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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. The Hobbit films seemed to try and copy the same storyline as the LOTR ones to an effect, and in that comparison it was always going to come across as poorer. I think the whole love interest side story was a vain attempt at making it different as LOTR doesn't really have one of those which challenges the main story. The LOTR books are much more film worthy than The Hobbit films anyway, and thats why they were made first, these films shouldn't really have been made at any point and especially not after the LOTR ones had been made, as its just got enough substance on screen. I really, really, fear they'll try and make some effort on The Silmarillion at some point, which would be utterly dreadful.
  2. Has Clarkson not got an appearance based contract extension clause after 20 games?
  3. Because when we rejected him he went to a far smaller side in the seaside leagues.
  4. Not surprising to see Dundee signing another one of our rejects
  5. Nah its the wrong date on the photo, it was the Saturday they were out.
  6. The wind that rattles around the streets of Perth when its cold is utterly horrendous tbf, drops the temperature
  7. Are you the fabled third member of the "straw" club?!
  8. Im sitting watching a horrendously bad version of Robin Hood because I'm too lazy to set my netflix up, lazy shites like me will save "live" TV
  9. I await a comeback from Jamma tbh, theres thousands of horrific photos of me floating about
  10. My favourite was dundeebarrys long lost son though
  11. I can't remember why I said you were wrong tbh, probably just bullshitting to try and save face. FWIW I did think you were an alias to start with, as anyone who just suddenly appears with such panache is always likely to quirk the feathers of alias spotters. I can only apologise, as I was clearly wrong.
  12. I'm not impersonating anyone. Regardless I was voted a better poster than him, so he's copying me if anything
  13. I feel a lot of hate in this post. This was not my intent.
  14. You sure showed me Stagsby, that table showing you on the same points at the team sitting bottom has made me reconsider whether you're in a relegation struggle.
  15. Not sure what you're gloating about tbh, you had more fans against Rangers than you do for league games aswell.
  16. Nice to see the County fans are still acting perfectly normal despite all the relegation woes.
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