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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. If sovereignty is the issue then why are there 27 countries where it does not matter? During the Brexit referendum the MSM were full of talk about other countries preparing to leave as well. That came to nothing.
  2. If not for the Monkees, there would have been no David Bowie.
  3. FTFY (I could have used Tippex there but that was Mike's mum)
  4. .. and he couldn't sing and he wasn't willing to shave off his beard, and he was involved in a whole bunch of gruesome murders and he just wasn't the right look. Next.
  5. In 1967, The Monkees went on tour with Jimi Hendrix as the support act. He quit after playing seven shows.
  6. His go at "Common People" was decent enough especially with help from Joe Jackson.
  7. Similarly, every coffee that you buy in Washington DC is used to fund secret covert operations by the CIA. Therefore, as a rule when in Washington, you should drink tea.
  8. I am impressed that your postman deciphered the blue bit and got it to the right address. Amazing.
  9. Yeah, but "where no man .." does not have the super cool transporter beam in that the producers loved unlike this one. Some trivial issue wins the day.
  10. They also object to a European Army even if it is practically the same as the countries of NATO.
  11. You think you are being witty here. Nothing to crow about.
  12. If a troll appears on a thread, I might add to that thread without engaging with them directly or referencing them in anyway. If they respond to what I say, I go off to another thread and wait for them to get bored. That usually works.
  13. Did Doctor Feelgood ever write any songs about their hometown and all the wonderful people there?
  14. There was a time when the centre of Inverness was not pedestrianised and the High Street was full of shoe shops. Must have been heaven for anyone who liked to drive into town and buy new shoes.
  15. Wow. We haven't even got to Xmas 2022 and you are worried about Xmas 2023.
  16. Drinking beer with both hands! Are you sitting in a high chair and wearing a bib as well? Not sure how I would describe that condition.
  17. Personally I think Brexit should be exposed as a scam. If there really is £350 million more week for the NHS then why can't they give nurses a pay rise. Constantly ask where the benefits are. Make it embarrassing for anyone to admit they voted Leave.
  18. I realise some people go straight to the Politics Forum and start being argumentative with everyone. Oaksoft used to be like that but less so recently. However that behaviour is less the case with other forums, although I might be wrong. For example, on one general nonsense thread he claimed he was tired of sharing the universe with other people and we teased him a little. It is a pity you can't just ban them from the Politics Forum instead of the whole site.
  19. If you have a wife called Nora she can use it to make Pea and Ham.
  20. The first episode to be aired was "The Man Trap" which included a monster that craved salt. They bought some salt shakers for filming the episode but did not use them. Those salt shakers would later be used as medical tricorders for the rest of the show.
  21. Borscht connoisseur. I like it.
  22. I use to make Borscht. Very affordable. 6 gallons for £6. 6 pounds of beetroot, 3 pounds of onions, 2 pounds of carrots, 1 pound of spinach and a jar of marmite. Blend the lot. Serve with natural yoghurt or sour cream. Use to freeze it too. Around the same time, my father was keen on making blackcurrant puree and freezing it too. We weren't very good at labelling anything that went in the freezer. Only found out when we thawed it out.
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