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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Bell Street do do a half decent bed and breakfast
  2. Is there not a new rule that pedestrians have the right of way in such situations? As much as I dislike the presumption that car is king, I think the new rule is dangerous.
  3. I made a terracing out of linoleum for my subbuteo stadium. Insert Raith Rovers joke below.
  4. I cannot remember the last time I felt so down about the state of affairs on this planet. Head in the sand attitude towards climate change, which has finally impacted on Scotland this past week, and what is inevitably going to ratchet up in Gaza in the coming few weeks. We are supposed to be an intelligent species.
  5. I thought that Stranraer always offered a threat up top, but looked shaky at the back throughout. A number of really good performances for East Fife this afternoon. Connor McManus, Alan Trouten and Liam Newton were terrific. Sean Docherty deservedly got motm though. Scott Shepherd was also v. good.
  6. Setanta was responsible* for my son becoming a Celtic fan. I used to drag him all over Scotland seeing East Fife playing mostly utter guff, then he'd watch Henrik and Co on the Sunday. *Actually, I was responsible for the East Fife part. Mea culpa etc.
  7. On a similar McGlashan vein. Why do UK road atlases* start from the south? *Not entirely sure road atlases are a thing these days, but it has been annoying me for years/ decades.
  8. Agree up to a point. However: English hooligan enthusiasts referring to, for example: Millwall at Leeds, when they are not meaning the guys on the park, does my napper in.
  9. The Toll Bar was a bit of a trek for a Leven loddie. That neck of the woods was infamous for panning in the windows of Hearts supporters' buses heading back from Bayview to Edinburgh in the late 1970s.
  10. There was a fairly prolific Bo'ness United fan who was a bit iffy. Seems to have gone off grid
  11. There was a pub I used to quite enjoy, cannae mind the name, on the road from the station to Airdrie town centre. The first time I visited I thought it was a gay bar as it was only males in there. Then I realised it was mostly older men and the racing channel was on the Telly. Anyway. It was closed last time I was in Airdrie.
  12. Favourites in Leven back in the day, all gone, were the Silver Tassie, The Den Inn, the Hunting Lodge and the Beach Hotel. The Auld Hoose used to be good but they dissected it, losing the horseshoe bar in the process - utter madness. The East Dock Bar in Methil is still a decent boozer. In Dundee I have jinxed my two locals. The Planet Bar (a friendly Dive) now closed, and the roof blew off the Charleston, which was a decent shop to watch the fitba. Lochee's not brilliant for pubs it has to be said. Sandy's is okay, and the Albert at a push.
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