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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Ffs, yeah McCrorie had a good game on saturday but given he's had 1 first team appearance so far what are they basing their decision on? Other than the shitey shade of blue he's wearing obviously...
  2. I'd seriously hope they look at this anyway but especially if we are going to be getting a larger stadium - we should be actively trying to get more folks in any way we can and not just relying on the regulars to stump up more & more!
  3. Fair do's mate, I'm just basing it on the fact more of my mates kids are getting tickets to Dens than they seemed to (a few years back all you heard was that they were off to see the dabs coz they'd got freebies) but that could just be coz we're doing 'better' than them these days... Thank you
  4. Yeah man, think we've only got into it big time since Nelms etc came in but as far as I know primary schools and nursery/after school clubs get an allocation
  5. I'd like to see them think about practical ways of reducing capacity for the small matches - not sure if its even feasible but I was wondering if we couldn't do something like they do at the hydro and close sections off with screens? I'm guessing they're probably made of acoustics materials so they don't deaden the noise but fk knows for real and fk knows if they'd survive being outdoors either!
  6. Nah man, its staying I think - we just need another one coz like Spud says c***s keep dying
  7. Especially since we've got some awesome ground staff & presumably the scheduling and maintenance would be factored in to suit the fixture list
  8. Its not Stevie I'd expect to mind tho - he's a businessman so he'll rightly want us bringing a good support like you say, there's a fair few of your hills have eyes supporters that might not be as objective! As for the stadium, I get they want the extra seats for both concerts and the big matches (Dabs, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Celtic and Sevco) but as I said I hope they are looking at ways of making the ground work when the wee teams come too... Does seem like they are but we'll see what the final plans end up like I guess
  9. Pmsl, nah mate - I've genuinely found that interesting and informative Thank you
  10. Pmsl I'm still laughing at the seethe that must be coming from farmyards across Perthshire after Steve Brown's helpful advice too Cheers Steve from this Dee too!
  11. Tbh that sounds cracking with the lounges + Great idea with the renewables too, that should make the match day/concert operating costs fairly minimal (offset over the whole year obvs). I'm less of a fan of standing in the corners tho so I'm ok if they just go with seating - we'll soon take a section of seating over and make it home! I just hope they do pull it off now coz this is almost ringing my alarm bells as being too good to be true...
  12. Lol, just spotted that one in there I'm hoping your joking anyway (but it would be fairly appropriate for my lot anyway coz both our bricks are for folks in the 'high stand'!)
  13. Ahh fair do's, I didnt think about the acoustics of a bowl v a bunch of boxes - makes sense for concerts as well as games I guess! Really hope we can get a standing area at the front of the 'main' stand then - would also be good for giving directors stick if we need to too!
  14. I'm actually getting more impressed with the planning and thought thats gone into this so far - we might still end up with an identikit ground but from what you guys are saying it sounds far more positive and well thought out!
  15. Cheers gents! Shame if we didn't get a safe standing area but the Derry will be reborn no matter what so I suppose we'd get by... + I figured they would be when they had it as big but its good to hear there's been some thought behind it so they'll hopefully have given thought to how best to stop it feeling empty most weeks! Really surprised we want the corners filled in so badly since it'll make segration so difficult but I guess it does look cooler and most folks won't be thinking about how it works. & Here's hoping Nelms does give us a bit more clarity on the ownership but as much as I'm dying to know I can probably live with us just being tenants for now! Eta. Feckin hell Ludo, is a'hin ok? You & G-man seem to have swapped places coz he's being a cheery c**t and you sound like you need kept away from sharp objects!
  16. Cheers man, I've seen a few of the visuals on twitter now so I'll not hit you with the full list - but I was just wondering if they'd given any info about a safe standing area and if they're def going for the full 15k size (& if they are, are they aiming to put on concerts/internationals?) + Business wise, have they given any hard information on our rental agreement & any future ownership? Thank you
  17. Anyone been up to the stadium consultation yet? I'm stuck in work for now but all I've heard is whats been in the tele - decent turn out so far and Nelms is quoted as saying the stadium needs all the supporting businesses to get approved before its going ahead... Thank you
  18. Last I remember seeing him was with Wighton in an article on the official site but fk knows how long ago that was - chances are he's just doing some work with the kids now then (& fair play if he is getting a wee job out of the club too) Does make me wonder if we have an actual striking coach then or if McCann covers that these days...
  19. I thought that myself but he's supposedly still involved - altho no idea if thats still as a coach or if its just a job for life for the years of service? + Might be shite but Wiki lists him as still being employed in 'an advisory position' & I agree on not being able to guess on the coaching/coaches either, we really don't get enough info about that kind of stuff but we're running out of potential reasons/excuses for it so its just had me thinking...
  20. I don't want to have a go at club legends but both our strikers and keepers haven't been exactly amazing for a while now so I've been thinking for a while we maybe need to look at changing Geddes and Wallace (if he's still involved anyway)...
  21. Its alright tho, coz he's playing for the Dee legends in a charity match at Lochee Utds ground too... https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/dundee-fc-legends-join-charity-match/ Thank you
  22. & the original quote is still soggy with the dabs own salty tears since thats from their own thread too - they're the ones apopleptic about McKinnons win rate/goals scored stats, we're just finding it funny! Thank you
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