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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. For me it would have to be fast cars. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Maserati, Porsche. At least one of each. I just can't say no. Some people think I am too old to still be playing with Scaletrix but I don't care.
  2. Oh the days when I was a student and used to make Borsch. 6 gallons for £6. 6 pounds of beetroot, 3 pounds of onions, 2 pounds of carrots, 1 pound of spinach, a jar of marmite and lots of water. Tough luck if you wanted something else! Willing to try other soup nowadays though.
  3. The more common expression is: "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it is written on".
  4. Expect Trump to launch an investigation into the numbers for Hawaii. Obviously fake. Just like their birth certificates!
  5. I blame Star Trek and their prime directive. Avoid all contact with pre-warp civilisations. Guess what. That's us. We actually gave them the idea. There are probably dozens of alien races whizzing around the solar system with strict instructions to avoid being seen by anyone on Earth with the possible exception of some Trump voting Americans who have been drinking too much hooch.
  6. Yes. That is a third of what it was when Ceaucescu was in power.
  7. "Well I've been over to Brussels and we have made excellent progress. I told them they were being unreasonable and that good old Blighty is just not going to stand for it. They didn't like what I had to say. Not what they are use to but I reminded them that we won the war - Twice! We deserve more respect, more gratitude. Maybe a "thank you for all that'. It took a lot of persuasion but they have finally shown a bit of humility and accepted that I am right and always have been. Starting in January, we can have whatever bananas we like, classify them as we like, have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, if we like, and nobody is going to tell us they are just too bendy! I don't know about you but I call that a victory for common sense." "On all the other stuff, we still need to talk some more."
  8. All these people in all these films must all live together. I know that because it seems they all have the same phone number. Can't remember it completely but it is 555 something, something, something, something.
  9. What are you suggesting? That everyone kneels down in an orderly line with their ass in the air while a spitfire swoops down and fires a vaccine to each and everyone. Count me out.
  10. Somerset is the English equivalent of West Virginia where everyone voted for Trump.
  11. This time last year I was in St Helena. It was strange because it was very different but also very much the same. Located in the middle of the South Atlantic it was more than a thousand miles from anywhere else yet when I went into a shop it was similar to any number of Highland villages, selling the same sort of things , same electric plugs and same coins and similar conversations. The two DVD rental shops were a bit nostalgic.
  12. I thought chips were made from potatoes. Learn something new every day.
  13. People on the continent drone on about the wars as well. They see them as truly horrible events that they never want to experience again. So instead of fighting each other, they choose to work together, trade together, co-operate and establish a level playing field to stop disputes escalating into hostilities between neighbours. In fact there is an organisation that aims to do precisely this. It is not perfect but it better than nothing. If only I could remember the name.
  14. 38p. Equivalent to what a North Korean gets paid for 2 hours work.
  15. That is not quite true. It came second. The winner was the jingle for the "Shake and Vac" advert. Freddie Mercury was not pleased. He had also written a jingle for the same product but the company said it was far too over-elaborate for a TV advert. In the end, he change the lyrics a bit and released it as a single called "Bohemian Rhapsody".
  16. One reason for not going to North Korea is that it is a prison. You can go, look around and then leave. A native who tries to leave can be imprisoned or even executed. An innocent conversation with a local could get them into trouble and you would never know. When someone goes to prison, their children and grandchildren go as well. Along with Somalia it is the most corrupt country in the world. Something to consider while having an ice cream in the park in Pyongyang in a country where millions died of starvation not that long ago.
  17. His entire presidency has been one big long publicity stunt. Shock and awe on the American people saying and doing whatever would get the most attention. His pal Farage demonstrated you can have a lot of influence even without power. He can't concede defeat because the people would ignore him and focus on the new president. He will still have his base after January and I seriously doubt he will follow etiquette and decline making regular comments about his successor.
  18. In all fairness they are simply pointing out that Anthony Daniels was the same nationality as David Prowse. Star Wars would not be a great choice for displaying British acting. Alec Guinness was a great actor who later regretted starring in the film - "I got tired of people asking me to say 'may the force with you'. You know I did star in other films too". The other five British actors that spring to mind were all heavily disguised and in most cases had been chosen because they were the right size for the costume.
  19. Good point. Personally I find it unlikely that you arrive at the pearly gates and you are met by someone who wants to see your stamp collection.
  20. Do you think they ever sit down and compare note "I got carpets. What about you?" "I got door handles. Was hoping I would get the whole door and maybe windows too." "No you don't want that. Too much responsibility. I was offered rugs, linoleum and floor tiles as well but carpets is enough for me." "Okay. Patron Saint of Carpets it is. I think I might do a swap with Elias. Patron Saint of soft furniture sounds pretty good to me." "Good luck with that."
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