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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Pierre Trudeau, father of the current Prime Minister of Canada, did it in less than 3 years. He became an MP in 1965 and was Prime Minister from 1968 to 1979. He was briefly in opposition and then Prime Minister again from 1980 to 1984.
  2. .. and it is going to get worse now the sheriff is gone too. Ron Masak.
  3. IIRC, depending on your email software, High Priority means the email will be sent immediately (equivalent to a dispatch rider ready to take it from you) whereas Normal Priority means it will wait to the next cycle (equivalent to a postbox collection). Very useful for sending attachments to somebody who needs them immediately. Not the same as Urgent. The word Urgent should be used sparingly. If everything is Urgent then nothing is Urgent.
  4. Maybe it is simply whichever makes it obvious who you are talking about. David Cameron could not be Dave or David because there was also David Davis. Also, Theresa Coffey and Liz Windsor. Yeah there was Boris Becker, Boris Karloff, and Boris Yeltsin but if you just said Boris it was fairly obvious who you meant. Then again Rishi is fairly obvious and do is Sunak.
  5. Many will be resigning from the party for technical reasons.
  6. You like your mashed potatoes. What was the other one?
  7. Americans who think "awesome" is the best word to describe anything. "This mashed potatoes isn't just great. It's awesome". "Machu Picchu isn't just amazing. It's awesome". "Landing on the moon wasn't just incredible. It was awesome".
  8. The book "Bounce" by Matthew Syed argues the case of 10,000 hours to be an expert at anything. For example, Kenya has some greater runners, not because of genetics but because they lived in a part of Kenya where they had to run to school and back on a regular basis. Like you say, plenty of black people can swim. It is because they have had the chance to practice.
  9. If Rishi Sunak wins the role then a lot of Tory members will resign from the party because it is no longer the party it used to be.
  10. Hawaii is the antipode of Botswana if that is any help.
  11. I am not disputing Johnson is a showman. Doesn't mean he is suitable to be PM. Nothing to suggest he knew there was a serious side to the job.
  12. Your second paragraph indicates why your first paragraph will not work. If there is a big difference between what the MPs want and what the membership wants then there will always be friction. There is no need to resort to tiresome conspiracy theory. It will always happen. Yes it sounds more democratic for the membership to decide but the membership will always be more ideological whereas MPs need to make it work. Truss did what the membership wanted and it led to disaster. Also, a majority of Tory MPs were against Brexit but the membership were got it. Another disaster. Seldom gets mentioned.
  13. IIRC Clement Attlee was regarded as pretty boring compared to Churchill. It is also said that Trump made a mistake referring to Biden as "Sleepy Joe". People liked the idea of a president who just got on with the job as opposed to one who performed one stunt after another. At the moment, Labour have little to gain by distracting attention away from the disastrous Tories.
  14. They want him back because he is a showman - he knows exactly how to get the cameras pointing in his direction. He can be hopeless incompetent at everything else but that's okay because then they can get him to do their bidding.
  15. #Worldle #274 6/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  16. Johnson had to go when he did. He was an electoral liability. There was talk of him being the worse prime minister ever. Now that accusation no longer applies, he obviously feels it is time to return.
  17. "I am deeply honoured and touched that you should want me back. I have reflected on where things went wrong and realise with great humility that I must do better. And do better I will. I feel reborn, renewed and ready to get on with the job in hand. Right. Enough of that sentimental crap. Let's party."
  18. .. oh and can we bring back the Queen? Not really keen on this King Charles crap.
  19. As Napoleon said "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".
  20. Corbyn and Cameron were equally ineffective at persuading people to vote Remain. Corbyn at best had always been lukewarm towards the E.U. Cameron was just plain useless.
  21. Not sure what you disagree on. It is about party discipline. A party is more effective if it works collectively. If every member acts like an individual on everything then the party as a whole is less effective. You and I might not like it but I can't see how it wpuld work otherwise. Obviously on some issues personal conscience will be allowed but not all.
  22. All of them. A MP is elected to represent their party and not just themselves. If MPs were allowed freedom of conscience on everything you would have no way of predicting how a vote would go on anything, even if the party has a manifesto saying what they plan to do. It simply would not work.
  23. Similar to Merthyr Tydfil in Wales. "What have the E.U. ever done for us?" Absolute joke.
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