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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. 14 minutes ago, ryanayr1987 said:

    Please don’t have us waiting weeks for an announcement. Short sharp get the guy in and get signings done 

    If they interview Boyer, Brown and Mulgrew and they say no when they talk money or expectations, it’s the next three and the next. 

    Is Boyer going to want to spend nights and weekends watching the academy? Possibly, is Brown or Mulgrew? 

  2. Dick fucking Campbell.

    Darren Young has done well army East Fife before losing his way a bit. But he’s turned Stirling Albion round and probably deserves a crack at full time football. Maybe not at Ayr though.

    I have a feeling we will be in the same scenario as Bullens appointment where it will come down to the package and the add ins like staff. 

    We were reportedly appointing at least 3 managers and didn’t. Bullens agent contacted the club after the deadline I am sure. 

  3. 1 minute ago, eez-eh said:

    I know. But unless Wycombe plan on playing him (unlikely I’d think) presumably there’d be an option to extend till the end of the season.

    He might not have wanted to, had no intention of staying the full season. There was no chat of wanting to keep them and Mathie said on his state of a nation address that they would both be away. 

  4. It’s a sign of how bad things have got when Clamers staying the full season doesn’t get a mention. 6 weeks ago, the news would have prompted a wanking frenzy on here. 

    Hopefully we get a new manager with McCalls gift of selling sand to someone who already has an abundance of sand….and convincing him that his future is at Ayr beyond April. 

  5. The club can announce that Davie Whyte will be in the dugout for Saturdays Scottish cup clash with Kelty. Davie, who has been interim manager on three occasions has agreed to step up again while the recruitment process is ongoing. Davies last stint saw him lead the team to a…..etc

    Rather than, Dave White is in charge. c***s. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, ComradeDiego said:


    McCall took over the remnants of Roberts team and we didn’t really get a new manager bounce despite there being clear improvements. He also had us relegated with Gary Harkins up front, these are often forgotten when you look at his success but a 47% win rate is pretty good considering. 

    Bullen was heading for Hopkin and Duffy territory with more draws and defeats than wins. Then take in to account the amount of scrappy draws we salvaged. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Roxanne's man said:

    It's only Tuesday morning. You'd hope they'd have someone in and training by Thursday though, if not then it'll be White in charge against Kelty.

    I honestly hope the process is thought through and Ayr get the right man for the job. 

    There is no idea what is happening outside the four walls of the club, who is leading the training, I can guess….who will be in the dugout on Saturday, when the deadline for applications are, what the timescale os for appointing someone. 

    Maybe we have to all stand in the car park and wait for smoke to appear  from the hub to let us know. 

  8. 5 hours ago, railwayend said:

    Your and others are taking the coals . It’s over , it’s done . We either move on together as a club and stop (help) the rot and drive it forward together as a support , like we used to do . Or we allow this to devise us for ever , potentially driving some away …

    What a bizarre post. 

    Do you think anyone on here wants to see the club do badly? everyone posting here is doing so because they want the club to succeed, it could be argued that the people who say that you shouldn't criticise the club and accept your lot are doing more damage. But obviously they are the real fans...

    The fan base was always together? that is some misty eyed, life was simpler when I was a a boy stuff. 

    Folk chanted to get MacLeod sacked and that was in 1990. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, Pie Of The Month said:

    McCall has claimed over and over to love 2 clubs in his time in management - Ayr and Thistle. He left one of those clubs for the other and he'd have left us years back if Dundee offered him the job at the time. Any suggestion he'd have any loyalty to Clyde is laughable.

    He wouldn’t do it out of loyalty, it’s just maybe too early in the job to jump ship, end of the season might suit him better. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, ScottR96 said:

    I’ve convinced myself McCall will leave Clyde for every job that’s come up since November but this one worries me the most. 

    He seems to be having trouble getting players to drop down to L2 having indicated that he was going to be bringing in up to 7 players this window, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s getting frustrated.

    If McCall applies for it and we don’t give him it, we should close the club 

    I have a feeling that the McCall, Clyde redemption arc will be too strong for him though. Would he drop a club for his own gains? Absolutely but I have a feeling it is maybe too soon for him to leave. 

  11. 36 minutes ago, Iain said:

    I believe it was Ayr United chairman Dave Smith who once said "I could appoint Yogi Hughes as manager tomorrow and the Ayr United fans would throw me a parade down the High Street". Or words to that effect.

    To be fair, that was before Dunfermline beat us to the punch by swooping and getting him signed up. And then having them relegated via the playoffs. Removing the, he’s been good before, maybe he’d be good again argument. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

    How do any of us know if it was needed? None of us know the extent of it.

    I mean there was no need on the initial post. They could have put one out tonight separately. 


    3 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

    Quite possibly, but my question would be why? Why not just announce it officially last night or wait until today and go through the "proper" outlets first? It's not like we require the media team to be working at the office to post things. 

    They maybe hadn’t informed the players. Someone was talking about it on Facebook apparently so it was obviously in the domain. 
    The players should be told first before the general public I would think. 
    Maybe a strategic thing. A soft - the club are expected to, rather than an official statement. 

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