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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I imagine there are dozens of headline writers who are desperately hoping she will go sometime between April and June.
  2. You don't appreciate how clever these people are! "No plan" is the plan! Absolutely brilliant. The EU will be so appalled at our lack of planning and forward thinking and the chaos that will ensure that they will feel totally obliged to think a solution that will just absolutely work. Genius!
  3. Some times I really struggle to understand why so many people are passionately wanting to leave the EU. I am not in love with the EU but I have never felt like shaking my fist and saying "Let me out." I suspect it is about migration - all these people coming from elsewhere - and a sense of a loss of identity. Only problem is - any trade deal with India will make it easier for people from India to come here. Similarly, Brazil, China or any other country for that matter. I can easily imagine the angry Brexiteers get angry about that as well.
  4. Channel 4 news. Once again the idea that the EU sells more to us than we sell to them - so why wouldn't they offer us a great deal. Answer: They probably sell more to each other than they do to us. Does anyone seriously think Germany sells BMWs to the UK but not Ireland or Portugal or Finland or any of the others. Why would they jeopardize a level playing field for 27 countries just to please us? Does it really never occur to these Brexiteers that EU countries do business with each other?
  5. Why does anyone seem surprised that some Tories might be plotting to replace Theresa May? It is like a game of chess. Not only are they considering who to replace her with, but they are considering the replacement for the replacement and so on. Moggs, then Johnson, then Gove. No. Moggs then Fox then Johnson. No. Davis then Johnson then Moggs. Only three on your list? That's not much forward planning!
  6. Thanks for that. To be honest I don't even know where the Opera house in Dumfries actually is.
  7. What a good idea! The next time, ICT are playing away to Queen of the South, I will go to the game and then spend the evening at the Dumfries Opera House. It will be great.
  8. Interesting to look at this list and consider how often I have been to these places. Personally I have been to Newcastle, Bristol, Cardiff and York on dozens of occasions. I have also been to Leeds, Brighton and Leicester a few times too. By contrast, I have never been to Coventry, Wolverhampton or Stoke ever. Ah, but that is because I am one of those Metropolitan elite who spends all my time going to the opera. Actually, I have never been to the opera either.
  9. I seriously wonder where these people come from. I suspect the call handler for the radio station is told to block anyone that sounds remotely normal. Leeds voted to Remain in Europe - as did Liverpool, Manchester, York and Newcastle. A lot of people in England and Wales did vote to remain in the EU, but reading the papers, listening to the radio or watching the television, you would think that nobody there did.
  10. There did seem to be a lot of War films on the television during the Christmas break. I can easily imagine the Germans being puzzled as to our idea of the Christmas spirit.
  11. Not really. She would have thought it crazy, pulled them out from under bed, given each of them a clean and polish and then placed them properly lined up in the cupboard along with a note saying "Hello, my name is Cindy, and I am the cleanliness facilitator for this floor. Please contact me if you require anything!" If that doesn't get a good tip - then I don't know.
  12. So if somebody puts the sign on the door and then has a fatal heart attack during the night - it could be two weeks before anybody finds them. Yikes!
  13. Fighting in the Mediterranean was also based on the idea that the Italian soldier was not as good as the German soldier (or not as committed to the cause). The Russians took a similar view when they attacked the Romanian part of the supply line to Stalingrad and cut off the Germans in the city. Ultimately, it was the Japanese and not the Germans that destroyed the British Empire. Countries that suffered under the Japanese were not that keen on having their old masters return.
  14. Even if it was the same bag and you could put 3 rifles in the bag at a time, that is still more than 18 trips back and forth. I find it bizarre that this behavior would go unnoticed even if the bag contained something more innocent.
  15. Yes, Britain deserves praise for fighting the Nazis because the Nazis were a bunch of evil shits. However, I sometimes get the impression that was not the main reason why we went to war - that it was more to do with protecting the empire. Maybe this is not true for most people but I do find it disturbing whenever some Hitler apologist does well in some European elections and some people here seem pleased for them.
  16. At the time, I found it astonishing that anyone could walk into a hotel with 55 guns and nobody seemed to notice. Apparently this now means you could walk in the same hotel with 55 bombs and again nobody would care. What exactly would you have to be taking into the hotel before hotel security would stop you and ask some questions? No rush to give me answer. I am not planning to visit Las Vegas any time soon.
  17. Surely you don't need to go quite that far to get away from the guy.
  18. I remember one comedian starting his act by saying "Has anyone here been to Australia?" The answer was no. He continued anyway. "You know what it is like at rush hour down near the opera house?" (Actually no) "You know what the women are really like on Bondi beach?" (Also no) "You know the bus journey from Sydney up to Brisbane?" (Nope - not that one either) ".. or taking the overnight train to Perth?" (Sorry, none of the above) Not sure why he bothered.
  19. .. but now they know who you are. The next time you try to take the ferry, they will send in the heavy squad and take you away.
  20. I suspect the dog is thinking "Oh boy, I bet there is a tasty treat at the top of that tower!" Also, are you one of the people who claims to live in two places? "Over the year, I split my time between Toronto and Paris. Hence my name on P&B"
  21. Ardvreck Castle near Lochinver in Sutherland is located above the largest unused nuclear bunker in Europe. Thanks to the success of the NC500 route, an ambitious property developer has bought the place and intends to build a large shopping centre including a multiplex cinema, aquarium and seafood restaurant. It will be called the Midway Centre and the developer is currently discussing parking issues with the council.
  22. Eric Bristow was thrown out of the Celtic youth team because he kept throwing sharp pointy things at his team mates. His parents did not know what to make of this behaviour until a family friend came up with a solution.
  23. I remember one old boss who hated the competition, he couldn't mention them by name and if anybody did they got a bollocking and it simply ruined his day. Obviously, if somebody wanted to leave to join the competition, that would send him into orbit. Fortunately, the competition knew all about him and if he said you were a useless piece of shit then that was seen as a sign of approval. In truth, by the time your new employer is checking on references, they have pretty much already decided to employ you and just want to check on the facts. For example that you are not claiming to be head chef when you were actually the waiter
  24. When North Korea took part in the 1966 World Cup (wherever that was), the team had a bit of a party the night after one of the games. This got reported back to the powers that be - and everybody in the team was sent to the gulags apart from one player who had an early night.
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