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Posts posted by Lebowski

  1. Arrogant, deluded, sneering and nasty bullshit from massive moron Gordon Strachan;


    What a p***k. Includes obligatory meaningless reference to English football too. 

    I'd say that the team bringing through the last Scottish player to win the Champions League being Queen's Park negates quite a bit of his argument there.


    There's absolutely nothing wrong with teams being semi professional. He's talking about England and the national league. That's the clubs 93rd to 112th in their football. Adjust Scotlands population for England and the sides at the bottom of our leagues would be 400th or so in their pyramid. Are the sides at that level professional to the extent he's talking about in England, I don't think so. They're at a much much lower level than the Scottish ones playing wise, and their crowds are worse.


    Us existing next to England fucking warps people's brains.


  2. There's a massive difference between Sky coverage and a single camera usually with a fan commentating, using a tiny bandwidth. Doubt it would make a dent in their audience figures. IIRC Sky let Falkirk TV use their feed to stream to "overseas" subscribers on occasion.
    I think you're mental if you think people would rather pay Sky 30 quid a month for better production quality than a tenner or something to see their own clubs games instead. And I would guess Sky will have done that calculation as well. That's my point about Sky probably not going to be cunty about stuff in Scottish football. Getting less money from Sky makes Scottish footballs relationship with them way less symbiotic than Englands paradoxically. English football can't damage Sky because that's biting the hand that feeds them. That's not the case in Scotland.
  3. Lobby Dossar has already explained - Sky have exclusive rights.  They're only allowed to show 48 matches plus play-offs but NOBODY else is allowed to show the other 200+ matches in Scotland (UK?) without Sky's permission, and a likely renegotiation of the contract.
    Thing is though that Sky absolutely don't want Scottish football to start a new streaming model which succeeded without their involvement. That's a complete disaster for their business model because it lays the foundation for English football to do the same.
  4. ....you mean like calling the leagues to shaft Hearts, Partick and Stranraer?

    How are you c***s still going on about this. We're nearly into June and players can't even fucking train yet. Dozens of players have been released because clubs don't have any money because we've had to shut down football. Half the clubs in the country would be lucky to be able to field a matchday squad even if they were able to train and play, which they can't. At what point is the penny going to drop that there wasn't another option but to call the league. All this was fucking obvious months ago.


  5. Morton want to carry on playing as well I'm sure.
    This proposal would not at all be workable. If you go ahead with 12 top flight clubs plus the 5 or 6 lower league clubs who want to carry on in one division, you'd get clubs like Dunfermline QotS etc., correctly reversing their will not to play as there would then be a prospect of telly money to offset no crowds. Next thing you know, you've got 25 or 26 teams all wanting to be part of it.
    Saved me typing that. The entire reason why clubs are saying they can't play is because they don't have the finance to do it. If you're extending the top league then every club in the country would want in it because that makes them financially okay to play games.
  6. Guessing 45 would be the only place in the East that could make sense, given the lack of season ticket holders in that section. Worth a go. Hopefully it's a temporary solution and they're looking into something more permanent going forward re safe standing. 


    Yip, confirmed now.  




  7. I'm not saying they're doing it on purpose. I'm saying due to the Setanta collapse our negotiating position is worse, so Sky can afford to offer less than they would need to if there was genuine competition. 
    It's worth bearing in mind that the collapse of Setanta wasn't due to the Scottish football deal where they were in profit, it was bidding stupid amounts for English football and not getting the required number of subscribers to pay for that which fucked them.
  8. The "one of the few decent Hearts fans" epithet has been used on here for years and seems to exclusively apply to posters who are offensively beige or or never argue against any criticism. I'll try not to be too disappointed.
    The prevailing anti-reconstruction arguments on here at the moment seem to focus on why league reconstruction is not completely, unimpeachably fair, rather than why it's more unfair than what's actually happening. Trying to be as objective as I can, I don't think it is more unfair and I've already explained why that is. At least not in terms of the "sporting" arguments that people are putting forward.
    In a financial sense, I suppose you could argue it's not fair for the many teams to have to accept a smaller % of the prize money to accommodate the few shafted teams. That at least makes sense, but if you're basically going to admit that we're taking a massive shafting to save everyone else a few pennies then you'll forgive us for being a bit fucking peeved about it. [emoji38]
    If nothing else, it's been a nice diversion from being absolutely furious at Hearts for a wee while.
    Hearts aren't taking a "massive shafting", they've been the worst team in the league and are relegated due to that. This happens every year to the worst team in the league.
  9. First-If the SPFL experts cant squeeze more money out of Sky, how do you expect a bitter old woman with a self interested motive to do it?
    Second-Trial is just another word for temporary.Like Budge when she was told no re construction last time she said ok we'll rejig it then,Rearrange it?Different words,same meaning, same outcome.No.
    Third- Yer lucks ran out.
    She never even presented anything at the last meeting. They asked for opinions and were told by six clubs they didn't want it. It wasn't quibbling over details, it was "No, we don't want it".
  10. Nope. My school didn't have a 'digging the garden class'. What sort of school has that kind of class?
    Don't you think it's a bit pathetic (and by that I mean 'extremely pathetic') for a grown sixty-odd year old man to try to assert superiority  based on grammar and spelling and school qualifications for what would, in his case, be things that everyone forgot half a century ago? How on earth did you manage to entirely waste the next fifty years of your life that your spelling lessons and your 'O levels(sic)' are your benchmarks for achievement?
    I used to think you were one of the other Jambo posters here on a dotting account, but I was clearly wrong; you're obviously a totally different species altogether.
    Since we're playing at guessing games, my theory is that you murdered someone as a teenager in1975 and you've only just got out of the UK prison system a couple of years ago on license with something like a Higher in English or maybe even an Open University degree. It would explain the schools that have gardens where people learn to dig holes, the odd use of 'O levels' when Scottish schools don't generally offer those qualifications (prison transfers are a thing), and the poor attempts at shaming using school qualifications and spelling - you clearly wouldn't have had much points of reference with adults outside of a prison context, so this is your best shot at conversational leverage. It's a long shot, I know, but it all makes a kind of sense. Am I warm?
    If I'm right, then welcome to the outside world!
    Also, 'were' doesn't have an 'h'. Hope this helps.
    Also, if he was in Saughton Hearts would be his local club.
  11. The SPFL motto is ; investigate us & it comes out the sky money.
    the previous vote to end leagues was a carrot & stick affair (except if your Dundee which took The Lawell length option)
    The real question to the clubs is 
    will it cost us more money in court or less by temporary reconstruction?
    [emoji3595] That’s wot this comes down to.
    the end.
    Or take the SPFL court costs out of the prize money awarded to the team bringing it to court if its unsuccessful.

