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Everything posted by Raithie

  1. Is this the big team that have failed to finish above Livi for fucking ages now as well as getting quite a regular pumping by them along the way?
  2. We're still waiting for him to provide us with the minutes from the Supporters Club meeting last Friday.
  3. At work so can't check Facebook but has anyone on the Rovers page started giving it the "not a big name signing, not happy" spiel yet?
  4. Albeit I can't mind much about this guy at this stage I'd want to see him alongside Moon and bench Fox. Lot of competition in midfield at least.
  5. Livi fan saying on their thread that Scott tended to be played on the right wing. Wonder if this is a sign that Anderson is away more so than Scott being signed to play centre mid?
  6. Maybe so but the Championship next season IS a big draw. Players will want to play in this league.
  7. A new player perhaps where the deal has fallen through...
  8. Take your pick from The Witch, The Sand Dancer or....Spence. Will be surprised if it's a new signing.
  9. Andy, is Watson re-signing the player you were on about earlier in the thread?
  10. Good vid on RaithTV with Turnbull, Drysdale, Grant, Paul and Laurie regarding what's been happening lately at the club.
  11. Andy C: is this a re-signing of an ex player or re-signing of a player from last seasons squad?
  12. In fact if it's a big re-signing of an ex player then I'll plump for it as being Mr He Scores When He Wants.
  13. Watch it turn out to be a re-signing of a player from last years squad
  14. There's no guarantee Spence would even get the first team football he's wanting as Murray really needs to bring in a couple of new faces to play upfront. We've only got one recognised striker officially signed. I still reckon Spence will be away.
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