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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. KPI comes from a country that has too many guns and you don't want to tell anyone to hit their targets or you might get blemed for what might happen next. - Literally!
  2. You say you have literally never used the phrase "going forward". Is there some other way of using it?
  3. Complain about someone in a Baked Potato shop who actually looks at the choices instead of just having the same as everybody else. "No, I don't want Cheddar cheese this time" "Oh - you toff."
  4. You are right. As long as she says "We are leaving the EU" every two minutes nobody is paying attention to whatever else she is saying. It is aimed at people who know the chorus to a song but not a single word of the verse.
  5. I think if Theresa May was a car salesman (or salesperson if you insist) then not only is she trying to sell a car that hasn't been made yet, they haven't even agreed where the engine is going to go or how many wheels it will have.
  6. How exactly would you escalate the conflict in Syria more than where it already is? It's like saying Mount Everest isn't high enough.
  7. I am sure the man from Del Monte would have this all sorted in no time.
  8. What happens if the next outrage is about a teacher that goes on the rampage using a gun they were issued to protect others?
  9. 35 million for Canada but only 13.4 million for Ontario. Assuming half are women then that is down to 6.7 million. Excluding children - 5.6 million maybe Possibly Scottish connection, vaguely interested in football or know somebody who is, similarly likely to go to a Scottish football forum while based in Ontario, likely to get enraged that they might know a complete stranger, etc, etc. I would say about 1 in 12 chance allowing for all these factors
  10. Does the bible in America have an appendix dealing specifically with all matters America?
  11. Then again you might have bumped into her if you had both gone to Vancouver for lunch.
  12. Why is it always assumed that the good guy is always an excellent shooter? The bad guy can fire at anyone because he doesn't care who he kills and he is perfectly willing to kill. By comparison, the good guy will only want to shoot the bad guy and only if it means nobody else gets hurt. In addition to which, they might not be psychologically able to shoot and kill somebody even if it is the shooter. I certainly wouldn't trust myself to be that good a shot.
  13. Never understand that analogy. What's the point having a cake and not being able to eat it. Seems a tad pointless The analogy is that if you eat the cake at lunchtime, you no longer have it to eat at dinner time. Maybe cans of beer would be a better analogy.
  14. Not to mention all the people who voted Leave because "have your cake and eat it" sounds wonderful, and though it seems impossible these amazing politicians obviously know how to make it happen or they would never have suggested it in the first place.
  15. I like the idea of British company manufacturing the new passports but because of a misunderstanding or a problem with the dyes, they all come out burgundy in colour.
  16. But does anybody else want the job right now. Her remit at the moment is: 1. Make Brexit work 2. Turn straw into gold 3. Turn water into wine I think there are plenty of others who want the job but not just yet.
  17. That might have encouraged some people to turn up with their bobsleighs, sleds, skis and ski suits and it might have caused a bit of confusion.
  18. Americans often talk about "America the Free". To which the obvious question is "Freedom from who?" (or "Freedom from whom?" if you insist). To which they would probably say "The Government." In a sense,country I can understand why. Their ancestors left some other country to escape oppression from "the government" of whatever country they came from. Nazi Germany is an obvious example but there are several others including these islands as you obviously know. Yeah they probably realise that the gun situation in America is out of control. You go to school to receive an education although you might get shot. Similarly, a sleepover might be fatal because somebody finds their Dad's gun. However, for some of them, a ban on guns would be "the government" being the solution - and they just don't ever want "the government" being the solution. Make of that what you like.
  19. No. The second amendment was to do with the fact that the USA started off with no army or navy (or air force) and had to do something to protect itself. Asking every man to help out seemed the logical answer at the time. Somebody told me they now have a navy and army and air force so maybe it is time to review the situation.
  20. At some point the Tories will admit that they made a mistake having the EU referendum before ordering up a contract for twenty million pairs of rose tinted glasses.
  21. Your own fault. You should have put it in writing. Oh, and that is all I have to say on the matter so I will stamp that one off here.
  22. I still think "Go To Guy" sounds better. Obviously, you know what film I am referring to
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