    The finances argument from Hearts point of view is mental fwiw. Even with the 3m drop Budge has claimed Hearts turnover would still be around 4-5x any of their rivals in the Championship next season. Suggesting that Championship clubs should vote to change that multiplier to 5-6x times is sure to go well.
  12. Hearts stand to lose 3m according to Budge. Your turnover was around 15m. That's 20%, not 30%. It's also not coincidentally the exact same amount you'd have lost if relegated if Hearts had finished bottom as results suggested they would.

    What Hearts are asking for is other clubs to be disadvantaged to stop them being so. All about fairness and integrity.

    It's shite that sides will suffer. But the ones who are in that position would have suffered the exact same if they'd finished in the position they were in. Hearts are saying that other clubs who weren't as utterly shite as them should take those consequences.

    If it's a financial issue stopping this I'd suggest that Hearts pay 3m into a hardship fund for the clubs who are being punished for them being shite. Partick, Brechin and Stranraer can chip in too with the money they're not losing.

    I don't disagree.
    My point all along has been that the clubs should share the pain around instead of certain clubs having to carry the can. Hearts stand to lose 30% of their annual revenue.
    What's happening at the moment is that the other clubs are voting to protect themselves and let a small number of clubs take 100% of the hit. I think that's wrong. I think the football community should share the burden.
  13. And used that year to give their young players a years experience, ditch all their highly paid players contracts, and still get their normal revenue meaning they were perfectly set up for the Championship season with money to spend.

    But I do hope that they keep whining about unfairness.

    Dry your eyes.
    In that particular instance, you held off going into administration until Dundee were relegated in order to get another year in the top flight.
    9 games still to play, a game in hand and 2 old firm (sorry Romeo) games to be played. Could we have regained our earlier form?  Could we have beaten celtic?  Could celtic have had a few bad games, they got through a few previous games by the skin of their teeth....
    Could asking for fairness be classed as self interest, possibly...
    Did we want celtic to get £30m champions league money?
    Did the spfl's cowboy antics piss us off?
    I don't think you can single out any one reason. 
    Again apologies to Romeo for saying old firm.
    So let's say rangers win both derbies, and their game in hand. They still needed Celtic to drop 5 points more than Rangers in the remaining 6 games. Celtic had dropped 7 points in their other 28 games to non Rangers opponents. Rangers to win the league would have required Celtic to win less than half of their remaining games when they'd won 26/30 up to it stopping. And for Rangers to win 9/9 when they'd won 21/29.

    Is that possible? Sure. Also wildly unrealistic? Aye, that too.
  15. Maybe in the minority but I actually quite like the new St Mirren stadium. Its a decent atmosphere and like you said the facilities are much better than Love Street.
    I know through one of the architectures who helped design the stadium that there are plans in place to eventually fill in the corners and increase the current capacity to 12,500. Not sure if that will still be in the works given the current climate of football.
    It's one of those things during times like this though that if you've got cash you'll be able to fund more with it than you usually could. Hibs built our east stand for a relative pittance because we built it following the 2008 recession. That meant materials such as steel was very cheap, and building companies were bidding basically at cost to stay in business for a bit.
  16. I used to respect English, too, but he’s been falling apart visibly over this issue. I guess we all deal with covid stress in different ways.
    When things were normal I also used to like Derek Ferguson. Unpopular opinion I know, and I think he himself would say he isn’t the brightest, but his genuine enthusiasm for football always shines through. Deek is capable of reporting on a miserable, meaningless end of season 0-0 at New Douglas Park with great relish. That matters as much as good research.
    I'm the same with Derek Ferguson tbh. He obviously loves watching any football at all. Do you expect great insights from him? No. But he'll tell you who scored and have more enthusiasm about getting paid to watch football than anyone else on the programme.
  17. The vote was not carried out in an even-handed manner. One club was given an in-play strategic heads-up by the governing body which quite clearly influenced their vote and may well have allowed them to seek inducement to do so.

    I think that's quite clearly an ethical issue.

    If someone had outlined this scenario as a hypothetical thought experiment involving Organisation A, Member B, Member C etc, nobody whatsoever would be questioning that it is a shady piece of work.

    Like I said, it speaks highly of the impact of tribalism in football that anybody would even consider this an acceptable way to run a vote and make an important decision with lots of consequences riding on it.

    And if they hadn't released the results of the vote at the deadline there would have been even more screeching from Gorgie and Govan.


    Let's say they said nothing except all votes hadn't been received. They would then have approached the three clubs to ask if they could expect to receive a vote from them. By not releasing the result it would have been entirely obvious what had happened to anyone involved. Everyone knew how everyone else was voting pretty much. Dundee would have ended up in exactly the same position, except there would have been no visibility of it which would have had the conspiracy theorists going off their nut.


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