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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. New Years Day games back in the day were great. "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells..." Folk out for the count horizontal on the terracing.
  2. I'm half expecting an interjection from our Texan correspondent.
  3. He's not too shabby for a former Falkirk player.
  4. Back on topic. Discussing fitba stuff that is non-Scottish should be discouraged in this forum.
  5. I remember that season. Berwick Rangers won the league. We only finished fourth despite beating Falkirk three times.
  6. Thinking it looks cool is my best guess. Bit like starting smoking at 12 years old.
  7. Cigarette smokers must be the laziest, most selfish individuals on the planet. When was the last time you saw someone dispose of one in a considerate manner? They get discarded everywhere. Who do they expect to pick up after them?
  8. What do you think Trade Union leader's remit is?
  9. Okay. Thank you. I'm not sure what you think was odd about my manner of response. I'm sure it will go to a vote at the next Board Meeting.
  10. Okay. You've spoken to the Chairman directly, as have numerous others - your words. What was the Chairman's response following your conversation?
  11. Who are these numerous people you mention? I'm not quite getting your angst on this particular issue.
  12. I couldn't give fiddler's fart about English fitba (unless the Toffees are doing well, which they aren't). But it's not as bad as ICT continually being referred to as "Caley". It's like Thistle never existed.
  13. That's all well and good. But how does that drive you into becoming a racist, homophobic, misogynistic pig?
  14. These multi-laned drive throughs cannot be good for the environment.
  15. Every year folk complain about the lack signings. It's not even June yet.
  16. It might also be the case that the whole force is so institutionally corrupt that the only safe time to call it out is on the day you retire from office. I may be playing the devil's advocate card here.
  17. Not again. I think I can mind of the last time, but I couldn't be certain
  18. That's a pretty low bar though. "Not all polis are c***s" There is clearly a big problem going on. I also know some very decent police people.
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