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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Came to the conclusion it must be Edinburgh. Googled "Pavement Marker Edinburgh" and looked at the Images Tab. Saw an appropriate image on the first page. Would never have found it any other way.
  2. https://www.google.com/maps/@55.9226086,-3.2094039,3a,75y,311.45h,54.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp2vflwhq59_8niWRjDH1RQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  3. This suggests that you have already solved this but I cannot find the post where you solved it.
  4. Even the moon is not a million miles away but I get your point. Oh dear. Too early to be so pedantic. ☺
  5. Unlike your other examples people can relate to this one. "Why is he allowed to do this when I can't?"
  6. Also it is not just Quebec. As well as New Brunswick being bilingual there are French speaking communities in Ontario and Manitoba. I was surprised to learn about this on a flight to Winnipeg.
  7. I still think that song is totally off message in terms of social distancing. They should change the lyrics to "you should always walk alone except for members of your own household while maintaining a 2 metres distance from others and even then only as part of your once a day daily exercise."
  8. Are you implying Martians have been reading War of the Worlds and stealing our ideas? No need to read the book. They simply watched the films. We have even shown them how to design their ships. Big mistake.
  9. Is there any possibility that Covid 19 is actually Martian Flu designed to weaken us prior to an invasion?
  10. So what is your opinion of the Beatles or Noddy Holder or Ozzy Osborne?
  11. Struggling to get an exact match for this picture but it looks a lot like Martelange in Wallonia next to Luxembourg. https://earth.google.com/web/search/Martelange,+Belgium/@49.83203185,5.74286736,378.45910644a,0d,60y,297.85127304h,93.78243421t,0r/data=Cn4aVBJOCiUweDQ3ZWFhNmRlODNkOTAxYmY6MHhlY2Q5NjMyNjI5MDVhNDMxGZpU2RyM6khAIeB1RxD49RZAKhNNYXJ0ZWxhbmdlLCBCZWxnaXVtGAEgASImCiQJ05UmRIpiSUARXaA9-CphSUAZBwKVVUM4CEAh8JYtR8DvB0AiGgoWOWk2VldycW4yUXVBbWwwM3RMdWtqURAC
  12. This one remains unsolved. I suspect it is in Scotland. Possibly Edinburgh, Dunfermline or Aberdeen. I think I might have seen it but cannot think where.
  13. I have tried. "Recycled, artwork, outdoors, bottles, car exhausts, street lamps, streetview". Nothing. Maybe it is Berlin or Philadelphia but I have never seen it. I have puzzles on page 34 and 35 that have not been solved. Still trying to solve the Q8 puzzle on page 35.
  14. I read an article about how people had known about this virus as long ago as 1963 when a special report landed on the desk of President John F Kennedy. He was just about to take action to have it dealt with but first of all he had to make a trip to Dallas. Sounds totally plausible to me.
  15. I suspect this a border town between either France and Belgium or France and Italy. There are three petrol stations close together - Total, Esso and Q8. There are about 200 Q8 stations in Europe mostly in Denmark, Belgium and Italy. I didn't know this before today! None seem to match the one in the picture
  16. FYI He also wrote several books starting with "The No 1 Lady Detective's Agency" set in Botswana that the BBC turned into a mini series about 11 years ago.
  17. Do you think there are people with season tickets for Celtic that regularly sit with the green brigade, sing the songs and wave the flags but are actually die-hard Rangers fans? I seriously question the idea that there are Tories within the Labour Party, deliberately trying to destroy it. Yes, there are some that only want Labour to be a bit to the left of the Tories - as opposed to the polar opposite. These are not people secretly receiving instructions from Dominic Cummings or his puppet. The constant talk of a conspiracy is an absolute bore. Maybe it would be worth considering how Prime Minister Corbyn would handle this pandemic. One thing is for sure. There would be people making excuses for any mistakes he made. I can hear it now. "Jeremy is doing an outstanding job and if it wasn't for his critics who can't except that he won, he would be doing a truly historic job." We will never know.
  18. I recall one science program where somebody was wired up and subjected himself to the cold in the middle of the night on a mountain side while others monitored his vital signs. At the first sign of trouble they would come in and rescue him. He started off saying how cold it was, wondering why he had been stupid enough to volunteer and basically having a miserable time. Later he said "you know something. It's not that bad. I am getting used to this." At that point they rushed in and took him away. He was totally surprised by their actions.
  19. I did google it. It is 4. There was an article in the Guardian yesterday by Laurel Chor about flying from Heathrow to Hong Kong and it was one of the few flights that day.
  20. There is a theory that prolonged exposure to gravity (for example several decades) means you are more at risk than somebody who has had less exposure. The numbers seem to point that way.
  21. Yeah I spotted it too. Anglesey is an island. The map makes it look like it is connected to the rest of North Wales.
  22. You know what she would say to that Judge Judy Idiot.mp3
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