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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Finished Nightmare in Berlin and started Down and Out. Enjoying it so far!
  2. Maybe, but I'd like to think that if Ayr United ever went out of business that there would be enough interest to prevent our town being without a football club. Unfortunately there is no smooth way out of this situation. The economy is almost certainly going to take an absolute battering and both businesses and individuals are going to struggle and face potential financial ruin. However, the alternative would result in an increased loss of life. No one in their right mind is going to sanction the lifting of the lockdown before it's deemed safe to do so. It's a shite situation for everybody, but that's where we are.
  3. Oh, it is definitely not his best novel. Grapes Of Wrath and East Of Eden are better. I haven't read In Dubious Battle or Cannery Row, but they can be added to my ever growing "to read" list.
  4. I only ever genuinely enjoyed two books that I read at school - Of Mice And Men and The Outsiders. I appreciate that schools try to encourage things like textual analysis and interpretation of symbolism etc - but in the process much of the "interpretation" is rigidly force-fed in order to conform to academic criteria. This ruins the enjoyment of reading a book and interpreting the text for yourself. That's just my opinion though. Other people may have had better experiences of reading in English class.
  5. It's not a case of "decimating Scottish football" for the virus, but recognising the fact that businesses (including football clubs) can be rebooted or replaced in the future. Human beings can't be replaced, and the economic consequences of the lockdown are preferable to the loss of life that would occur if the lockdown is lifted too soon.
  6. I googled him and he's playing for Global FC in the Philippines.
  7. Didn't Hillcoat have some sort of bustup with fans at an away game and slag us in his column? I think he apologised in his column a few weeks later, before saying something about it taking a big man to apologise therefore making him "a big man".
  8. Down and Out added to my "to read" list.
  9. Agree 100%. I got hold of Kindle versions of just about everything old Eric produced, and dip in and out between other reading. He never disappoints. I've only read 1984 and Animal Farm. I've always meant to explore more of his work. What would be best to read next?
  10. He was a couple of years before my time. Was he not the Faroe Islands international keeper? Also, did we not have Norway international keeper Thomas Gill around the same time?
  11. Yeah, I think he works alone anyway so he'll probably still be maintaining the pitch.
  12. He made one appearance according to this: https://www.soccerbase.com/players/player.sd?player_id=31863
  13. My own memory might be pretty sketchy (it was nearly 13 years ago) , but if I'm wrong at any point people can feel free to correct me. Corr shipped three perfectly saveable goals in the first half against Ross County in 2007 - the other goal was a good finish to be fair. Anyhow, we were 4-0 down after about half an hour. He was getting absolute pelters from the Somerset Road end - who were ironically cheering everytime he made a save and chanting Mark McGeown's name. He was in tears on the pitch and was subbed at halftime and left the club soon after. Ayr played a lot better in the second half and pulled a goal back through Alex Williams, but the damage was done. I also think that might have been Neil Watt's last game as well. He was replaced by Brian Reid, who had been caretaker manager (along with Mark McGeown) prior to Watt's appointment. ETA - I also forgot about Alan Martin. He was a pretty decent keeper. We got Cuthbert to replace him though - who was much better.
  14. I forgot about Smith. And Crawford. And Barry John Corr.
  15. Shamelessly stolen from the Premiership forum. Best - Nelson, Cuthbert, Doohan, Roy, Fleming Worst - Brown, Hillcoat, Cherrie, Barry John Corr, Hutton Decent - McGeown, Grindlay, Dodds, Crawford, Smith, Martin Bombscare - Hart, Ruddy, Rovde, Samson
  16. Tell them to f**k off because you're trying to play Football Manager.
  17. I've long been of the opinion that some of the Glasgow teams should merge. Celtic and Rangers to merge and become Glasgow United FC. They can play in green and blue hoops. They can also f**k off and join another countrys league. Partick Thistle and Clyde to merge and become Clyde Thistle FC. Queens Park can remain as they are.
  18. Finished "Little Man, What Now?" by Hans Fallada. A story about a struggling young couple set in pre-WW2 Germany. Now reading "Nightmare In Berlin" by the same author, set immediately after the war. A semi-autobiographical novel about a formerly well-known writer who had been blacklisted by the Nazis. He and his wife return to the ruined Berlin in an attempt to "start a new life". I'm about half-way through and it's been a good read. I've read a few of Fallada's books and he sure can spin a good yarn. I'd recommend checking him out if any of you are interested in historical novels of that era.
  19. I always thought Lampard was the better player, and I hated Lampard.
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