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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 2 hours ago, davidkennedyshand said:

    St Johnstone game we were 2 up and Brian McGinlay absolutely lost the plot?

    Gave St Johnstone either 2 or 3 penalties as well as that daft Bryce decision and had a masked mob waiting for him and he needed a police escort away from the ground. 


    Anyone remember J C O Hares inept performance away to Stranraer? Sent Cammy Duncan,Tom Woods and Neil McKilligan off. I remember Stainrod was absolutely losing the plot on the touchline 

    If I remember correctly, Darren Henderson was subbed/sent off and Tam Woods skelped him when he walked past the Ayr bench and got carded. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Caledonian said:

    The referee that day was Chris Boyle. He gave two ludicrous penalties just before the end and Eddie Forrest got sent off for complaining about the second one. I swear I have never been angrier at a match. The same Chris Boyle once gave Stewart Kean a second yellow card against Brechin City. His misdemeanour was going for the same ball as Craig Nelson. Kean then got a third yellow card because, on the way off, he lifted up his shirt to cover his face. 

    Tommy Bryce was sent off for making a glasses gesture at a linesman after he was flagged for offside well inside his own half

  3. 15 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    Did he not also ref the LC semi final and missed a deliberate handball in the buildup to the goal?

    Yeah, he’s never giving us the benefit of doubt on any decision. 

    During the Campbell money era, he spoke about two incidents with referees that always stuck with me. 

    One was at the old Love street, Stuart Kean was brought down on the edge of the 18 yard box in a last man challenge and the ref waved play on. Money went daft to the point the ref went over to speak to him. The referees explain was, if I’d given the free kick,I’d have to have sent the boy off. 
    The second was a ref who came in to the changing room before an away game against Dumbarton, he came in and asked Ayr to change out of their home kit to allow Dumbarton to wear their away kit which was white. I can’t remember why. Ayr were already stripped and Money told him not to be so daft. The referee shouted to him, you’ll get f**k all out of me today then and flounced off. He sent Barry Nicholson off for a last man challenge 10 yards in to the Dumbarton half. 
    He also refereed a game at Somerset against Peterhead, I can’t remember what happened but it involved Eddie Forrest and a penalty I’m sure.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    You have watched us with Steven McLean refereeing?

    A reminder for the uninitiated, he has referereed 27 Ayr games and we've won 3! A whopping 11% win rate with him as referee. 

    Not only is that a statistical anomaly but he is a certified DKB to boot.

    You could discount any in the last year, we barely won any regardless of the ref. 
    The first game I remember him officiating was the play-off game against Airdrie when he sent off Longridge after 20 minutes for his first challenge that looked a yellow but he was straight out with the red as quick as he could. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

    Unpopular opinion but who the referee is makes minimal difference. 

    Depends. You get referees like Stevens that manages to ruin every game. You also get referees that are so naive that they ruin a game by giving free kicks every time a team asks for one. They are almost always the new batch we get every year. 

    You’ll always get mistakes made by referees and you have to accept that but some just don’t help themselves. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, rgreig said:

    Yes I really can't see why anyone would have an issue with this. There is nothing snide in his comments, and it just shows Bullen as a decent person who genuinely cared about the young players who worked for him. It is not uncommon in other areas of work for people to congratulate former colleagues on promotions or new jobs (typically on LinkedIn) so I don't see this as strange behaviour in any way.

    He also gave Bryden his debut and mentioned him in almost every interview

  7. Bullen set up home here and immersed himself in the club and it was whipped away from him quite quickly so I have sympathy for him wanting to keep involved in the social aspect of it. Probably a lot of players and staff are still in contact with him. If you’ve ever been made redundant and all of a sudden don’t see folk you spent 8 hours a day with every day, it’s a bit weird. 



  8. On the QOTS child hooligan. There has been a rise in these tadgers in recent years and as someone who is old enough to remember the last wave of casual culture…..they can f**k off. All it will do is stop families going to games and stop older children in their formative years being allowed to go with their pals 

    A bunch of 16 year olds, coked up while cosplaying as a football hooligan is fucking tragic. Even worse when it’s a guy in his 50s or 60s battling with them. 

