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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I take it this will mean the end of the Doctor/ Companion forbidden love shite they dredge into every series these days?
  2. You realise I'm not actually StandFree don't you?
  3. Within 5 seconds of a hug I'm already getting the urge to squeeze their arse. I'd probably physically rape someone if we hugged for 20
  4. You'd be better posting a photo to go with your heading Edit: BANTER
  5. I'm gutted my "rabbit ears" didn't make the photo Also
  6. I'm right handed, and (worryingly) it's only ever my left arm that goes dead
  7. For the past few years I've had an intermittent dead arm problem. Every so often I'll just get a shooting pain up it and it'll feel likes it's dead I went to the doctor about this and about a swollen wrist I've had for even longer. I've got a hospital trip on Monday to see what the wrist problem is, but I'd have rather got the dead arm sorted. It's currently been since about 7 o'clock last night on and off and is still causing pain. It will go away eventually but it's a bloody nuisance. The doctor told me he thinks it's a trapped nerve somewhere, but it would be very hard to sort as the nerve could be trapped "anywhere" from my wrist to the back of my neck. Fucking joyous
  8. I've recently discovered I hate drunk people. They have a habit of walking down my street at all times of the night shouting at each other, despite being only yards from each other. I'm sharing this as it's a new discovery, and because it's not petty, it's a huge burning hate from within the soul of my ancestors
  9. Granny Dangers on the verge of physical violence due to his inability to count to 11 and the use of the , it's tremendously easy entertainment
  10. You lot look strong this year. Although a lot might depend on the foreigners
  11. I've realised I can be a decent poster if I just avoid this section of the site. Tremendous
  12. He seems to have a crush on that Southend reject they just signed. I bet he's got his name on the back and runs about his garden celebrating
  13. Went to see that last night. I probably ruined the film for the children around me with my never ending laughing fits, but f**k it. Was hilarious
  14. This is my new favourite photo. Showing the desperate lengths The Rangers fans will go to, to try and see a European game..
  15. I'm meant to be doing the Mile tonight. I can't see it ending well
  16. I had been holding off an illness for weeks until the game. The game wore me down so much that I'm now filled with it, I've still not had a celebratory drink
  17. Yes, there's a sensor that recognises when the car is stopped and switches off the engine. What do you presume would happen if you're flying down the motorway at 70 and this sensor fails, sending a signal that the car is stopped whilst your driving? They still haven't mastered the electric handbrake and they've been putting them in cars for over a decade
  18. Stop Start technology has been in cars for years, I await it to start going wrong. As somebody will be killed if it does. Fucking stupid attempt at lowering emissions and improving economy. I doubt it makes a huge difference, and the emission/economy figures they give you are flawed anyway
  19. Roberts last season seemed to look decent in spurts for Caley. I don't think he's good enough to be a regular for a title chasing First division team
  20. I have to agree, although I saw a few similarities to the Dodgeball "rejects" with some of them
  21. I'm going to my first Saints game in what seems like forever on Sunday. KEEN
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