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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 15 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

    There was some cones along Somerset Road when I walked down it for that game. Even with the cones out you still get lazy dobbers parking between them. 

    I usually park on Walker Road or at the skate park. The latter its always easy to get a space. Sadly in this day and age folk don't even want to walk 5 mins to get anywhere

    I normally park on McCalls avenue or West Sanquhar road but for away fans wanting to get on to the 77, the skate park is probably better

  2. 3 minutes ago, AllanJM said:

    To be fait I was a wee bit disappointed by that too.

    The fact that there's been no announcement yet about us being moved to the stand (I'm sure it was announced a couple of days before the game last time and assume they need time to arrange stewards/pie stand staff etc if the terrace is being used), I assume that it wasn't actually too bad a number for that point of the week.  Both clubs will have an idea of how ticket sales tend to go throughout the week and will make an estimate on the final number based on that.

    Also, changed my mind again now and I am going to drive through for this.  I'll get home at about 6:30 instead of 8:15 if I took the train.  Need to drive to/from the station at my end and couldn't even have train beers so the car wins....sorry environmentalists.

    Last time I drove to Somerset was a while ago.  Is there still plenty of parking in the streets around the ground?

    Aye, they didn’t cone off Somerset road when Dundee United were down a couple of weeks ago and it caused the whole of Ayr (well, McCalls avenue and Somerset road) to be completely blocked for about half an hour. 

    You might get on Somerset road, McCalls Avenue or I think there is still parking across from Western House at the racecourse. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, callum-ayr said:

    I wonder if the Mutch injury isn't as bad as first feared then since he's not mentioned it and no back up signing has come in.  

    Its hard to see what happened to him from the footage, he has a weird landing position but then tried to make a follow up save and his arm moves freely enough, he doesn’t make contact with anyone when he lands on the follow up. 

    He went off with his arm in a sling, he’s maybe jarred it and went off as a precaution but I don’t understand why it would be in a sling. 

    Maybe to keep Raith guessing up until 2pm to see if we are playing a keeper or not. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

    Having to be in the SRE with the roasters has been annoying. Not only is the view inferior to the North Terrace but the company is much worse. Hopefully they don't move into the North Terrace.

    When a pain in the arse stands near you on the north terrace, there is always the hope that they will go behind the goals in the second half, don’t have that luxury just now

  5. With Queens Park And Inverness picking up after a manager change, Inverness picking up, dropping off and picking up again, it’s probably a good thing as they will take more points off other teams, we just need to match or better their results and we’ll be fine. 4 points out our next two games would be a start then head to Dunfermline. Positive results in all 3 and we could be looking up rather than down going in to the final quarter.  Negative results would be a pisser though. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, UpInTheAyr said:

    I don't think Uncle Ian is going to be able to turn things around at Clyde.

    I don't think he's had anywhere near the money he thought he would to rebuild. Still a chance to get more players in to help turn things around but it seems to be a club that has been rotten to the core on and off the park for a while now. 

  7. Just now, No_Problemo said:


    Why would he be as well not playing him…

    Players need to adapt to certain roles and fit into the structure of the team. Under Bullen everything just seemed to be go and do what you want, whereas we hopefully have a proper manager now. 

    Every single player will be doing this, and it’ll be harder for some than others dependent on level of experience etc etc. 

    If you have  a player who has played his entire career as a flying winger, using his pace to run at defenders and the overnight tell him he's to sit deep, not run in to space and take the ball while static and facing your own half, its not going to work over night, if you'd rather play Bryden than Chalmers wide left because he does things the way you want him to, rather than what Chalmers does....successfully this season, then why play them when you know they are going to struggle? Bryden was an empty jersey on Saturday, he played well out there in a short spell against Queens Park, It doesn't make him a left winger though. 

    If it works, then fine, shift them both on in the summer and sign players to play the way you want. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

    He’s already dropped our “number one” goalie, Chalmers and not started McGeady. I’d say he’s made a good start to not making to not taking shite.

    Albinson was dropped, Mutch came in and he was pish and Albinson came back in and he was shite, Mutch came back in and got injured and Albinson came back in. 

    He dropped Chalmers, who behind Murphy is probably top in goal involvements, He brought him on and he set up a goal. 

    McGeady has played about the same, maybe less than he did under Bullen when fit. 

    I'm not sure its the best argument to make. 


