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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 2 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

    I can’t speak for what the intentions were but the club aren’t responsible for the way media outlets are headlining it. It’s a fairly bland two lines at the end of the statement that everywhere is jumping on.

    I suppose it makes a good headline for tabloid rags and the BBC’s journalism is headed that way.

    It wasn’t needed though, a very competent and warm tribute, reflect on successes and pinpoint what ultimately cost him His job. Wish him all the best.

    PS our support is full of c***s 

  2. 3 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

    Kilmarnock supporters infiltrating our support was what folk on the Ayr United Worldwide page said about folk wanting him out. :lol:

    I haven’t added anyone to my Facebook page for a good 5 years, I have so many people hidden, my feed barely updates and I am not a member of any groups. 

    Your post has vindicated my Facebook choices and has driven me closer to deleting my profile on there. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Richey Edwards said:

    Shame on the fans for expecting better than 1 win in 11 games.

    Folk have short memories. We have been a lot shiter than we are now, just be grateful we aren’t on the verge of league two and accept shite results and performances until we are in at least that state before asking questions of the manager

  4. 2 minutes ago, Nelson said:

    Would anyone have guessed George Burley’s career trajectory after being sacked by Ayr???

    Burley’s biggest issues were, the club was skint after MacLeod spent a fortune on duds and the fact he didn’t have the same personality as MacLeod, he sounded almost apologetic at times. A bit like Kerr.

    He also wasn’t helped by Stainrod coming in and slagging everything about him in a sheer lack of class. 

    Burley always had something about him that Bullen doesn’t. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, railwayend said:

    Bullen ran out of runway , the one win in 11 does for any manager . The man was one missed penalty away from Hampden and a good window at Christmas away from a right crack at the title . That was all last season, so thanks for that Lee . This season , sitting 9th in January was too far in the wrong direction . Back to your family in England and take a good break .

    For some of the turnips on here , some I’d guess are young some not so , time to have a look in the mirror at your own performance over the last 12 months or so . 

    A new guy will be here soon , some will be pleased with him some won’t . Hopefully the “won’ts” will give him a break and back the guy all the way until he either leaves for a better job or the one in eleven returns.

    We’re in a dog fight for our championship survival , time to bury the hatchet, stop the Bullen , Mathie , Smith narrative and back the team , coach , MD and owner all the way to May . Never out the fight !

    But it wasn’t though. It’s not as a result of 1 win in 11 that folk weren’t happy about, it was the 5 home wins in a year, it was the dreadful football, it was being clueless for months and not being able to fix it. It was about being completely transparent to opposition teams, it was an 8 nil booting in the biggest games in the clubs recent history. 

    If you are asking folk to ignore all that you are wanting the club to sleepwalk in to a worse position than we are already in. 

    9th place, barely having a shot on target never mind scoring goals and a defence that gives the opposition a 2 goal start didn’t fall from the sky this week. 

  6. Just now, Passionate said:

    Do you guys think McGeady could back himself into the job,  The high wage does nothing mantra sometimes ends that way...


    I am still putting my money on McCall

    He could be given the match on Saturday and the match on Tuesday while the recruitment process is underway to see if he has the minerals to take it full time. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, itzdrk said:

    Brian Pettigrew probably was just happy the manager was white.  

    I remember being on a supporters bus during the Reid era and someone was showing off their new Lock Screen picture of Klan members with the Ayr badge superimposed on their cloaks and the words Ayr United & The KKK white power. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

    The people on the Twitter post that are unhappy about it, I’m terrified to think what their sacking point would actually be!

    Unless it’s a personal level, I work with folk I like, they are nice people but they are fucking hopeless at their work. I’d be sad to see them go but from a business point of view, they should be emptied. Half of them were probably bought a pint by him In the hub and saw him as a good guy. 

    Some folk, like Wattoo couldn’t see past us finishing second without acknowledging the bigger picture. There didn’t seem to be a recovery unless we signed a 30 goal a season forward to dig him out a hole. 

