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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Absolute pish. Hes an utter shitebag, and that doesnt change just because someones done a shitebag act on him. The amount of times we have, Wotherspoon in particular, mark him, only to spend the ninety minutes getting clattered off the ball and forearms in the puss as they lie on the ground after going for a header is unreal. "Fair game" though, I suppose, because Browns been up to that for so long so it must just be what happens.
  2. Thats exactly what I'd hoped to see in this thread. Tiny wee details you'd never think anything of until you're told.
  3. tbf its not unknown for people to not want it publicly known they're in labour until after the birth
  4. I felt like "did they not have a porn tape episode featuring Boaby before" would've led to a full page of Kenneth Williams memes.
  5. Can someone please tell Cammy he doesn't need to post every single article about Kilmarnock in its entirety on here? I enjoy reading other clubs threads to keep up to date but this one's well into the tl:dr category
  6. Did they not have a porn tape episode involving Bobby before?
  7. TW in the papers today saying we're working towards hiring a "Head of Recruitment" who'd be based down South, to help open up that market to us. Confirms that just now it's purely contacts that alerts us to players.
  8. Tommy Wright talking about you lot in the paper again today. Saying your recruitment policy is something that's encouraged both him and the chairman to start a process of hiring a "Head of Recruitment" who'd been based down South. As it is we just use contacts of the manager/coaches.
  9. I enjoyed it, felt like it was a decent plot and Jack, Victor and Winston being the main characters is what should also happen. Maybe be not seeing this episode twenty years ago colours it though. Feels like it's the first time we've had Jack and Victor insulting each other aswell, which is nice.
  10. McCann slapped Clark and then tried to fight him in the tunnel. They're both guilty of being p***ks.
  11. A lot of mentions on Twitter that McCann decided to argue with them, so you're probably right enough tbh. He's an odd chap, Clark was probably told to just accept it for being a fanny incase they extended the punishment.
  12. He's not started a game for a long time so probably not, our luck this season means our first choice will get crocked and we'll end up with some youth haddy
  13. Neil Lennons touchline ban against us seen him sit on the phone to his coaches for ninety minutes in the VIP seats, not sure what the punishment was tbh.
  14. Apparently the disciplinary hearing has taken so long because McCann spent the best part of four hours arguing he was innocent of any wrong doing.
  15. Not been announced yet, because that would be too simple for the SPFL to manage.
  16. Maybe just me but I don't reckon Johnstone is that bad. He's got a decent first touch and is good with his head, plenty of scope to improve aswell. The worrying alternative would be a Morgan/Fallon/Iwelumo scenario where they genuinely contribute nothing. Id imagine his wage would be decent though, so I'd punt him if he wanted anything other than peanuts.
  17. Potentially, if we played three in behind a lone striker for the most part, and those three actually contributed. Johnstone would be a fourth choice striker for me if we had Kane, Schalk and McMillan, if his wages reflect that more than MacLeans then there's a huge decision to make there, as we need quality on the wings and that'll cost, meaning we'll have to cut back elsewhere. All based on Johnstone accepting a fourth choice wage.
  18. You'd assume we'd be looking at PCAs elsewhere though. Players at clubs who maybe won't be available by the time you've decided who's staying and who's going.
  19. He's younger than Chris Kane.. Not sure where fits though. Next season will be Kane and McMillan for sure. You'd like another new face (Schalk would be perfect), and that leaves you with 36yo MacLean, or 23yo Johnstone. No doubt MacLean would get the deal, but if Johnstone was pm half his wages I'd be tempted.
  20. We'll see more first team players leave than come in, and I'd expect the budget to dip a wee bit. Watson and Alston will be on first team wages. Millar apparently reduced terms but possibly still alright. No idea about the three loanees but say theyre all average aswell, and that's six senior wages going out. Plus expected cuts to Anderson/MacLean. Potentially seven senior wages out, and three, maybe four, in for that.
  21. I'd be tempted to keep Johnstone if he was on fucking pennies, tbh... Alston probably deserves another deal, although I wouldn't be hugely disappointed if he didn't get one/rejected it.
  22. This is Murray Davidsons "radar", closer to the edge it is, the better they're performing in that category compared to the rest of the league. Its been posted alongside a comment that he doesn't contribute anything. Things like is why it's a struggle to put much stock in these twitter stattos. They have a lot of good stuff, but they come off like that have no idea about the players they're actually on about, as you'd surely be looking at "duel won"/"possessions won" when evaluating Davidson.
  23. I'm finding it amusing seeing your fans reaction to this rumour. A few people saying it's a huge error on his part because he'd achieve more at St Mirren under Jack Ross than at Motherwell. I understand Ross has performed a miracle at St Mirren, but there's a few folk who seem to have completely lost perspective and are talking about top six next season. That seems laughable considering the way the top flight is just now.
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