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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. Another week and we’re even worse gash than I feared! We let that racist apologist into our midst, and we’re nothing but a fukking mess at the back. what the f**k is he here for! Yours, proper shittin it! aDONis
  2. I genuinely thought the White Sox would be in with a shout of winning it all, but they've been outclassed and outplayed by the Astros. I'm down to rooting for the Red Sox (who will get rolled over by the Astros) and the Braves Kill me now if it's an Astros v Dodgers world series, then dig me up and kill me again if the Dodgers win the WS. Yours, Goooooo Sox! aDONis
  3. Yankees really seeing the benefit of Gerrit Coles $39m p.a. deal in this one, with him lasting nearly a whole 3 innings! Gooooooooooo Sox! Yours aDONis
  4. Red Sox and Those Damn Yankees both leave it late to secure play-offs. Red Sox recovering from 5 - 1 down at the start of the 6th inning and the Damn Yankees leaving it till the bottom of the 9th for a walk-off 1-0 win . At least the Red Sox have home advantage (not that it did much good last time v the Yankees). Yours aDONis
  5. Completely agree. The standard of player isn't as good, but I enjoy what seems to be the style of rugby. The professional game has become soooooo defensive and tactical (Opening weekend of both the premiership and URC excepted). Over the last two games that I watched, there were more attempts to attack with ball in hand from within the 22, than I've probably seen in three or four years of 6 Nations. I'm also enjoying trying to pick 'future' talent from the ranks. As I said, I thought the Heriots scrum half was excellent, and the lad Mitchell that came on for Southern Knights looked a proper menace. I absolutely consume rugby, be it Premiership (Wasps), URC (Glasgow and Edinburgh) or International, but there is something about these semi-pro matches that just resonate with me. Yours, aDONis
  6. I thought Southern Knights v Watsonians was a good game... It was nothing more than an aperitif for the Southern Knights v Heriots game. I think that was about the most entertaining game of rugby I've seen since the 38-38 game v England. I thought the Heriots scrum half looked a tremendous young Scottish prospect, however there is one small snag... I think he's English! So far every match I've seen in the Super Six has been terrific. None of them have been kick-chase shite, all have had tremendous ambition! It is now my league of choice. Yours aDONis
  7. I am in full blown panic mode. Any team with any sense of urgency, just cuts through us. We are as soft as skitter and sometimes even more shambolic at the back than that! We've spent an absolute fortune on what look on paper to be well above average SPL players, but I for one am struggling to see what, if anything, we do well. I loved Glass as a player, but whenever I see this team, I'm transported back to the year 2000 and uncle Ebbe. Admittedly he's nae Alex 'that cnvt' Miller, but I can see a day when he has to leave via the boot of a Nissan Qashqai! Yours, poopin ma punts that Broon is just an expensive Paul Hartley mark II aDONis
  8. That aged well! I went to bed at half time, leaving two teams that were tackling whilst wearing a pair of knitted mittens. Second half Goff goes all Goff and it ends up comfortable for the Packers. Packers need to tighten up. Than heavens the likes of Derrik Henry are in a different conference let alone division.
  9. Packers are soft, soft, soft. Can't stop the run and no pressure on Goff. Could be a looooonnng season of disappointment for us cheeseheads.
  10. Did anyone else see the Super 6 game between the Southern Knights and Watsonians? Honestly, it is one of the best games I've seen in ages, played in the right spirit, with... running rugby! There were some glorious big hits, there was some great kick chase as well, but used sparingly. Mostly though, both teams just showed a willingness to keep the ball and try to outflank their opposite number. What an advert that was for rugby. Full match is on YouTube as well. I highly recomend it. Yours aDONis
  11. This is a very fair point. The focus on stop and search has always been racially motivated and the underlying statistics used as a weapon. The unfortunate thing is, that we don't use other damning statistics in the same way. For example; we know that the majority of sexual assualts and violent sexual assualts are conducted by white men over the age of 30, ditto for hate crimes, yet I've yet to see even a white paper suggesting that the police be given powers to stop middle aged white men and search their phone records and social media presence for 'dick picks', sexually explicit texts, browser history, racist and homophobic language etc. I'm sure we could catch quite a few wrong-uns by giving the police the green light to stop and search us because they feel like it. After all there is a clear justification for discriminating on this basis. I'm sure we all agree and would absolutely welcome some self-important kvnt wielding some onerous power over us, intruding into our day-to-day business, wasting our time, because they didn't like the 'look' of us or because we happen to be a similar colour to that of a lorry driver from Ipswich. Yours, aDONis
