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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. "we're"? Don't you mean "I'm"? You're the only sad Carmelite on here embarrassing yourself.
  2. It saddens me to say this, but Forfar seem to be against developing the youth in the town. They seem to be still going all Dick Campbell on the way forward. Maybe Forfar can lead the way in Angus in progressing youths? At the moment Montrose seem to be ahead of the game.
  3. Is it like a wedding when you get that bit where the priest asks if anyone has any objection to it taking place? Could be Harry's big moment.
  4. I'm probably the only one that's getting triggered here. The defending from both teams has been shocking.
  5. It's almost enough to make me put my phone down and watch this game properly
  6. Smoking is a filthy enough habit in the first place, but around 99 percent discard their horrible fag ends expecting someone else to pick them up. Selfish behaviour
  7. Going to Farfir. I'm not sure how staunch the locals up there are.
  8. I'm sure most of the individuals involved are just decent human beings caught up in a ridiculous archaic institution by accident of birth, but come on to f**k, we are now into the 21st century. It's surely time to move forward.
  9. I note we are getting a commemorative post box to mark the occasion in red, white and blue on the Royal Mile. You know that custom of spitting on the Heart of Midlothian crest? Hmmmm.......
  10. I took this game in as a neutral. Morelos should have been hooked after half an hour. What a waste of a significant amount of space.
  11. Having watched Albion Rovers over the course of the season, I would strongly fancy them to see off Spartans or Brechin City.
  12. Both East Fife and Albion Rovers have now issued statements about this incident. Almost as bad as someone shouting racist abuse is the apparent reluctance to confront the perpetrator. Just get them tell't ffs. 99 percent of those around you will back you up!
  13. ... and by the way, that c**t who racially abused the Albion Rovers player needs his arse kicked over the Bawbee Brig. I'll do it personally. With pleasure
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