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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Why is it only the last night that gets televised. What about the other nights? Not that I would bother to watch it anyway.
  2. Fun Fact: The Scottish Highlands are an extension of the Appalachians.
  3. Coming from a family involved in the construction business you would have thought he would have known better.
  4. I think conspiracies are mainly carried out by people who find them convenient and don't really care if they get uncovered later on. For example, regarding 9/11, there is no question that a conspiracy took place. I am referring to 50 years ago, when the CIA and others undermined the government of Salvador Allende in Chile and helped enable a military coup on 11th September 1973. By the time this was revealed, General Pinochet was firmly in charge. Similarly the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Iran. The UK and the US helped with that. Oncxe the Shah was in place, it did not matter who knew about it. Regarding 9/11 in 2001, nobody was behind it who would be in serious trouble if it was ever found out. Certainly not the US government apart from a conspiracy of incompetence and certainly not Israel. By contrast, Al Qaeda were delighted when the finger was pointed at them. They were as happy with the wars that followed as anyone else. That is how I see it.
  5. I would be quite happy for the Farage Party to have a voice in parliament because every time they open their mouths they sound like idiots. At the moment, their views get reported unchallenged by a largely compliant MSM and their threat to steal votes from the Tories means they have colossal influence on UK politics even with zero MPs.
  6. Andy played lead guitar on this famous Robert Palmer song.
  7. Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who. If you can think of any others you should suggest it to them. HTH
  8. "Happy to oblige. However there will be a £8.40 processing fee, which we could reduce to £7.00 if you just send us a cheque for £1.40 and we call it quits."
  9. Check the Dead Pool thread to see if anyone got points. Otherwise No.
  10. Always had my suspicions about Denmark. Twin Towers were higher than anywhere in Denmark. Obviously some sort of envy thing going on there. Not to mention some incriminating evidence found in an apartment in Copenhagen.
  11. Does that mean Nigel Farage has sorted out his bank account?
  12. Maybe they were thinking "she works in a hospital looking after babies, won't be long before she thinks about having one of her own". Not going to happen now.
  13. I know someone who had to visit prisons occasionally as part of their job and said almost everyone there could claim "diminished responsibilities" because most people would have the good sense to avoid doing anything that might land them in jail. Thus I am not really interested in why she did it. She should go to jail and be forgotten by everyone who does not need to remember her. Sending her to jail for the rest of her life is not a soft option regardless of whether they make it pleasant for her or not. I certainly would not like to trade places. I prefer to think more of the families. One family had a funeral on the day before the baby was expected to be born. Horrific.
  14. Cape Fear is a remake of a 1962 film starring Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum.
  15. There is a Sci fi film called 14 days. Maybe you could watch that twice and then Jools Holland. Just an idea.
  16. Think about it. These were premature babies. They weren't supposed to be safe in their beds or anything like that. They were supposed to be safe still inside their mother's womb. That is how vulnerable they were. Everyone was supposed to be on high alert by their early arrival to ensure their survival and she was exactly the opposite. That is how evil she was.
  17. Getting rid of an empty box of chocolates and discovering there is one left.
  18. "What was I thinking? I never want to see another custard cream for as long as I live!"
  19. Oh great. Two musicals in a row. This one was even better than last week. Just joking.
  20. Have you never watched Toy Story? Better take them out of the boxes if you expect them to do anything.
  21. Make sure you provide a pie chart. They like that.
  22. I nearly forgot about my claim to fame !! Does anyone remember the millennium bug? The world was going to end. It did for me. My video recorder stopped working at the stroke of midnight when year 2000 began!
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