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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I see Stuart Bannigans contract with Partick expires in January. His injury record is horrendous but he's played regularly this season no issue. Letting go of Nydam an replacing him with Bannigan might not be a daft idea, as we're very, very short in there if Davidson gets injured/Craig gets suspended.
  2. His "philosophy" isn't practical for 99% of clubs in the world, seeing as he wants to mimic Man City. Struggling to see how you can see him say he'll back that philosophy blindly, see he says he wants to try it in Scottish football again, and then get angry when someone says he's clueless.
  3. He comes across pretty poorly I thought, not as bad as Gary Caldwells recent "id rather lose games than change my philosophy", but not far off it.
  4. I hope you all get a chance to read McCanns interview on the BBC.
  5. Roma v Genoa been great fun, 2-2 at half time, first goal an absolutely horrendous error from Olsen. Can't help but feel Roma massively hinder themselves with defensive errors, look a really decent team any time I've watched them, but always concede from an error.
  6. Was Argentina in 78 not part of the reason their government managed to hold onto power in the face of "rebels"? I'm sure I watched a program that their coach quit the tournament beforehand because he didn't agree with the President, while most of the squad also hated him. Football does seem to have some power in these situations.
  7. Just discovered that people out there save the game before the youth intake, and just keep loading the game until they get a couple of World Class youngsters. The extent people go to for this game is bizarre.
  8. Pena has had support and the chance of rehabilitation, and he turned that down. Griffiths is getting support and the chance of rehabilitation, and is taking it. This is the difference, and why I sympathise with one more than the other. Gascoigne is a great example, he's had the support and professional help he's needed over the years, usually paid by others, and he's consistently thrown it away, are you just meant to feel sorry for him forever?
  9. I'm on the fence with him. I think he loves playing for Saints, always gives everything he's got, and is a regular source of assists. But he's inconsistent as f**k, and as an experienced player now, I can't remember a single game in his entire time where he's been the catalyst for a comeback, he generally just gets worse when the team is playing poorly, maybe just seems that way as he tries not to hide. You can tell within the first ten minutes what type of game he's going to have.
  10. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/carlos-pena-checks-out-rehab-12666382 He had his chance. He left rehab early, on his own accord. He then started doing exactly the same thing at the new club. This is why he gets no sympathy. You continue mewling and deflecting long enough in the blind hope a Rangers fan eventually turns up to dig you out a hole, though.
  11. He had rehab paid for him, and left halfway through. He's had support, he's had help, and he's had a chance, but didn't take it.
  12. Pena had his chance to get his life in order. Instead he left rehab halfway through to get steaming with his mates. Griffiths is trying to get his life in order. If he's spotted in a bookies, steaming, spunking a fortune next week he'll be "fair game", too.
  13. You can't understand why someone with admitted mental issues is getting more sympathy than someone who's been through rehab yet still spends his time getting steaming and wasting his career?
  14. Not seen the score yet, but I'll take a guess that Dundee lost pretty comfortably?
  15. Best idea if you're unsure is playing the demo, sure it's still available for free.
  16. Best result I've had on this years game so far.
  17. Whittaker has the same issues Capaldi had at times, writers more interested in making the show about their own opinions rather than making it enjoyable.
  18. IT - 3/10 Never seen the original, nor even heard about the full plot. Wasn't anything particularly clever about it, nothing creepy about Pennywise in the slightest, and don't even get me started on the fact a murdering clown that's haunted an entire town for centuries is defeated thanks to "not being afraid". The bit where he steals the lassie, doesn't even harm her, leaves her floating in the air, and all they have to do to save her is grab her by the feet, drag her down and then kiss her, while under no threat at all, shows how laughable a "horror" film it is. It's not even a psychological thriller, all the scares are hilariously shite.
  19. I'd agree with this, I think. Hes a useful player to have, but looking at our squad, I'm struggling to put him in the top ten in a "players we'd miss" list. Odd player.
  20. ICT sacked Calder after his assault charges, anyway. Not sure anything's been confirmed with Quitongo. I imagine if it was a non-entity youth player doing either offence Robson has done, they'd have been binned fairly quickly.
  21. SI always claim AI can't "learn" your tactics any more than you learn them. I'm four seasons into a Roma save, with one tactic I've had so ce halfway through season one, and it still works. Watch comprehensive highlights, and watch replays of goals you concede. It's tedious as f**k but it does help. Used to concede at least how goals from balls over my defence, simply telling my defence to hold a lower line helped. Generally you'll need to have little tweak here and there in game at a lower level.
  22. Peter O'Rourke reporting it, is he not fairly ITK from in that area? Remember his name from the May saga. I'd love to keep the Alston of this season but wouldn't be hugely worried if he left. I'd be interested to see where a team that signed him would play him.
  23. I've not seen a game on your pitch this season so had no idea it had changed. The last two seasons at least it's been that way.
  24. In our game away to Livingston, you could see the ball holding up on the surface whenever someone tried to run with it, and dropping balls just died. It was the equivalent of a water logged grass pitch. It's a poor surface. Hamilton's has been the same for years. They shouldn't be forced to change it, but nor should it be ignored that it's going to bring about a poorer brand of football, as it's almost impossible to play any form of game with quick passes.
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