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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Actually, we're going on a descent into misogyny here. Rewind!
  2. I can vaguely mind of a parody by Billy Connolly about polis corruption. It was originally a Rolf Harris song (Thatcher loved it - the Harris version, obviously). Unsurprisingly no longer available on YouTube.
  3. I don't (obviously). I'm just astonished at the rate of scandals mounting up. And more so, the scandalous denials of anything untoward going on. They are embarrassing themselves on an almost day to day basis Scotland and UK wide. Something needs to change.
  4. It seems ever other day, a horror story is coming out. The outgoing Police Scotland chappie admitting the force is institutionally racist, homophobic and mysogynist. Today a Met copper is convicted of multiple rapes. It's absolutely shocking stuff.
  5. Not today, but yesterday evening at Camperdown Park I learned that I could blag my way through stage one of security, get nonchalantly by stage two while streams of folk were heading out but was not fast enough to out sprint the lads at stage 3 to gain entry to the event without a ticket.
  6. I can come up with some arsehole fellow East Fife fans if you want, probably a few of whichever team you support. But do they represent us?
  7. Sitting in my wee garden in Lochee listening to the sounds from Camperdown Park. Love is in the air!
  8. Carnoustie eight up at the break here at Pitskelly Park, albeit with a stiffish breeze at their back.
  9. That's the year the planet is projected to recover from them
  10. Poor behavior. He's becoming a pain in the ass.
  11. The churches were closed during the initial period of Lockdown, then were re-opened along with some other public buildings with strict social distancing conditions. I remember swimming pools were re-opened as part of that phase.
  12. There was no singing during that period. The Mass was spoken and no hymns.
  13. Henry Morris's goals per game tally takes some beating in Scottish senior football. Alan Gilzean runs him close; his were admittedly scored when Dundee were in the top flight.
  14. Blackbirds are pretty vocal round my bit the now. Which is lovely. Is it peak winching season for them?
  15. The "indicator" must have blinking pretty erratically as well.
  16. It is a shite flag though, to be fair.
  17. She's gorgeous, but scary as hell at the same time.
  18. Deirdre Barlow lookalike with a stupid accent
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