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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Haha, cheers for the heads up manny - thats made my lunch break! Wow, you know its bad when you're arguing the merits of Yogi, Hartley, Owen Coyle or Pressley as you're new messiah!
  2. I'm glad they're not dead yet for the amusing scenes they provide but thats about as warm as I get to the tangerine Thank you
  3. No just not quite ready yet... Same as we got about O'Dea and Moussa til they popped up in the team again. He was meant to be ready for the Sevco match so even if he had a slight set back he should be about due a start
  4. Hahaha, good thinking - thats an alternative fuel for a 'biomass plant'... On a serious note tho, I would really like to see us be a bit more forward thinking too and maybe look into renewables too. I'm thinking we could get a lot of solar panels on the roof of the stadium & technically the site would also be great for a turbine too since its in a great location for the prevailing wind. Theres also stuff like ground pump heating (undersoil heating run backwards basically) that would work well on a large fairly flat south facing site like campy too. Thank you
  5. Yeah I'm done playing with the wee fud - I just made him my first block so I'll hopefully not have to see his genius retorts any more... (he was just sooo stupid I couldn't help myself...)
  6. At least you didn't mention showers so you're probably still ok... Thank you
  7. Pmsl whatever cunto, I've seen enough to be quite happy tho (& I'm a cynical c#nt) so I'll be quite content with that and you can go worry about your own issues + I think the only fact thats not in doubt is you're a poor attempt at a troll - stick to trying to finger your sister/mother and come back when you've got better information to support your shite
  8. You need to get out more then Tam, I've been through enough of the hillbilly villages in Perthshire to think theres not that much difference...
  9. Oooft and we're back to your old favourite the personal slurs - you don't know me cunto so I'll let that slide but I'm not a liar, I can't be arsed jumping through hoops finding the exact quote from the exact press releases - if you're so bothered (you're the fud on the Dundee thread btw) then you find it. + As for the business plan you're just playing with semantics now - I've seen component parts of it (namely information supporting the certain businesses being proposed) in draft stages through my job but I doubt many would be privy to the full plan due to commercial reasons and financial security since its never wise to give all your business information out to competitors. Again tho you're just having a mare and making a c**t of yourself so spout whatever pish you like coz I don't think anyone gives a f**k or doesn't have you on ignore (sorry Biggie didn't think not to quote his shite)
  10. Where do you pull its a lie from you tedious little twat - you prove its not true since they've said in the many press releases it will be a better deal and you claim otherwise + Pmsl, well with inbred throbbers like you its no wonder rural Perthshire is as backwards and irrelevant... I know who and where I'd rather be
  11. How would you like me to get access to the financial paperwork of an international business man and his associates, let alone my own football club on a saturday morning throbber? Like every other fan we have to take our directors word on it (& not just the Americans coz there are more than just them on the board) when they say as much, at least until we release our accounts for the first year or so after we move. I realise that won't be sufficient for you tho since you can only handle definite hard facts (or whatever bullshit suits your agenda) so I suggest you f**k off til the first few years of our accounts for the club (at the new stadium) come out and we can all discuss it then. Thank you
  12. Hahaha, no you're trying badly, to cherry pick bits of the information available and give it the most pessimistic twist you can, with no basis on fact or reality outside your sad little imaginings
  13. Yawn, I'm out tbh - you're just trying to stir shit up and praying the one thing St Johnstone can claim over us (financial stability) doesn't happen for us too... Its ok tho, you'll always be able to claim the title of most inbred throbbers - hope that gives you enough to go on Actually no I don't...
  14. Wtf, where are you getting any of that from ya throbber - I should perhaps have said more on the first point, my apologies but in my professional capacity I have seen some of the initial thinking on some of the proposals and its very comprehensive and well thought through so I have no reason to assume the rest won't be as well considered... & We've never said we won't still be paying rent, we do now but for history and tradition not facilities to make our club better. The Americans are giving us a better deal financially with new cutting edge facilities and still investing heavily year on year into our playing budget too so tell me where you percieve the problem to be with that? Actually don't bother, just f**k off and worry some sheep or something
  15. No obviously not, coz I'd not expect them to give away the details before anything has actually been confirmed yet. I have however read through the bulk of their planning pre-app though and its comprehensive and well considered from what I can tell. I do expect a fair amount of that to come out on the 22nd tho all be it with the caveat that it depends on planning/licensing permissions and market trading conditions like any proposed new business venture. & As many of us have told you, we don't own Dens as it is so its not like we've got much to lose. Since you're thick tho, think of it along the lines of a tenant farmer - they/you pay their rent and get a skelp of land to grow your berries or sheep on but the landowner (if they're sensible) still makes sure the land is well maintained and doesn't get overused so they protect their investment thus making sure you're semi profitable so they keep making money off you... + As for splitting the company in two - they've explained that too (openly and honestly) by admitting dfc's credit is shit so dbph can get the investment and contractors signed up that dfc maybe couldn't. Off you pop now, your tractor must be nearly there to run you in for the game by now
  16. Well we've more reason to believe them than you cunto - esp given they've delivered on every promise they've made so far including a well thought out business plan for the new stadium. I am still slightly sceptical and I will be until it definitely happens but just coz we got fucked over before doesn't mean these guys are aiming to do the same. We all know that you're just trying to stir up that doubt like the sad little troll you are but uncertainty and risk is all part of the rich tapestry of life....
  17. Ffs, its touching our financial stability is so important to you ya fucking roaster but our directors have already said they are (don't let facts get in the way of your delusional wet dreams tho) & Like every club owner round the world whatever money they earn from whatever sources will be ultimately available for them to spend on whatever they like - some of which will be investments into the football club they own a majority stake in... Some might also be on holidays or shoes or getting a better education than you
  18. Yawn yet again cunto - our owners will own it through dbph,much the same as Geoff Brown does through whatever company name he uses for your diddy mob... (farming fuckbags plc or whatever) Its just a case that that will be a different name to the company that owns the club... Hardly uncommon in the wider world of business and like that business world, our owners and directors (much like yours) will decide how much of the money they get back from the club and other investments that they choose to reinvest. Now as you've been told off you pop and don't come back til you understand the simple concept...
  19. Would be interested to know if you don't mind! Thank you
  20. I barely know enough tbh but I don't think we've got a registration and regs person. We did have a big change of how we did our new media too but I don't know if that wasn't just a reshuffle with the addition of some younger 'reporters' (rumps doesn't seem to post anymore but he'd know since he did the match reports on the website) I'm sure some of the more itk guys will be able to correct me tho!
  21. Cheers man, Don't suppose he said doing what? Thank you
  22. I want to get cremated with a big bag o' weed so if the winds blowing in the right direction the day I get toasted the car park might be a good place to stand
  23. Nice try again cunto, but we explained this to you at length before now - so if you still can't wrap your head around the "complexity" of an owner having two or more elements of their business being under different company names then I think its best if you just f**k off back to lurking in the bushes outside your nearest playpark
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