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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Unless it is an Arctic Monkey. Sorry. I had to say that.
  2. They also had them at the Monkey House in Cape Town. It is one of the stops for the Hop On Hop Off buses.
  3. Maybe but she didn't deserve it. She was not still in the game because she was good at it. She was still there because she was really bad at it.
  4. If I was given a role like that I would insist on a badge.
  5. I think that final would fry your brain. On the one hand they say "trust no one" but then they ask you to abseil off a cliff. "Trust us. It's safe."
  6. Good point but in fairness we knew there was another traitor and she did not. Maybe she thought Jaz had got it wrong and they were all faithful. Then it would be a choice between banish Harry and share with Jaz or banish Jaz and share with Harry. Just a thought.
  7. Note to self: Traitors are more prone to sea sickness than faithful. Might be useful to know later.
  8. She was also in an episode of Diagnosis Murder (Season 6, Episode 6: Alienated) alongside George Takei, Walter Koenig, Majel Barrett and Wil Wheaton. I think you can find it on YouTube.
  9. The thing that puzzles me is that all these people have all seen the first season. Wasn't it amazing how the traitors were just so adorable and nobody suspected any of them. Don't expect that will happen this time. I asked Harry and he said no.
  10. In fairness the original plan was to sing the song live at Live Aid with one at Wembley and the other at Philadelphia. However that was technically impossible so they had to quickly do this video instead.
  11. I thought it was a boat that sells lemonade.
  12. With Indiana Jones and his Dad fighting the evil Nazis. Sounds like fun.
  13. Rhubarb Crumble was invented during the Second World War. I wonder what other tasty treats would be invented if we had another one. Just a thought.
  14. If those pesky Martians ever show up I'm ready for them.
  15. I recall a hotel chain that showed its staff episodes of "Fawlty Towers" along the lines of "how not to do it". I suspect there are detective agencies doing the same thing with this show.
  16. Hyundai changes UK pronunciation of its name to follow global norm | CAR Magazine
  17. Brilliant film. The two sequels were not do good. There was also a TV series. Lee Grant must be about 100 now.
  18. Hate to be pedantic but actually he is wrong. The laser beam will travel from the laser to the target at the speed of light but the cutting action will be along a different axis and will certainly be considerably slower.
  19. Never mind Americans. When I went to Glasgow University I met people who couldn't pronounce any words properly.
  20. Who will now spend more time with his family if not more money. Lots of exciting bargain meals for them I guess.
  21. In the same way, it allows the most repulsive politicians to hide in plain sight by pretending they are all the same.
  22. I think the idea was that when you are young and don't own anything, you are quite happy to shake up the world and vote for a radical candidate that offers to do that. Later when you get older, get married, get a house and a car, you are happier with the status quo and start voting conservative. Now with the cost of living crisis and the housing crisis and every other crisis, fewer people are getting to that comfortable stage and so they are less likely to vote conservative. Maybe it was great buying your council house and now it is worth more. Good luck trying to do that if you are renting from a private landlord.
  23. I could tell you but I would expect a retainer.
  24. Invented by a Dutch man whose name escapes me!
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