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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Not sure if Jocky Scott could be described as a midfielder.
  2. There was a guy at our school infamously got pished in the outing to the Fife version. After emptying him out of the beer tent the teachers took it turns to wheel him about in a wheelchair, still singing and shouting the odds, before getting the bus back to Buckhind.
  3. The straw that probably broke the camel's back. Poor guy's telephone was probably launched out the window.
  4. Doesn't even bear thinking about. There's bedroom games and there's bedroom games.
  5. Channel hopping and you get distracted by something and find Top fucking Gear on your TV. The bit at the end where they gather together with their fans and w**k each other off.
  6. Israel are a bunch of chancers at every conceivable level.
  7. I quite enjoyed the Pride event and the Windrush exhibition. I've also outed myself as a Weirdo I realise.
  8. As long as you got the bus or the tram to get there Chris, I'll let you off. No wellies, barbour jackets or voting Tory allowed though.
  9. Magnificent! Only slightly tarnished by the misspelling of metres. I was going to point the finger at the yanks, then realised they would have measured it in yards. Then I came across the black swallower, which isn't even black. Overthinking things as usual.
  10. I was going to suggest offering a free ticket to wherever you were heading to random bairns but....
  11. I forget his name, but the Kilmarnock supporter who was a prison officer down south seemed like a decent sort. Against the odds when you think about it. Not posted on here for some time.
  12. Half-time score: Kelty Hearts 0 Raith Rovers 1
  13. Strong c***s taking on c***s vibes here. A bit like the orange order having a square go with the apprentice boys. Less morbidly obese folk obvs.
  14. Just passing Ingliston on the bus the now and the place is hoaching with fermer types polluting the atmosphere with their big stupid cars. Reminds me of going by train to the fitba when the Leuchars airshow thingmy event was on and not being able to get a seat. Should weirdo events be banned, or would this put lower division Scottish fitba at risk?
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