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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Come on TX. Translate into Scots man! You can do it
  2. This is the age of the train Eeuggha-Eauggha-Eeuggha Dry boak
  3. My Gran (born in 1916) had this saying: "I want, doesn't get" also "I'll skelp your dowp", which is more easily translatable
  4. By my reckoning, the Fife Cup is the second oldest trophy still competed for in the world
  5. I've always been a fan. He doesn't strike me as your average Coatbridge tractor boy. Plus, a son of Coatbridge was my favourite player of Stevie Archibald's EFFC promotion winning team. I love an understated/ under-rated holding midfielder in the Hugh Hill mould.
  6. My old man was a pools' agent for beer money. They used to call him Mr Vernon.
  7. There once was a poster called Kilt whose marriage appeared on the wilt A box of maltesers would certainly please her But he changed his mind at the last minute and gave it to a lassie off of Pie and Bovril at an airport* *Failed to get the last bit to rhyme
  8. God I could murder a Cadbury's Flake But then you probably wouldn't let me into heaven But maybe you would because their adverts promote oral sex
  9. In Dundee you do. At least folk request them in pubs, and something gets delivered to them in a pint glass across the bar
  10. A pint of special and a black and tan please, and change for the juke box
  11. Get us an Exchange and Mart from John Menzies. Just below the scud book shelf
  12. You clearly never went to school in Fife in the late 1970s
  13. The best episode with Corbett was the bit of the boxing one. The boy traded blow by blow with him, never flinched.
  14. East Fife are back on the winning trail! Fitba is the beautiful game once again
  15. Right, off to watch Everton finishing off some Manchester mob. Toffees!!!
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