  12. Aye! Agreed! Otherwise it would have been her beef curtains... BLEURCH!
  13. Packers for me. When I first watched it the Bears, Dolphins and 49ers were all the rage. I saw the packers on TV, it looked cold, wet and miserable and I thought, that's the team for me! That said, in most match-ups I root for the team that is furthest north. My Mason-Dixie line runs just north of Indianapolis (apart for the kinks that allow Denver to be north of Indianapolis and the Patriots south of Indianapolis). I am softening on the Patriots since the GOAT left though! Yours aDONis
  14. Last year, I tuned in to see how Dougie Fife and the New England Free Jacks would fair in Major League Rugby (YEEHAR Style)! I really enjoyed it... It's a curious blend of aging stars (Matt Giteau was a stand out), not quite top notch internationals (Dougie Fife who was also excellent), local talent and a shyt-load of south-sea islanders/polynesian americans. The pitches are almost universally plastic, so it tends to be running based (but be warned, quality is sometimes lacking). I think they've just had a 'NFL style draft' for next season (god knows how that works). Anyway, they are broadcasting free to international viewers https://www.therugbynetwork.com/. I'm really hoping the yanks make a go of this, they're all for speeding up the game and innovation (they introduced the automatic 7 pointer if try was under the posts) and have really sped up the clock for penalties etc. Rugby needs a bit of a kick up the erse, and I think they just might be the country to do it. I will be rooting for the Free Jacks Yippee-kai-yeah motherfukkas! aDONis
  15. Yip! Didn't even throw a punch second half. It's no more than Rovers deserved. Good luck to them! Yours, we are a fucking shambles at the back. aDONis
  16. I've never been a Gatland picks his favourites beiliever; As a Wasps fan, Gatland likes to win more than favouritism and can we really argue with many of the changes? Hogg was poor on Saturday only really out-shytted by Watson who was simply awful (and I'm a big fan of Watson), so I wouldn't call those two changes bias (I think both Williams and Adams deserve a chance). Wyn Jones is a fair shout, so it's only the decision of Owens starting that I'm struggling with. I didn't see that he added much when he came on, and Vunipola and Cowan-Dickie are going to play at some point. He's also dropped the very talented and versatile Faleteau for Simmonds, so I don't think there's much bias there, other than it's the right call. As for other changes; Price for Murray is a good call. I thought Murray was terrible, so predictable, I can't remember him trying to snipe once. Farrell being replaced by Russell is an interesting decision as well. Looking at the team, I'm hoping to see a bit more rugby and less of the kick-shyt-fest, I'm hoping Biggar is there to tire the opposition and Russel to be the dagger! De Klerk and du Toit missing for the Saffas is a lucky break and a real opportunity for Lions as well. I'm still hopeful. Yours aDONis
  17. Is one of them a missings persons ad for our defence?
  18. Much though I was delighted he didn't get a card, he was lucky. It was a poor tackle and had Le Roux not stuck an arm out to break the fall, it would certainly have been 10 mins or even worse. The onus is on the tackling player, Watson's feet go from underneath him and he's not in control. Had the ref been Owens or Barnes, I have no doubt he'd have got 10 and there wouldn't be much complaint. I don't think that's the reason he's not in the 23 though. I think it is purely to get another lump, that can cover all the back row on the bench (Faletau). I'm a huge Gatland fan and do trust his judgement. Had this been a test series in Aus, then I think he'd be first choice 7, but it's not and so I can see why he's down the pecking order. I still love him though . Yours, LIONS! LIONS! LIONS! aDONis
  19. 30 seconds in Kirk Stevens DonJr dies on his arse at CPAC
  20. Tee hee, can I join in, 'stymied our civil liberties' . Has nobody told the Dutch!
  21. I've had relations, with girls from many nations. One of my heroes, openly laughs at right wing think tanker dog whistler Calvin Robinson. 'DEM DARNED MARXIST FOOTBALLERS ARE AT IT AGAIN!
  22. My back three for the Lions (if fit), Left wing - Liam Williams, Right Wing - Anthony Watson and Full back - Hogg. All three can play full back, so it's really only cover for the wing that's required and that place I'd give to VDM, simply because he gets more involved in play and has unbelievable grunt. Very, very hard on Adams, who has been in spectacular scoring form but I think is the slightly square peg in this squad. Zammit hasn't impressed me yet, I don't think he works hard enough and got absolutely toasted v the Sharks winger in a phone booth. Contrast that with VDM hunting down any breaks through the centre, and the talk of VDM defensive frailties are overblown. I think there's an outside chance of Price starting, but more likely he'll be on the bench to add pace to the attack later in the game (but he has to be in the 23). So my (wishful) prediction for Scotland players are; Starters; Hogg, Harris Bench (5/3 split): Watson, Sutherland, VDM, Price, Russell) Yours, LIONS! LIONS! LIONS! aDONis
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