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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Are you that desperate to be liked on an Internet forum? I had no idea this was an actual club, I presumed it was just a bunch of guys having a laugh and trying to wind folk up. Now I know it's an actual "club" and this has all been vaguely serious I'm a little bit worried to be honest, I've plenty of friends in the real world anyway. Being in an Internet club holds no interest to me
  2. It's incredibly homoerotic as it is, to have actually made a list is just unbelievably bad
  3. The fact you've actually made a "club" purely out of guys kind of defeats this entire thing I'm afraid. Nothing dece about having an exclusive club with people you've never met on a football forum
  4. For the past 4-5 years I've had a swollen wrist and every so often I get a dead arm. Today I finally decided to go to the doctor, who has no idea what the swelling is, but thinks I've got a trapped nerve somewhere causing the dead arm utterly fantastic. Got to go the PRI for an ultra sound next month at some point. Most plausible explanation seems to be I've fractured my wrist at some point, it's healed up in the wrong position and has trapped a nerve. Wish I'd never gone now
  5. I've no idea whar you're trying to say. But I'd like to emphasise how much I respect Gok Wan. He's the only man in the history of the world who can get a woman naked instantly after her calling her ugly and fat
  6. I'm still under the impression Gok Wan only acts gay to get women naked, behind the scenes he's probably just a normal bloke
  7. scanned from left to right thinking "that's not too horrific", and then BANG!
  8. He was on trial with us earlier this Summer but we've decided to go for Brian Easton instead. I'll try and find some quotes the Motherwell fans posted in our thread about him Thats all I could find I'm sure there's more but they must be in a different thread, as the Saints transfer one gets engulfed with people mocking the McDonald signing as soon as Saunders was mentioned
  9. Ice cream vans just aren't as popular as they used to be
  10. Currently downloading a LOTR mod for Medieval Two. Cannot wait
  11. He's brilliant in everything I've seen. Love the man
  12. I imagine he's got the image of two sexy sisters in their underwear rolling about the ground "fighting" over a bra. Sadly by the sounds of them it would be more like two ewoks fighting over a branch
  13. In the early "wild" days of my relationship my girlfriend used to take a camera out and take about 200 photos. Getting tagged in them the next day was horrifying
  14. I'd wager neither of you are nearly as brave when you're actually talking to your partner
  15. I can understand why people hate the Cash version, and why people hate Cash in general. For whatever reason I love his music though I also enjoyed The Streets, maybe I just enjoy people talking with music playing at the same time
  16. Yup. If you sacrifice a honey badger to the great god Imhotep you might get answers. I can't see any other options to be honest
  17. You can't. It's now stuck like that forever. Unlucks
  18. Ginger?! How very dare you! I'm a ravishing brunette, who goes slightly blonde in the Sun And I'm off to Fuerteventura, to some villas in Caleta de Fuste. Cheap, Quiet and close to the beach, sounds fantastic
  19. I'm tempted, although I'm unsure how good a party in whats effectively a tin shed would be?
  20. My boss is away on holiday. I've been left in charge until Friday and I've already done every job required of me. So I've got a relaxing final two days before two weeks holiday Also, this time next week I'll be sitting in Spain, relaxing and possibly still getting a tan. Utterly tremendous
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