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Everything posted by oneteaminglasgow

  1. He's a bright chap, he has that PhD in "something useful" after all...
  2. I'd say we have absolutely no chance of keeping Lindsay. He's spoken openly about his ambitions to play in England and for Scotland, which won't happen while he's here, so if we can get good money and a sell on clause I'll be pleased.
  3. As has been well established, being roundly humped in an election by the SNP is only a win for the Conservatives. On a serious note, that the SNP probably won't win as high a number of seats as last time isn't really indicative of anything other than the unionist core vote realigning under the Tory banner. Any suggestion that an increased Tory vote equals less appetite for indyref2 is naive at best, and downright dishonest at worst.
  4. A great reason to vote yes right there. The fact the democratically elected Scottish government attempting to implement a part of the manifesto on which it was elected can be ignored is disgraceful.
  5. Edwards has better energy and is more combative than Craigen was, but Craigen is definitely better on the ball and probably a more intelligent player imo. I'd slightly rather have Edwards as I think he has more impact on the team as a whole but, as you say, definitely debatable.
  6. They also "oppose the premise of the welfare state" and believe that education should be provided by the free market, so although "pro-indy, anti EU" is a gap in the market, it has been filled by absolute lunatics.
  7. They need something to pretend that the mandate doesn't exist, otherwise they would have to admit that May attempting to block any independence referendum, which she is doing, is an outrage and should be decried as such by anyone who gives a solitary shite about democracy.
  8. I think it starts out as all ticket, with anything left over sold on the day. I managed to pay at the gate last time but with the way Thistle are playing not sure that'll be possible this time.
  9. So, how exactly is wanting independence from the EU not based in prejudice but wanting independence from the UK is?
  10. The difference between the left and right is that we have a society which has created conditions whereby some within it have to fail and the right want to do f**k all to help them since it's all their fault. Obviously personal responsibility plays a part, people are ultimately in control of their own decisions but to not admit that we as a society have a responsibility to each other, whether rich or poor, is lunacy as far as I'm concerned.
  11. What is it that you find despicable about the SNP?
  12. Alex Salmond is a granny shagger as well, don't forget that.
  13. Why? Why do you believe that in order for Scotland's economy to thrive, it needs to be managed by Westminster?
  14. I completely disagree with you, I believe that other Scotland, if managed properly, would easily be able to prosper outwith the union. Oil is not the only commodity in Scotland, and an economic policy to highlight this and exploit Scotland's riches of other resources and skills. Is economics the only consideration you make in this your decision on this? Do you, for example, consider Scotland being dragged out the EU against the stated will of the people of Scotland in making your decision?
  15. Loondave1, what are your reasons for wanting to remain within the union?
  16. Scotland could potentially be a very wealthy nation. That hasn't changed since 2014.
  17. I think the point is to get out of the UK as quickly as possible to minimise the inevitable damage that leaving the EU with an absolute shambles of a deal or no deal at all, which is exactly what May is leading the UK towards, does to the Scottish economy. We're on a sinking ship and people are seriously suggesting we wait till we're at the bottom of the fucking sea to see if its alright there.
  18. Retired from professional football I think, he's still allowed to play glorified sunday league nonsense.
  19. Well aye, obviously independence isn't going to suddenly solve all of Scotland's problems by itself. It is merely the first step in allowing us, as a nation, to address them.
  20. There's an argument to be made that independence from the UK could be seen as more important than those issues in the short term, as it is the best way to allow us to create a better, fairer Scotland long term.
  21. The "Family of nations" chat makes me feel physically ill.
  22. It might just be me, but carrying out their manifesto promises sounds like literally the exact job they were elected to do.
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