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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 5 minutes ago, ComradeDiego said:

    Would be surprised if we didn’t see another couple of bodies through the door today

    Unless they have been training with us all week, they probably wouldn’t start anyway. Not sure on the registration requirements for the Scottish cup as well. Both games are kind of free hits we aren’t expected to win so they might decide to save 2 weeks wages and get the Rangers money in the bank before getting players in later in the month. 

  2. We will have another rebuild in the summer, McCallister, Reading, McGinty, Musonda and Murdoch are all out of contract. Chalmers, Dowds and the three new guys are on loan. That is the guts of a squad all potentially out the door. With our current batting average of about 20% on signing decent players over dross, it doesn’t bode well. 

    A summer window can sell season tickets and build expectations. Doing good business early and setting people’s minds at rest rather than signing half a dozen English non league players and then raking bins in September. 

  3. We have shifted Rose off and brought in another forward, I doubt we would then go out and sign either May or McNulty. Kelly is on the fringes of the Livingston squad but he likes a loan when he's not getting a game. I think it's unlikely, Livi clearly need a freshen up but unless they can get a loan from another premier club, I don't see Kelly going out. 

    The boy from Aberdeen I would say is far more likely. 

  4. 1 hour ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Did you miss the part where Raith were bought by a new consortium and their finances are measurably better than last season. 

    Coupled with a far better quality of signing this season compared to last and you’d be hard pushed to argue they don’t have a better budget this season. 

    Define measurably. 

    Who did moneybags Raith sign that is well outwith our budget?

  5. Just now, D'Jaffo said:

    But they don’t. Teams in this league are notorious for signing absolute dross. Unless you’re Dundee United or Raith and have a bit of pull (one way or another) then you’re stuck with the same merry go round of players or you try something different. 

    Raith Rovers last season vs Raith Rovers this season. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    The players with a reputation also cost more and we are up against more competition to sign them. 

    January is a month that frustrates all as you very rarely get exactly what you need. The big question marks for me is have we brought in players that are better than what we have. I’m confident with Sanders. I think McHugh is very different from Young and I think with Willoughby it’ll all come down to how he starts. He clearly need a bit of confidence so a good start on Saturday could get him up and running. All we’re looking for is enough to tide us over to the summer. I’m confident enough that the change in manager will play a far bigger role in that than who we sign. 

    Other teams round about us manage just fine. we have to be different. We pay enough to bring players up from England to sit on our bench for 6-10 months before paying them off. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Shibuya said:

    Give these lads a chance - we don't know if they'll be any good or not. It's great signing a big name like Chris Maguire but we all know how that turned out, don't we?

    Its not the players folk are fucked off about, its the process, of the players brought in during the summer, Rose, Ahui, Senga, Young, Pendlebury and Amartey have all either been poor or left, Young only played well in the last 5 games. 

    The players with a reputation in Scotland have been far and above the players sourced. 

  8. It’s frustrating seeing the teams round about us sign players and thinking, yip, they’d have been good, while we have been kicking our heels and only signing a player pretty much everyone had to google when he joined.

    They said they are trying to get bodies in before the window closes which suggested cross border or permanent. If no one comes in, do we assume they failed? 
    We will 100% get loan signings but the prospect of waiting another 4 weeks to pick up a player is concerning. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

    I'd be surprised if all the Dipo money was used up in the current budget, no way is this squad more expensive than last season's, the same would be likely.  

    There is then the additional 300k to come in from the *** match that we will be able to spend that can't have been budgeted for.  

    Some of it will definitely go into the Bullen pay off as well.  

    I’m not sure Bullen would be due a payoff, if the terms of his contract included a sustained run of poor results as mentioned when they sacked him, the club could have pulled the plug on him and only been due his notice period which could be a weeks wages or a month depending on the contract. 

  10. There will be people who would only be able to go if there was a supporters bus running. There will be teenagers who wouldn’t be allowed on a train to Fife or Inverness on their own that would be allowed to go on an organised bus. 
    Folk would rather pay £15 for a bus that stops at a social club than pay £25 for the train beyond the central belt. 
    But is there a big enough market? 

    It’s probably a bigger slight on the town that no one wants to run a bus rather than the club. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Highlandmagar said:

    I never said he didn't have a contract. I asked if he has signed it? Obviously education didn't do much for you.

    Yeah, we announced him, let him take charge of the first team for a game and sign players but didn't get him to sign the legally binding document that protects both him and the club. 

    And you are making me out to be the thick one. 

    Ayr don't announce players until they have signed, Even when we do its hit or miss if they'd tell us. Bullen agreed a deal to sign a player, went to pick him up at the station and he never showed, he signed for a different team that morning. That was a player that Bullen had worked with since he was an actual child, knew his parents....and we only found out about it at a Q&A a month or so later. So they announce f**k all until the ink is dry. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, ryanayr1987 said:

    Tbf a lot of clubs our level do, do this 

    There wasn’t a lot of folk moaning that there wasn’t one running to Queens Park and we took 1000. We draw Rangers and all of a sudden folk are - RUNABUSFORFUCKSAKE 

    And that is most likely the problem, there isn’t enough interest ordinarily for a bus every week. The hardcore away support make their own way to games and we have a decent away crowd. 

  13. 7 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Much like when Liz finally popped her clogs and no bus shelter could advertise trainers for about a month, this benefits nobody.

    A football club that can't run away buses is basically not fit for purpose. If the opinion of the owner is that fans should watch away games from the pub that he, rather than than club, owns, then he should be run out of town.

    The club does show apparent contempt for the support when it comes to things that benefit individuals. The match highlights are a prime example. It took months of moaning for Mathie to say in the summer that apparently it was important to fans based on the feedback that they wanted a better quality, and they would definitely start looking at the possibility of attempting to find a solution to the notion that the highlight package should be better. 
    seven months on and we now have a highlights package that is fine which is the bare minimum. Junior teams manage good highlight packages. 

    The club is supported by volunteers and the club definitely needs to be more vocal in asking for help in certain areas. Posting a list of things the club needs support on and asking for people to give up spare time. 

    The busses are a minefield and I think the club want to support it but at arms length. If the club run it. They are then responsible when someone is left somewhere because they decided on a quick pint on the way back to the bus, or a bus gets pulled by the police and they find alcohol. It’s no longer a bus full of Ayr United supporters, it is an official Ayr United ran bus. 
    They have offered support to anyone who wants to run one, I’m not sure what your point about the hub is, all profit goes to the club and not Smith. He owns the building, he paid for it. 

    Local pubs need to step up, a lot of them are struggling but would get good trade on match days as well as the free advertising they would get. 


  14. The statement is a bit ham fisted but the club could f**k up a free lunch so it’s probably just as well they aren’t running it. I’m not sure it’s a slap In the face though. 

    They have asked for a volunteer to run them, someone could take names, money and book the busses and going by the statement, they would pay a shortfall maybe, and offering a starting point of the Hub. I don’t think that is unreasonable. 

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