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Everything posted by oneteaminglasgow

  1. It’s about whether their source have called Arizona and Maine’s first 3 votes or not, I believe. If they have, then 238, if not 224.
  2. BBC are showing the popular vote for “others” at 1.6%, apparently down 3.8%.
  3. Last I checked the New York Times were predicting a Biden win because the votes still to be counted are likely to be for Biden.
  4. Imagine getting yourself in such a state that Ben fucking Shapiro can call you out and be right.
  5. I’m going to hazard a guess that if the average member of the public doesn’t know or care about Dominic Cummings beyond the lockdown stuff, then they also won’t care about some guy who’s been dead 15 years - even if he did f**k them over with his actions in the 70s. If anyone asks you “why is the country like what it’s like” then it’s an interesting case study. If they say “why should I vote yes” then it’s maybe not the most effective way to convince them.
  6. Because I’m someone who has gone from a very soft no last time, to a hard yes this time, and because I know full well that telling me about something that happened 20 years before I was born and which I could do nothing to stop the effects of would have less impact than saying “this terrible thing is happening now, and you can stop it by voting yes”.
  7. Are you being deliberately obtuse or just missing his fairly obvious point? While the stuff you’re talking about is real and obviously matters, if you want to convince a no or undecided to vote yes, then you’re much better off chatting about the here and now. Talking about Dominic Cummings, Brexit, Johnson’s shameless populism and the obvious disdain which they have for Scotland will have far more effect than saying “50 years ago, this happened and that has caused a plethora of problems.” Because people can see the effects clearly as they happen, and because people can do something about them.
  8. We don’t actually need to tweet anything, but confirmation of what’s happening with Declan Glass would have been preferable to “someone you don’t know has had a child” The “get well soon” one was fine as he’s involved at the club, but I have no idea why we’re doing the other stuff. The woman’s daughter got an actual article on the website for f**k sake.
  9. Only if the amount who have and haven’t voted are the same, or most haven’t already voted. If, as I’m sure was posted above, most people have already voted then Biden would have more.
  10. I really, really can’t be arsed with this. 2-0 Falkirk. Shea Gordon and Richard Foster to inexplicably play 90 minutes.
  11. That was fucking appalling. Shite stream, worse game. In particular, that was the most anonymous I can remember Shea Gordon being. A complete passenger. I get that he sometimes scores goals, and his runs can stretch the other team and open up space but that was terrible. But he was just one issue and everything about that was utter pish.
  12. That’s the first mention of the figure on WAT, and seems to be where the rumours have started.
  13. The 6000 claim seems to have originated with our commercial manager trying to sell advertising space...
  14. No one baited him, at least in the posts that got him banned. He just launched into “the Jews control the media and probably did 9/11” all by himself.
  15. My highlight was the stuff about having women on the jury being a conspiracy to find Salmond guilty.
  16. I don’t believe that you actually believe this. All the best.
  17. Ed Sheeran and Stacey Dooley are arseholes, so I’m all for any reason to cancel them - deserved or not. What do you think of the use of blatantly racist language by Johnson?
  18. Johnson is also a racist as well as islamophobic for what it’s worth. Or will Stormzy be along to tell us how “piccanninies” and “Watermelon smiles” is actually fine.
  19. ^has a “starkly communist, Marxist agenda”, imo.
  20. They’d use any outcome that sees Biden win to take to the streets, imo.
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