  9. Amartey is a bit like Steven Bradley, you can see what he offers in spells but he hasn’t played enough to be annoyed that he gets shifted on. 

    I think he is an upgrade on dross like JML and Gondoh( having a jersey hung on a broom would be an upgrade on Gondoh) maybe even on O’’Conner and I think he’d be useful to bring on if Chalmers or Murphy aren’t getting any joy. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    I heard them praised for "sticking to their style of play". I am not convinced that's something worthy of praise though. Is it a good thing or is that indicative of a lack of ability to change their style up? 

    If you have a style of play and you are really good at it, it’s up to the other team to counteract it and not switch off. It works for teams with limited resources that are short on quality so focus on working as a unit. Morton are probably the best example of it just now. 
    If you start getting pumped however, there’s no way back. 

    Bullen had the measure of Airdrie pretty much, one of the only teams his style of play worked against. We haven’t changed style that much under Brown but are carrying it out better and players look like they know what they are supposed to be doing. Individual errors are still killing us though. 


  11. Just now, Trogdor said:

    I thought that was a decent performance today. They were always going to have more of the ball and the majority of play. I feared the worst when we conceded so early but the team stuck to the task.

    I believe you can see the difference versus Bullen. I think we're on an upward trajectory. I still worry about McAllister at right back and would like to see someone else brought in.

    I thought our fans were magnificent, singing throughout! Well done all.

    A proud honest man. 👏 

    When McCall took over from Roberts, the results didn’t immediately improve but we just looked better. 
    We are doing a lot of things right under Brown than we did before under Bullen but still making a lot of individual mistakes. A bit more coaching and a few more transfers and we will be in decent shape

  12. 5 minutes ago, Nelson said:

    Just not interested in a fanboy argument.  If Brown can work out how to get the best out of Chalmers then great.  But he hasn’t kicked a ball for Dundee Utd in 2 seasons and sank without trace on loan at Tranmere.  Perhaps there are issues there which need to be addressed if he is to fulfil his potential.

    Take a step back and stop trying to defend a daft position. You’re now trying to double down on a position you said you weren’t at 2 posts ago. 

    no one said Chalmers was the second coming. They said he did ok. You have now gone from, I’m a fan of Chalmers to, no wonder Dundee United loaned out the useless c**t within an hour. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Nelson said:

    If he doesn’t learn to add more defensive work to his game, I think he’ll struggle under Brown.  Lack of consistency and poor work rate were the reservations Dundee Utd had about him, and it’s difficult not to recognise those reservations. 

    We played a back 4, two defensive midfielders, McKenzie as a defensive forward and Murphy as a deep lying right midfielder. Dowds and Chalmers were the only offensive players in the team. If we’d given up many chance of winning, they could have played Smith rather than Chalmers and tried to choke the midfield. 

    playing Chalmers was an outside chance of catching on the break that didn’t work. Had we been playing Dundee United or Raith, I’d be worried. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Nelson said:

    Chalmers was poor for me.  Didn’t track back, distribution all over the place, generally powder puff.  If it was a one off performance against quality opposition, I’d say fine, but it’s where he’s been for weeks now.  Getting hooked in favour of Bryden is hopefully a wake up call.

    Chalmers was never going to get much change out of the Rangers back four. He’s not a defensive player but He needed to be an out ball for the defence to take pressure off. I don’t think any players did that much surely to the pressure we were under. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Nelson said:

    My gut feeling at the moment is that Chalmers won’t have the consistency or work rate to satisfy Brown.  But he has enough games to prove me wrong.  We’ll probably get outbid for him anyway come the summer.

    Chalmers is a sheen on a hard working team, him and Murphy deserve a lot of credit for keeping us in a lot of games. He didn’t get much change today but that’s kind of expected. I’ve no complaints on Chalmers today. McCallister was at fault for the first and defensively looked all at sea but won a few free kicks. McKenzie did a lot. Dowds made sure Souter and Goldson were on a game. had Collum had a spine, we may have been in a game after an hour. 
    once the cash is in the bank, onwards and upwards 

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