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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. .. and yet 15 minutes is all it took for Ethan Hunt to go in there and steal the body without anybody noticing. The next Mission Impossible film is going to be brilliant - including a brief cameo from David Beckham.
  2. Helen Mirren plays Jane Tennison of Prime Suspect fame. Her suspect has escaped custody and is somewhere in the queue. As she searches the queue, people keep saying "Oh, you're not dead, hooray" and flock all around her. She screams "No I am not the Queen, get back in your box". They reply "No, get back in yours".
  3. Watching paint dry would be quicker, probably warmer and definitely more exciting than this.
  4. I have images of the original funeral home watching the feed and laughing their heads off. "We did a switch. The Queen is still here in our vault. That's Mrs. Mackenzie from Dinnet in that one and nobody has bothered to check!"
  5. Sometimes "amazing" simply refers to them getting a meal without having to cook it for themselves.
  6. I wonder if Arsene Wenger's middle name is Al.
  7. I wonder if anyone is expecting a commemorative t-shirt.
  8. Will Mountain Rescue be operating on Monday or will it be assumed that anybody stuck on a hill that day is a treacherous Republican who doesn't deserve to be rescued?
  9. I thought different music for each. ITV1 - stiff sombre music ITV2 - piano played quietly in the background. ITV3 - Star Wars theme and other bombastic stuff. ITV4 - Lazy Caribbean Jive.
  10. A Benny Hill chase parody with a Prince Andrew look-a-like. Topical and non-controversial.
  11. In North Korea it is a farce. The Kim dynasty have tremendous privilege over everybody else. The narrative is that they are practically the greatest people that ever lived. Crowds cried whenever one of them died, the whole thing is like a circus but then the whole passes down through the family and everybody is expected to pledge allegiance to the new leader. Too similar I think.
  12. The Iran people are 25% Azeri. This leads to a natural tension between Iran and Azerbaijan.
  13. I don't know. Full moon tonight. Could be an interesting twist.
  14. He actually described that as the closest he got to a normal life.
  15. They should consider themselves lucky. The ancient Eqyptians would have had them poisoned and buried with the queen.
  16. And he will be attending the Queen's funeral. Good opportunity for Truss to take him aside and discuss the matter further.
  17. France. I was told they were always quick to give up. Been a popular choice in the past. We could liberate the Channel Islands - even if they hadn't been invaded first. Macron. Friend or Foe. Meet your match. It just might work.
  18. Why do they call them mourners? Some of them are simply curious. What about the people who have visited Lenin's tomb? Were they all mourning his death?
  19. At which point you revealed your unwavering devotion to the Crown and told them that their attitude was truly scandalous and you had no intention of tending to their gardens when your loyalty and allegiance to the new king was required. Well played.
  20. The management of my company thinks the whole thing is a load of shit and won't be indulging in any of this claptrap. One of the benefits of being self-employed.
  21. God awful. Enough to make the Tay Bridge fall into the sea.
  22. The Queen has been but now no more. The last few days - an utter bore.
  23. I have said it before. I enjoyed that for all the wrong reasons. Americans love their anthem. At sporting events, they stand up, place their hand on their heart and sing it with gusto. By contrast, over here, GSTQ was mainly being played to people who had fallen asleep while watching the telly.
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