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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Mhaks persistant use of an extra "h" in his posts all those years ago, inspired the current trend of Celtic fans doing the same. There was a group of Celtic fans on this site who decided for whatever reason to use it, and The Boys, turned into The Bhoys, and it's been that way ever since
  2. My girlfriends in a mood because I don't remember doing something her friend has just told her I did, a month or so ago. And is more annoyed I didn't tell her that I done this thing that I never knew I'd done, more than me actually doing the thing I can't remember doing. I had planned a drink ot two with an old friend tomorrow night after work, of course this will now be under threat by this mood. I'm completely baffled as I genuinely can't remember it, yet I remember a lot from the night in question, but for whatever reason her friends word is worth more than mine and I'll likely face this seethe until I've admitted I've done something wrong and tried to make up for it
  3. There's an old scrappie who agreed to sell a car to a guy down in London. The buyer drove all the way up with a few friends, tried to haggle and then threaten him to try and get the price down He obviously didn't realise that messing with an old scrap merchant who spends all days ripping cars to bits wasn't the best of ideas, and left promptly without a word after some more discussion...
  4. You see I'm the opposite! But for a good six months I drank only Tennents and Budweiser. So I think I sickened myself
  5. I'm same. I can only have two or three Tennents before getting bored of it, I prefer to start with cider these days. And I'm partial to a Kopparberg or two if I'm starting really early
  6. On the subject of "Americanism" and cars. Do people say "throttle pedal", or "accelerator pedal"?
  7. I think it's too late for that, Loft has become "the" place. I always like City anyway, although only when I was single and hammered
  8. McGovern should really be Number Two ahead of Carroll to be honest And Barry Nicholson was at the Saints v Killie match on Sunday, seemingly signing a 6 month deal with Kilmarnock
  9. My laptop struggled with the video
  10. Not entirely sure what the translation for "Doss c**t" would be, nor Spud
  11. I just think you come across as an attention seeking liar to be honest. Fair play if you are though, I just looked out my window and saw a fat woman waddling down the street, I imagine the women in Ukraine far outrank this
  12. I'm not even joking, I'd be amazed if you were actually in Ukraine
  13. The bus would break, but not the Lexi. It probably wouldn't even be scratched Not that any Lexi driver would take their car anywhere near a public transport route anyway, too close to the plebs you see
  14. I'm surprised he even had to ask. Everybody knows Lexi's don't break down
  15. I don't think he's even out of Scotland to be honest
  16. Still a bit nervous about this character switching thing
  17. Disappointed we missed out on Shepherd. We've been making massive investments into our youth squad, bringing in players from all around the UK. So to miss out on one on our own doorstep isn't too good
  18. I hope it's lights, or that night was wilder than I remember
  19. To be fair they just drew with a strong Newcastle team, who've just started pre-season. Clearly world domination is but a step away
  20. Things like that are infuriating. Worst for me is when you realise that the words coming out the words of the actors don't quite sync up properly, destroys the film
  21. I've taken drugs every day for eyears and snothings ever happened to me, perfectly fine so I am
  22. Was it not started in Cheltenham or somewhere equally unexotic?
  23. Sorry sjc, I didn't want to show you this, but I caught a glimpse of her trying desperately to get away when the morning came...
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