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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I think this was the real reason he went to meet Rocketman Kim Jong Un. "Hey I am wanting to keep the leadership in the family. How do you manage to do it?" "Oh it's easy. Everyone else who might be a threat is taken outside and shot." "Okay. Not sure I could do that myself but thanks for letting me know."
  2. What exactly is the objection to someone being a career politician? Honest question. After all if I wanted to be a brain surgeon I wouldn't train to be a lawyer. (Not that I ever had any wish to be any of the above.)
  3. Yeah but I think the photo was taken because of the guy standing next to him. Whatshisname. Oh dear my mind has gone blank.
  4. Yeah. If things ever get really bad in Scotland I am going to emigrate to Skye.
  5. President Trump was four years of publicity stunts and twitter feeds and saying whatever was going to set people off. Biden doing four years of just not being Trump is an improvement in itself. Remember the days when you weren't reminded on a daily basis who the American President was.
  6. Sometimes it is not even an attack. Just spores that drift in from outer space, take over people's bodies and make them act strange. Might explain why there are so many people who voted for Trump.
  7. Considering that Trump's mother was from Stornoway I do think it was a bit shameless of the Democrats to deliberately chase the Hebridean American vote by choosing a Vice Presidential candidate with the name Harris.
  8. Bad knowledge actually. He took his plane to Stornoway and spent 97 seconds inside his ancestral home such was his strong emotional bond to the place.
  9. I predict with Donald Trump winning re-election that he will be a valuable ally in making Brexit a great success. BTW any news about how big his win was?
  10. He might be upset but my friend Harvey the giant invisible rabbit is absolutely delighted so I guess that makes things even.
  11. There are 31 counties called Washington. Jefferson 26. Franklin 25. Jackson 24. Lincoln 24. Madison 24. Trump County 0.
  12. With no idea where Scotland is or anything to do with football. As for Bovril - what on earth is that?
  13. Some people are getting all worked up about the US elections. How silly. This week is just a trial run. The real election is next week.
  14. Mathematically speaking, this is someone struggling to say something positive. Then again, he is not saying anything negative either.
  15. It would nice to have Rod Serling appear in front of the camera and say ".. and Donald Trump has now entered the grey murky world that we all know as the Twilight Zone". The camera then pans to Trump thrashing away as the theme music plays out.
  16. You should have suggested he gets the chance to prove Zyklon B is not toxic in any way and actually has a slight hint of lilac in the scent.
  17. If you want me to find out then I'll ask her! Oh dear I'll stop now.
  18. Somebody invented Rhubarb Crumble but there was other stuff too.
  19. "I'm here to work with Joe to ensure there is a smooth transition to the new administration. This is a great country. We know who to thank for that. Joe really has his work cut out for him. Tough act to follow. No question about that. People will looking to see if he turns out to be as great a president as me. Probably not. That's just my opinion. I'm just saying. Still I'm here to help where I can. Believe me, he'll need my help. That's what it's about. God bless America."
  20. He wanted to make "America Great Again". So now they're grating!
  21. Then there was the time when life in the Weimar Republic was crap so people voted for change. After all, how much worse could it get?
  22. Take me home Cunty roads. 24 hours from Tulsa is still too close to Oklahoma.
  23. Quick check using the AP election map. If you want to avoid Trump voters Massachusetts and Rhode Island look like they voted Democrat in all areas. New Hampshire and Vermont almost there as well. West Virginia and Oklahoma should be avoided. Trump voters everywhere!
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