  9. 1 minute ago, callum-ayr said:

    Mathie and Smith are probably too emotionally attached to Bullen as like is quoted, he was a good ambassador. The problem was he wasn’t a particularly good manager/head coach to go with it. To have any sort of grievance with fans who are not happy with being 9th and not happy with the results is a bit mad. Just waiting on @ayrunitedfw creaming for Neil McCann. 

    Reading between the lines of the club statement, he met targets, keeping the club up, finishing in the play-offs, generating player revenue etc.

    He failed one, which was maybe in his contract, a sustained run of poor results, probably defined in his contract he may also have had, a set number of weeks in 9th or 10th place that would trigger a termination. 

    I’m sure they could have given him more time if they wanted to and continued to ignore the growing concerns of the support. We are a few weeks away from a full blown crisis. 
    I think they have moved decisively and should have some credit for it. Bullen certainly can’t complain he wasn’t given enough time. 

  10. Just now, AUFC 1910 said:

    Is the thinking people have targeted them privately?

    If a footballer goes on a forum to see what folk are saying about them as part of a discussion then they will see things they don’t like and shouldn’t do it. If you think a player is shite, you aren’t not going to not talk about it on the off chance they might read it. Much the same if you met a player in public, you wouldn’t go and tell them they are shite. 

    If people post abuse on official club accounts or target individuals, then that is unacceptable. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Rhys McCabe Hype Train said:

    Right you, that’s plenty.

    Rhys & Fordyce are from West Lothian and have families settled in the area, not sure how a move to Ayrshire would sit with them… and also not sure how much more attractive the Ayr job would be to Airdrie currently. Here he has the final word on recruitment and doesn’t have to answer to CEOs etc.

    We might pay him enough to pay for petrol. Our current (at time of posting) manager travels from Sheffield.  If he is ambitious enough and saw Ayr as a good move, he’d do it.

    I doubt we would go for him, I doubt we’d pay compensation for a manager, maybe someone who is a coach somewhere…..and I’m not sure McCabe would be that arsed at the moment 

  12. I have a feeling it will be Mulgrew, I’d be angry with that because I think we need to stop pissing about and get out of this position and I don’t agree that the club should take the chance of getting relegated while we bed a new manager in. The initial reaction may not be positive. 
    However, he may be a good appointment and hit the ground running. 

  13. I would like a strong manager that is going to push back on a lot of the weird shit that is happening at the club. 

    The club is like a closed shop now, they do events with the players but the engagement in general is pretty dreadful. 

    Billy Dodds, John Hughes are a no. John Robertson, maybe. 

    Ideally someone who has managed in Scotland before. 

    Looking at league 1, Darren Young and Peter Murphy have maybe been part time for too long. McGlynn is a mediocre Championship manager, League 2 has Naismith, who has failed here before, a couple of times and Ian McCall who has started a project at Clyde. 

    Quick fix, Robertson or McCall, I think both would get us stabilised and have us an above average Championship team within the year.  

  14. Never worked out for Bullen, We didn't get better when he took over, he made weird changes and dropped players, then stuck with it for weeks until he eventually changed it and in the end, those changes kept up us, we could have been a lot safer. 
    Up until half time in the Queens Park game, He'd be lucky to see out September, Up stepped Dipo and we went on a run that looked at one point we could win the league but it turns out it was building us enough grace to keep him in a job to the summer.
    Honking since the clocks went back and he struggled yo make anything work after that. The Kilmarnock game at home and the two play-off games were bad enough performances to get him sacked on their own. The Falkirk cup game was an example of how we were during his time, Defensive errors, created nothing and fell apart. 
    This season has been abysmal, The injuries didn't help but Murdoch and Dempsey don't work as a pairing anyway. we haven't improved at all and may even be getting worse. 

    I feel sorry for him in as much that he seemed to be really trying, he left a job for life and came up here to shoot his shot, he's not a manager on the merry-go-round who will be back in the radio studio within a week and I hope he gets something fixed up quickly. A bit like Mark Kerr, he just wasn't up to it at Ayr. 

    He's had more support and time that any Ayr manager since Daziel and he just wasn't making any headway at all, with an almost fully fit team.  

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