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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. 1 minute ago, Jilted John said:

    The only downside of it is that theres no moderation. The chants of ‘Paedo’ aimed at Bene would probably have been shouted down after the first airing!

    Never quite understood why folk were shouting that. Apart from that there was a few new pro Rovers chants which made a change. Also everyone was standing and stewards weren't bothered, however the type of seats in there makes for some hairy moments if you're not careful. Both me and my laddie were on our arses after folk fell onto us creating a domino effect once we equalised. 

  2. My laddie wanted to go in the singing section so meant I had to go with him. Must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it in there. Cracking view and the atmosphere was good however you probably had to be in amongst it to appreciate it. Being close to the away fans made for some good banter. Personally I can see it being a damp squib against someone like say ICT or Queens Park. There was a good variety of ages there but suspect a good few came out purely because it was a derby. Felt the stewards were a lot more laxxed than in the south stand however some usual nonsense such as Norrie songs and flares. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

    The Partick example is off street and doesn't impact on neighbours, Qots have panels on the wall on Terregles Street painted with different murals.

    The latter reflects the history of the club, I'm not sure, if I lived opposite if I would want to see the likes when looking out of my living room window in the morning.

    Imagine living in a flat looking out to a football stadium and having to endure thousands of folk traipsing past your window every 2nd week...but take the hump at a mural on a wall. 

  4. A big expensive job I'd imagine but I really would love it if they looked into replacing the seats and rusting seat attachments as well as giving the exterior steel a lick of paint. The stands would feel almost new again. Also would like to see the wall running up Pratt Street between main and north stand painted blue however suspecting the fact it's on a main road it could be tricky. 

  5. 1 minute ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    Are they vastly different from the previous catering offering?

    I've no idea, I've not eaten at a football ground in years. Suppose for that reason the prices came as a bit of a shock considering I can pop into Stuarts and get a steak pie for about £2 however I get prices at stadiums will need to be higher.

  6. 1 hour ago, McGuigan1978 said:

    Ian Murray’s quotes in the interview from the other day tells us he knows exactly what’s required, and is making moves to fill the gaps. 

    Exactly this. However he said much the same last season and people were still freaking out. In fact it felt like some posters were a stones throw away from basically saying Murray is just sitting on his arse doing heehaw even though he had explained, umpteen times, the various loopholes and difficulties he had faced trying to sign players. Some folk can't see that though, they assume signing good players is as easy as clicking your fingers or that players will love nothing more than to play for RRFC so what's the issue. I think some people weren't prepared for things slowing down after the recurrent signing news early into pre-season, it was always going to happen. In some sense take it as a positive, at least we know we aren't spending outwith our means otherwise you'd imagine bringing in other players would be a piece of cake if we were flashing £ signs everywhere. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Offshore Rover said:

    With social media about I don’t think having a sign up with the next game is really going to make a difference to the crowd. There is limited footfall going past the stadium. If people are interested they’ll see things on social like the promo video they have just released in the last hour or by sending out emails about the game, like a few days ago

    So what's the point on the big LED screen they have planned for the exterior of the main stand? 

  8. 12 hours ago, clashcityrocker said:

    Ben Williamson is a top notch player - he is a battler and will fight for every ball in midfield.

    Would be delighted to have him back at Gayfield - would be a great signing for Thistle ( still a very young player too).

    Just goes to show some players are suited at certain clubs, Ben Williamson when on loan at us (after Arbroath) looked fairly meh overall. From memory his one decent game was in an end of season nothing at stake game against Hamilton where he got a couple of goals but apart from that was fairly anonymous.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Brashy's Boots said:

    I hope so, because the training kit so far isn't doing it for me. The red scribbles on the royal blue top and worse, the royal blue zip up with a white and a navy chest patch are boggin. 

    Mind you, I'm a man of some style and taste, and too old to be wearing fitba strips, so I just hope it has a wee nod to history with a contemporary twist. Really liked the last one. Expecting it to be quite different.

    I'm wondering if the fact there's a half and half design on the hoodie if we're maybe getting a half and half home top.

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