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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Does anybody ever phone the speaking clock to get the right time?
  2. "Hey Gramps. You asked me to go get you a new head cleaner. Wasn't sure what you meant."
  3. "Quick. The football will be on in two minutes. See if you can tune it to BBC 1."
  4. Really! Were you an only child? Missed lots of stuff because somebody wanted to watch one of the other channel and it was my turn last night.
  5. Similarly bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy. This means another recipient that the other recipients don't get told about. Not sure how that worked in the old fashioned sense.
  6. Great. That's me filled another book of green shield stamps. Any idea where I can use them?
  7. Big deal, Mr Modern Transistor Man! My old wireless uses capacitors, diodes and vacuum tubes and works just great. Vera Lynn sounds as good as ever!
  8. If they are wanting him to tilt it so they win the league, they will obviously have to offer more. Expect it to go up to £220.
  9. Somebody is kidnapped and taken to a remote location such as an old cabin in the middle of nowhere. They are left alone and guess what. They manage to escape. All for nothing. The first person they encounter after they escape is either the kidnapper or an accomplice.
  10. Only got themselves to blame. You want a good password. PASSWORD I use it all the time. Never let's me down.
  11. "Snow, darn it. We're not use to it around here. Me and the boys are going down to the tv station to sort out that weatherman once and for all."
  12. Good point. I guess it can only be used to confirm the identity when you are fairly sure who it is in the first place.
  13. Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge could be colder than you think.
  14. For Alcatraz you need to book weeks in advance. It is extremely popular and unlikely you can get a ticket on the day. If you plan to drive the route of the famous car chase in Bullitt, be warned - they cheated.
  15. ... and it has probably caused you to develop all sorts of paranoia towards anyone called "The Professor". I think we are making progress.
  16. Grisly crime drama where the body of a murder victim cannot be identified by normal means but they figure it out by other clues. Queue later appearance by supposed victim who is very much alive.
  17. "Oh dear, my tin of baked beans is 7 years out of date. Better throw it out." Let's hope for your sake there is not a Nuclear Armageddon . You obviously don't know the basics.
  18. For goodness sake. Those could have been very useful for medical research. Do you not care about the NHS?
  19. Adolf Hitler was a massive fan of board games, especially Risk (which inspired him in a bad way). He claimed he was actually very good. In reality anyone who made the mistake of beating him would get a visit from the Gestapo who would force them to confess they had cheated. Then they were shot. In latter years, he had difficulty finding anyone who was willing to play.
  20. The Nazis used 2.75 million horses in WW2. It was their main mode of transport.
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