weirdest thing about this story is the picture of the guy. 
    A knock at the door- 

    Who is it? 
    It’s a reporter from the Ardrossan Herald

    Cool, I’ll just grab my  phone and f**k all clothes. 


  2. 3 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

    Trying to think of other contacts: the only player I could really think of was Ryan Duncan at Aberdeen who can play across the attacking midfield positions. You’ve obviously got Connor Smith at Hearts, but seems St Johnstone are interested in him…

    I had a look at Kelly at Livingston in the hope that he’s kicking about on the bench but according to Wikipedia, hes been playing regularly. 

    I’d prefer to sign someone outright as it’ll give us continuity next season and means it’s business we don’t have to try to do in the summer.

    Signing Chalmers and Dowds now would mean it would be potentially 2 more loans we could make domestically. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Hawk89 said:

    Hopefully whilst we have some peace, what is the general consensus around the positions and number of players we'll be looking to bring in? My assumption (pessimist in my view) is we'll land with something around the £450-550k from gate receipts, prize money and tv money. 

    I reckon from that it is probably worth 5 or 6 decent quality players over half a season (if we are going all in on survival and based upon who's left so far) between loans and free/nominal transfers. We absolutely need to address LB and RB given the lack of cover and general weakness in those areas. With Brown mentioning additional firepower up top, my guess is a strike partner for Dowds and maybe a wide man and an attacking mid? 

    Hopefully that would let Bryden get out on loan for some much needed game time and confidence.  

    I think that with the time left and the talent available, we will be lucky to get two in. Unless they have targets identified, and even if they do, the quality may be questionable and most likely loans. 
    Ideally we would get people in that can play a couple of positions. Strapp would have been one. Kerr another. We can’t have 4 centre backs or 3 right backs (ignoring Watrett) on our budget but having cover at left back/right back and CH would be. 

  4. Kevin Thompson was on the Scottish football podcast, He said that when Brown was announced, he had a look at where Ayr were and they weren't in deep relegation trouble. He thought that when Bullen was sacked and Ayr were 9th, they were in a worse position than they actually are. Maybe it was a bit harsh to sack Bullen so early. 

    In translation, I know f**k all about Ayr, I had a quick scan at the table prior to recording this. 

  5. 32 minutes ago, General dissaray said:

    Ayr can't afford any of them or the wages it will be U21 Scotland guys if he can swing it and maybe one older guy he has maybe played with who knows thumb maybe back from Mandurgh as a personal favour if he has his fitness

    We can sign anyone who is within our scope and a 33 year old who has sat on his arse since 2021 while attracting zero interest from other teams is well within our grasp. Because it would be a horrific risk to take. 
    McGeady was in a similar scenario when we signed him although he was played more frequently over the time period and he’s hardly been fit. 

    f McCarthy was interested in playing, he’d have worked out a deal at Celtic in the summer. I’m sure he’s happy getting pain £10k a week to jog round Lennoxtown 5 mornings a week. 

  6. 55 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    Did they not give him something ridiculous like a four year deal?

    5 I think. He arrived injured and hasn’t played much since. They tried to shift him in the summer but I don’t think he was willing to rip up his contract and Celtic wouldn’t pay him up. 
    A loan based on what we could pay isn’t going to put a dent in Celtics outlay to him. 
    And I certainly wouldn’t pay anything close to over the odds to sign an aging, injury prone player that has barely kicked a ball in anger for the last 3-5 years 

  7. There was. Brutal headline in the Daily Record above an article about Inverness Duncan Ferguson helping to shovel snow off the Inverness pitch in which it called him - former Rangers hero. 

    We are going to get a lot of that patronising shite while he is manager, so it would be good if we didn’t make it worse for ourselves. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, callum-ayr said:

    You skim 300 odd a game for 18 games a season, that's a lot of wonga not going to the tax man.  It's been said for a good few seasons now the attendance figure hasn't matched what the crowds have looked like.

    The club has on line ticketing that you can’t pay with cash.  So they aren’t basing the attendance on turnstile clicks any more. 
    So there would be little chance of them dicking about with attendance. The attendance might not include comps though. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    There's an electronic ticketing system? There is no advantage to anyone for the club to understate the crowd?

    The centre portion of the stand was busy, but most of them would be press, comps and season ticket holders. The family stand and the away section were almost empty. 
    In the Somerset road end, most folk moved from the front, back the way due to the rain coming in so it might have been more compacted rather than busy. 

  10. Last night, we made a double substitution, one player jogged off from the middle of the park, new player on. Board went up for the second substitution, player jogs from the centre of the park, new player comes on. 
    I wondered why there was no announcement and looked at the touchline. It looked like he was out with a pen and paper, writing the name down of the subs. He did the announcement once play resumed. 

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