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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Poor advert for the Scottish game. They should all be wearing facemasks.
  2. Yeah I think I heard that the Cardiff gig is coming out October/November. I remember the gig was cut short. It was later said that h was feeling a bit of roughness in his voice so they decided against doing This Strange Engine.
  3. I have always felt that it is a pretty daft way to operate a football club, but what do I know?
  4. I have the blu-ray of that. Phenomenal performance. I saw Marillion at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow on their last tour. That was a brilliant gig. Though I heard someone grumbling on the way out that they didn't play any songs from the Fish era! I felt like saying "you've just seen one of the best bands in the world at the top of their game. Gies peace."
  5. I was down the front row for The Singing Kettle at the London Palladium when I was about four and started crying because they spoke to me.
  6. I find it hilarious that a so-called Unity party is filled with the most dislikable and division-seeking c***s out there.
  7. My girlfriend used to work with this poor woman and is quite upset about this. I personally find it disgusting that people are prevented from earning a living and are allowed to die in this manner, just because of an expired right-to-work. Why is there such a deliberately cruel, callous and inherently discriminatory asylum system? Surely the most humane solution would be to allow the right-to-work to be on a rolling basis if someone is currently employed and intends on staying here or, at the very least, there should be adequate systems in place to support people until they can work again. The way I see it, if someone can perform a job, they should be allowed to carry out that job. Where they came from shouldn't matter.
  8. Was he not linked with us a couple of years ago but went elsewhere?
  9. Me and my girlfriend got banned from this party's Facebook page for trolling them with lots of "ye ragin?" Nicola Sturgeon memes. Couples who troll together, stay together.
  10. Exactly. There will always be moaners, but the progress made on and off the park in recent seasons can clearly be seen. As far as I remember, Hibs were lucky to get a replay. That Hibs team were awful. One of the worst supposed Premier League teams I have ever seen us play. The replay holds special memories for me because it was the last match during my Papa's lifetime. He was an Ayr supporter for over 70 years. I visited him in the hospice the next day and he was delighted when I told him we'd put Hibs out the cup. He died a couple of days later.
  11. I remember someone (I think it might have been @itzdrk actually) posted a fake tweet saying that we had signed him for a third time on the eve of the Ayrshire Derby back in 2017. My reaction was to yell "SURELY FUCKING NOT" at my screen.
  12. Thanks! It's great to go to gigs, have birthdays, go to the football and actually be able to remember them clearly. Previously I'd have been smashed at all of these kind of events. I have learned to drive, completed a uni course and done a lot of positive things since stopping drinking. Having the extra money from not pissing it down the drain helps!
  13. I think some people don't want to be THAT PERSON who doesn't drink, because there's an assumption that non-drinkers are boring and no fun to be around. I think the opposite is true - drunk people are awfully boring and tedious to be around, especially when they start repeating themselves every five minutes. I've had the best times of my life in the past three and a half years since I've stopped drinking. This isn't directly BECAUSE I've stopped drinking, but it's been a part of it. Imagine there was a button which, when pressed, would make you wake up the next morning a load of money short, with massive gaps in your memory and no idea how big a tit you made of yourself, and the fear and anxiety that goes with it. Why would anyone press that button? To anyone reading this - if alcohol is having a negative impact on your life, your mental health, or anything at all, then don't be afraid to say cheerio to it. Alcohol is no one's friend. EDITED TO ADD: I'm actually 30 today - it's good to be able to enjoy such days without the carnage.
  14. I saw a refrigerator walking in that direction earlier. It was probably just Boris Johnson though.
  15. I watched most of the Axios interview last night. How anyone could think that this idiot is fit to be president is a mystery.
  16. Very pleased with how the squad is shaping up. Some keepers and another striker would be VERY NICE.
  17. As I've received reputation over the past couple of days for these posts, I've decided to update you all. I still haven't drank since February 2017 and I still don't miss it. I have put weight on now, but I don't think I'd be the only one who has in the current climate. I have nothing against people who do drink - because it is possible for people to have fun while drinking. However, I'm not one of them. It is not possible for me to have a "social" drink. It always turned into a binge and I usually regretted it. There are people who should not drink, because it has a negative effect on their mental health and behaviour. I am one of those people.
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