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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I'm the same. I look better in real life than I do on my POF profile.
  2. Losing the playoffs is a sore one, especially after such a close-run title race which was decided by fine margins. This is exactly the reason why I was relieved that we won the league and avoided the playoffs. I wasn't confident that we would have fared much better than Raith over two legs against an organised and streetwise Alloa side. Well done Alloa and commiserations to Raith fans. If you had a competent manager then maybe the events of the past few weeks would have panned out differently.
  3. Saw his camouflage Bentley go up the Sandgate today, stopping at Renaldo's for some Absolutely minted ice cream before heading to San Somerset. I heard he paid for it with a £50 note and said keep the change.
  4. I am interested in Little Mix if they're available. It doesn't mean I'm going to bang them though.
  5. HA! They sold out on that one. I hear their Manchester show last year was a blast though. Really good pyrotechnics.
  6. You're a fan of ISIS? I bet you can't name one of their albums.
  7. I noticed earlier that someone had spray painted "ISIS" on some road signs. Makes a change from the usual "UVF" graffiti, but when did it get trendy to write the names of terrorist organisations on stuff?
  8. You may not have won the league but you have won a place in Ayr hearts. Mon the Alloa in the playoffs.
  9. You do have quite a long and sort of unique surname which less privileged individuals might perceive to be posh tbh.
  10. No, but I expect him to read it and clone an army of Jamie Adams to conquer the world.
  11. Do you mean to tell me that footballers aren't created in laboratories?
  12. Was it him last year who was suggesting we re-sign Graeme Brown? The same Graeme Brown who only scored two goals for us nearly 15 years ago. The same Graeme Brown who is retired and currently is a lawyer.
  13. I love this squad but there's no room for sentiment in football. IMO we need at least a LB, two CBs, a RB, at least one new CM, a winger and a keeper. I'd definitely keep: Rose McDaid Shankland Hart (but NOT as first choice keeper!) Moore Forrest Crawford Docherty (if he can stay injury free) Moff, Adams, Bell and Geggan stay as squad players for their versatility. Everyone else goodbye and good luck!
  14. I know it sounds heartless, but I would rather we started preparing for next season as soon as possible. We don't want to end up chasing the players no-one else wants again.
  15. Might see you in the playoffs next year! I hope your club's troubles are behind them. Never nice to see another club struggle off the park, unless that club is a certain Glasgow club.
  16. After the Alloa game I thought we'd blown it and considered not going, but as the week went on I had a sneaky feeling that we would do it so went along in hope. I thought the crowd was better on Saturday for not having the usual scummy elements that seem to emerge for our "glory" games.
  17. Thank you Alloa. I love you. Good luck in the playoffs.
  18. Commiserations, it was always going to be a sickener for whoever lost out. Good luck in the playoffs. I REALLY wanted us to avoid the playoffs because I wasn't that confident about them.
  19. I missed out on the HB tour because the Barrowlands sold out in under a minute and tickets subsequently reappeared on touting sites for extortionate prices. I deliberately have never watched any footage from that tour as I know that would have made me even more raging to have missed it.
  20. The EMG show was ten times better than last night.
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