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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Yet of all these puns that everyone writes could there still be a shop not yet mentioned?
  2. I know people who grew up in the remote Highlands, absolutely hated it, couldn't wait to escape and now live a big city somewhere else in the world. I also know other people who hated the big city, moved to the remote Highlands and absolutely love it. So who should be entitled to live there? The people who will make it thrive. The problem with AirBNB, second homes and the like is when they do not contribute much to the local economy or local community. Other than that, I couldn't care less where they came from in the first place.
  3. For all these jokes, I award Top Marks and Spencer does too!
  4. These bad jokes are insane. S' bury them please.
  5. The theme song for the film "Zulu" originally had lyrics written and sung by Cliff Richard. He had not been told what the film was about and his cheerful delivery was not appreciated by test audiences.
  6. Are you kidding? Albania and its former leader Enver Hoxha provided the inspiration for Brexit in the first place. A country that decided to take back control, isolate itself from its nearest neighbours and do business with countries in the Far East instead. As we know, that is what led it to greatness!
  7. For me the best flavour is the one you can't get at home. I remember one holiday getting Tomato flavour crisps. They were wonderful. As soon as I could them at the local Co-op I no longer liked them. Not sure if anyone ever did a PhD to explain this sort of thing but if this inspires any of you to do so then make sure to give me a mention.
  8. I would go a step further. "Truly Tuscany Truffle Flavour" with unashamed use of the colours of the Italian flag along with a picture that vaguely looks like a forest that might be Italy. If you need to indicate that they were made in Nairnshire, make sure that is in small print.
  9. Honestly. Were you not paying attention at assassin's training college. That is not how lifts work - snipping the cable and everybody falls to their doom. Also, don't bother with the missing lift scenario. It has been done to death.
  10. My view is that if you have a strong opinion on something nobody will sway you but you are easily swayed on any issue where you have no opinion at all. If Benin and Togo went to war tomorrow, who would you support? Apart from knowing these were two countries next door to Nigeria, do you know that much about them? The US electorate are not more stupid than anyone else except that they are less informed on anything that happens outside the state they live in. If you keep people ignorant of the world at large, it is easier to sway their opinion.
  11. Not just budgetary constraints. The film "The Seven Ups" has a famous car chase, similar to "Bullitt" but set in Manhattan. (Stunt driver Bill Hickman is involved in both films as well as "The French Connection"). At one point in the film they have to cross a bridge but the authorities insist they have to stick to the speed limit. It was a nightmare. Other cars on the bridge were keeping pace or even going past. Eventually they resorted to long shots but even then the bridge scene was heavily edited to avoid it looking silly.
  12. Whose that old guy doing walkabouts in Berlin with Franz-Walter Steinmeier?
  13. If you were to photoshop this picture replacing the guns with machetes or knives or knuckle dusters or maces, the police would be calling round to take them all away. Bizarre that guns are not seen in the same way.
  14. Would it make you happy if an independent Scotland recaptured Berwick?
  15. The second amendment is not about a freedom to own a gun. It is about a responsibility to own a gun in order to protect the new republic from enemy forces and protect each state for every other state. The USA started off without an army, navy or air force and relied on a state militia of all its citizens for protection.
  16. My suggestion for Delta Airlines (or one of the others) "For anyone afraid of flying, in America at least, statistically it is safer to fly than be on the ground."
  17. This includes people in business who think driving is real work and public transport is not. They would drive from Inverness to the centre of Edinburgh to attend a meeting. When they got back they would complain about the weather making it difficult to drive, other drivers, lorries, caravans, speed restrictions, speed cameras, roadworks, traffic cones, traffic jams, traffic lights, potholes, bad parking, lack of parking and how expensive it is to park in Edinburgh. Not to mention working late on their laptop to finish off their powerpoint presentation. If you then suggest taking the train next time, they look at you like you have two heads.
  18. It should be noted this is not the same Willie Bell who stood as a Fine Gael candidate for Inverness in 1974 and 1979.
  19. ^^^^ Reported for Northern Hemispherism.
  20. When I went to Melbourne last year, I took a 90 minute train journey to Ballarat and went to the gold mine. Fun day out.
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