  9. 1 hour ago, shizzlemanizzle said:

     but broonie is no mug and will not accept shit. 

    Bit early for chat like that, he's been in the door a month. 

    Bullen was a - run hard, try hard coach. You need a coach that can get the best out a player rather than just a lot of effort. On Saturday, he looked lost. If Brown is trying to change his natural game to fit in to his style of play rather than the other way round, he'd be as well not playing him. 

  10. Just now, Utdtillidie2 said:

    Does anyone think we have spent any of the cup money on players? The ones that have come in were surely just to cover the ones that went out.

    Brown said it would be used in the summer. It would annoy that we hadn’t brought anyone in if I thought the recruitment team weren’t capable of fucking it up

  11. 15 hours ago, Superhursty7 said:

    He's 45 

    Don’t know if we can recall Ecrepont during the current window but he’s getting game time at East Stirling so I think they would prefer he stayed there. We do have another, older keeper who can sit on the bench on match days I’m sure. 

    15 hours ago, AUcal said:

    Your mum itk?

    I didn’t proof read my post but I did manage to spell I’m wrong to a degree that spell check changed it….thats a concern

  12. 16 hours ago, Enigma said:

    I’m going to email our BoD and have it seen to that you get stuck in the main stand corner on your return to Stark’s if we don’t get the behind the goal option at Somerset.

    I should put the following in a template, I seem to use it once a month.

    The area of the ground given to the fans of “insert club”  is decided by the size of the estimated travelling support provided by the away team. 

    I imagine it is reciprocal so there won’t be any fluffing of numbers. 

  13. It'll be a hard road back for Arbroath this season but other than that, it's too tight to call. With other teams showing a marked improvement and the 7 teams above them now cutting each others throats every week, they need a good run of results that look a long way off currently.

    I think Dundee United, Raith and Partick are the only teams currently that can feel safe. The teams that emphasise this are Dunfermline and Morton, both have seen runs of results in very different directions and neither have seen a gap build. 

    From Ayr's point of view, we have been a lot better since Brown took over, wins against Queens Park and Airdrie, throwing away the game against Dundee United thanks to Albinson chucking two in and a free hit against Rangers, it has been night and day to Bullen, who was clearly lost and out of his depth. Brown made a couple of selection errors on Saturday but wasn't afraid to make the changes, Bullen would most likely have stuck with them, certainly for a lot longer. 

    We shifted a lot of shite in the window but the replacements haven't shown up much. We still have only one semi-fit right back who on his day is less than average. We lost Mutch on Saturday, probably for the season so we are at the mercy of Albinson and his growing list of calamities. If we get a few injuries or suspensions in certain areas then we could be in bother. 

    I am more confident that we will finish 4th to 7th currently than I was under Bullen. Two games against Raith and Thistle will hopefully show how far we've come or have to go. 

  14. I see Willoughby as a straight swap for Dowds rather than McKenzie although I’ve not seen enough of him to base that on anything. Looking at his scoring record, he seems more of a centre forward who hits purple patches rather than a forward who does the shovel work like McKenzie. 
    With two in the Middle, McKenzie does a lot of helping out, especially with Chalmers and Murphy. 

  15. Today was the first day since Brown took over I was concerned by his line up. 
    Bryden was a gamble, Tomlinson deserves a chance but perhaps off the bench for now and having a team that can’t accommodate a player like Chalmers is set up wrong. 

    First half we dropped out of things for long periods and looked very flat, Murphy was the only creative force. We defended ok for the most part and the midfield put in plenty of graft but we didn’t look much like creating anything. 
    Chalmers coming on Changed things, Sanders made us better at the back as well. I hope it was more of a gamble by Brown rather than he believed Bryden and Tomlinson were the answer today. Both out of position and he made the changes early so I don’t want to be critical of Brown or the players but less of that please.

    We managed the game well after Airdries second goal and showed composure that was missing in the Bullen era, we’d have shat it when they went to 3-2 

    Sanders made a difference but I am not sure the Christmas loan players are much of an upgrade on the players we had. 

    Chalmers and Murphy’s inventiveness got us through today, along with Dowds finishing. Amartey was fine, verging on crap. Everyone else played well. We need to play Chalmers and Murphy every week. McKenzie and Dowds as well. 

    If we drag out results that keep up 3rd to 8th for the rest of the season and get some business done early, I’ll be happy enough. Dowds and Chalmers are a must and getting them signed up now would set us up well early for next season.


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