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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Actually I think he is right. America needs a superhero. It follows it also needs a villain. The story doesn't work without both. I think he would be a great Lex Luther. A Manhattan property developer attempting to seize power simply for his own greed and ego. His last attempt failed but now he has a box of Kryptonite and will be able to try again. That will be the announcement.
  2. Musk has more money than he will ever need. The system has rewarded him far more than the effort he has ever made. At the same time there are billions of people with financial worries and other concerns. What is he doing about it? Getting into social media to re-enable the most hateful members getting the means to spread their bile. Hardly the best way to make the world a better place. The more I learn about him, the more I dislike him.
  3. Plenty of restaurants in America have Chili listed under soup.
  4. Yeah. If you like blueberry cheesecake then America is the place to go. Unfortunately for him, he is regarded as persona non grata over there so I don't see it happening. Maybe he should have thought of that before he planned 9/11. More fool him.
  5. What about a video of Bin Laden alive and well in New Zealand smoking a cigarette and being asked his opinion on this new law. Just an idea. Kill two birds with one stone sort f thing.
  6. Joey Ramone suffered from OCD. On tour the road manager would put him into a hotel room on a different floor to the rest of the band because he would spend all night opening doors, closing doors, lights switches on and off and so on. On one occasion they drove home from the airport but he had to be driven back to the airport because he had forgotten something. He had to touch the kerb with the back of his shoe whenever he stepped on to the road. That was what he had forgotten to do. It is a nightmare for the sufferers and the people around them.
  7. Sock manufacturers use different dyes for the left socks and the right socks so matching socks eventually stop matching and you have to go and buy new ones. HTH
  8. Look on the bright side. Imagine him as prime minister. "Hey, what's this special box? Button says 'Nuke Russia'. Sure, like it really is as simple as that! Let's press it and see. Nothing happened. Oh wait, maybe there is a delay. Maybe I shouldn't have done that."
  9. "We had a gentleman in last night claiming he was from Laphrogia or maybe I misheard him. Don't really think that is a real place but we were pleasant enough and he left happy."
  10. Excellent point. I suspect they would be booted out of Eurovision almost immediately.
  11. There was a couple attempt in Spain in 1982. Some guy stormed parliament, declared undying loyalty to the King and tried to stage a coup. Unfortunately for him, the King declined the offer and the whole thing collapsed.
  12. I checked with IMDB. What you say is true. However you were in "Babe: Pig in the City" and "Mission Impossible 2". Strange that you never mentioned this before.
  13. Wouldn't be very secret if they simply replied "Yes, me."
  14. Hey what happened to "Have any P&B posters been involved in a plot to overthrow a democratically elected government?" It would be nice to be asked.
  15. If nurses in the 1930s hadn't been so demanding we could have avoid WW2 altogether.
  16. So he organised himself an alibi! Doesn't mean he wasn't behind it.
  17. .. or you could let everyone know how groovy you are and you are actually not a Herbert at all.
  18. IIRC Neil Armstrong quote "I am sitting on top of the biggest rocket in the world built by the contractor who put in the lowest bid."
  19. Why do you need it to produce tears? Get them to chop some onions at your funeral. That will do the trick. Forget about forgettable music. Choose music they might associate with you or something that would put a smile on their face. For you I would suggest "Star Trekking across the universe .."
  20. In some countries that is a criminal offence even a capital one. That includes Qatar.
  21. Wrong. The word Great is used to differentiate between this island and Brittany.
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